
nnmcommunication.ovpl — Allows management of communication settings.


nnmcommunication.ovpl -?

nnmcommunication.ovpl addCertificate (-default|-region (<name>|<uuid>)| -nodeSetting (<name>|<uuid>)) (-cert <cert_file>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl addCommunity (-default|-region <region>) -community <value> [-ordering <order>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl addCredential (-default|-region <region>|-nodeSetting <nodeName>) -type (SHELL|VMWARE) -username <username> -password <password>

nnmcommunication.ovpl addSnmpV3Setting (-default | -region (<name>|<uuid>)) -snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl createAddressRange [-uuid <uuid>] -region <region> -range <ip_range>

nnmcommunication.ovpl createHostnameFilter -hostname <pattern> -region <region> [-uuid <uuid>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl createNodeSettings -name <name> [-addressDiscovery (true|false)] [-description <description>] [-icmpEnabled (true|false)] [-icmpRetries <number>] [-icmpTimeout <timeout>] [-managementAddress <ip>] [-shellCredential <credential>] [-shellUser <username>] [-vmWareCredential <credential>] [-vmWareUser <username>] [-snmpCommunity <string>] [-snmpEnabled (true|false)] [-snmpGetBulk (true|false)] [-snmpPort <port>] [-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)] [-snmpRetries <number>] [-snmpTimeout <timeout>] [-snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>)] [-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>] [-uuid <uuid>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl createRegionSettings -name <name> -ordering <order> [-addressDiscovery (true|false)] [-addressFilter <filter>] [-description <description>] [-hostnameFilter <filter>] [-icmpEnabled (true|false)] [-icmpRetries <number>] [-icmpTimeout <timeout>] [-name <name>] [-ordering <integer>] [-shellCredential <credential>] [-shellUser <username>] [-vmWareCredential <credential>] [-vmWareUser <username>] [-snmpCommunities <strings>] [-snmpEnabled (true|false)] [-snmpGetBulk (true|false)] [-snmpPort <port>] [-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)] [-snmpRetries <number>] [-snmpSecurityLevel (COMMUNITY_ONLY|COMMUNITY|NO_AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_PRIV|COMMUNITY_ONLY_V1)] [-snmpTimeout <timeout>] [-snmpV3Settings (<name>|<uuid>)] [-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>] [-uuid <uuid>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl createSnmpV3Settings -name <name> [-authPass <string>] [-authProtocol (HMAC_MD5_96|HMAC_SHA_1)] [-contextName <string>] [-name <name>] [-privPass <string>] [-privProtocol (DES_CBC|TripleDES|AES_128|AES_192|AES_256)] [-username <name>] [-uuid <uuid>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl delete (-region <region>| -nodeSetting <nodeSetting>| -snmpV3Setting <v3Setting>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl deleteAddressRange (-region (<name>|<uuid>) | -range <ip_range> | -uuid <uuid> )

nnmcommunication.ovpl deleteHostnameFilter (-hostname <pattern> -region <region> | -uuid <uuid>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl listAddressRanges [-range <ip_range>] [-region (<name>|<uuid>)] [-uuid <uuid>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl listCertificates (-default|-region (<name>|<uuid>)|-nodeSetting (<name>|<uuid>))

nnmcommunication.ovpl listCommunities (-default|-region <region> | -nodeSetting <node>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl listDefaults

nnmcommunication.ovpl listCredentials (-default|-region <region>|-nodeSetting <nodeName>) [-type (SHELL|VMWARE)]

nnmcommunication.ovpl listEffective -node <node>

nnmcommunication.ovpl listHostnameFilters (-hostname <pattern> -region <region>) | (-uuid <uuid>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl listNodeSettings -name <name>

nnmcommunication.ovpl listRegionSettings [-name <name>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl listSnmpAgentSettings [-node (<name>|<uuid>)]

nnmcommunication.ovpl listSnmpV3Settings [(-name <name>|-uuid <uuid>)]

nnmcommunication.ovpl listWebAgentSettings [-node (<name>|<uuid>)]

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeCertificate (-default|-region (<name>|<uuid>)|-nodeSetting (<name>|<uuid>)) (-uuid <uuid>|-subjectDN <subjectDN>| -fingerPrint <fingerPrint>|-serialNumber <serialNumber>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeCommunity (-default|-region <region>) (-community <value>|-ordering <order>) -uuid <uuid>: The object unique identifier.

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeCredential (-default|-region <region>|-nodeSetting <nodeName>) -type (SHELL|VMWARE) [-username <username>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeSnmpV3Setting (-default | -region (<name>|<uuid>)) -snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateCredential (-default|-region <region>|-nodeSetting <nodeName>) -type (SHELL|VMWARE) (-username <username>|-password <password>)

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateDefaults [-addressDiscovery (true|false)] [-default] [-icmpEnabled (true|false)] [-icmpRetries <number>] [-icmpTimeout <timeout>] [-interfaceMatcher <value>] [-managementAddressSelection <ALG1,ALG2,ALG3>] [-preferIPVersion (IPv4|IPv6|IPAny)] [-shellCredential <credential>] [-shellUser <username>] [-snmpCommunities <strings>] [-snmpEnabled (true|false)] [-snmpGetBulk (true|false)] [-snmpPort <port>] [-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)] [-snmpRetries <number>] [-snmpSecurityLevel (COMMUNITY_ONLY|COMMUNITY|NO_AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_PRIV|COMMUNITY_ONLY_V1)] [-snmpTimeout <timeout>] [-snmpV3Settings (<name>|<uuid>)] [-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateSnmpAgentSettings -node (<name> | <uuid>) [-address <ip>] [-community <string>] [-enabled (true|false)] [-mode (AUTO|LOCKED)] [-port <port>] [-retries <integer>] [-timeout <duration>] [-version (V1|V2C|V3)] [-writeCommunity <string>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateNodeSettings -nodeSetting (<name>|<uuid>) [-addressDiscovery (true|false)] [-description <description>] [-icmpEnabled (true|false)] [-icmpRetries <number>] [-icmpTimeout <timeout>] [-managementAddress <ip>] [-name <name>] [-shellCredential <credential>] [-shellUser <username>] [-vmWareCredential <credential>] [-vmWareUser <username>] [-snmpCommunity <string>] [-snmpEnabled (true|false)] [-snmpGetBulk (true|false)] [-snmpPort <port>] [-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)] [-snmpRetries <number>] [-snmpTimeout <timeout>] [-snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>)] [-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateRegionSettings -region (<name>|<uuid>) [-addressDiscovery (true|false)] [-addressFilter <filter>] [-description <description>] [-hostnameFilter <filter>] [-icmpEnabled (true|false)] [-icmpRetries <number>] [-icmpTimeout <timeout>] [-name <name>] [-ordering <integer>] [-shellCredential <credential>] [-shellUser <username>] [-vmWareCredential <credential>] [-vmWareUser <username>] [-snmpCommunities <strings>] [-snmpEnabled (true|false)] [-snmpGetBulk (true|false)] [-snmpPort <port>] [-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)] [-snmpRetries <number>] [-snmpSecurityLevel (COMMUNITY_ONLY|COMMUNITY|NO_AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_NO_PRIV|AUTH_PRIV|COMMUNITY_ONLY_V1)] [-snmpTimeout <timeout>] [-snmpV3Settings (<name>|<uuid>)] [-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateSnmpV3Setting -snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>) [-authPass <string>] [-authProtocol (HMAC_MD5_96|HMAC_SHA_1)] [-contextName <string>] [-name <name>] [-privPass <string>] [-privProtocol (DES_CBC|TripleDES|AES_128|AES_192|AES_256)] [-username <name>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateWebAgentSettings -node (<name>|<uuid>) [-mode <(AUTO|LOCKED)>] [-agentEnabled true|false)] [-username <string>] [-password <string>] [-port <port>] [-scheme (HTTP|HTTPS)] [-timeout <duration>] [-cert <cert_file>]

nnmcommunication.ovpl -batch <batch_file> [-quiet]

The following additional options are available to most/all of the commands listed above:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -fields <fields> -format <style> <host> -http.port <port> -jndiHost <hostname> -jndiPort <port> -p <password> -u <username>


The general format of the nnmcommunication.ovpl command line is the following:

nnmcommunication.ovpl <command> <options>

Each of the available choices for command are listed below, in the Commands section. Similarly, the available options for each of the commands are found in the Options section. Many commands share similar options. See the Synopsis section above for the appropriate list of options for each command.



Adds device trusted certificate to default or specific node or regions settings communication configuration


Adds a community string to default, region or node settings. If ordering is not provided then the specified community string will be tried last.


Adds device credentials for communication configuration to default, node-specific, or regions settings.


Assigns the specified SNMPv3 setting to default or region settings.


Runs the tool in batch mode with the supplied input file or \"-\" to read from standard-in. Note that in batch mode, the input file lists several other commands to perform. The entire batch operation is performed as a single database transaction, which means that if there is an error part way through the batch operation, all previous operations which had succeeded are rolled back. The error message will list the line number in the batch file that had the error.


Creates a new address range entry whose name is the specified <region>. Note that the region name can have multiple address range entries associated with it.


Creates a new hostname filter entry.


Creates a new per-node configuration.


Creates a new region configuration.


Creates a new SNMPv3 configuration.


Deletes a region, per-node setting or SNMPv3 setting.


Removes one or more address range entries.


Removes one or more hostname filter entries.


Lists address range entries.


Lists device trusted certificates configured for default or specific node or regions settings communication configuration.


Lists the community string for default, region or node settings.


Lists device credentials for communication configuration to default, node-specific, or regions settings.


Lists the default communication settings.


Lists the effective communication settings configured for a node.


Lists hostname filter entries.


Lists the per-node settings.


Lists the configured communication regions. If a name is provided, then only that region is listed, otherwise all regions are listed.


Lists the active settings for SNMP agents managed by the local NNMi server.


Lists the settings of all Web Agents managed by the local NNMi management server. To view a list of Web Agents running on a specific node, provide the hostname or UUID of the node with the command.


Removes configured device trusted certificates from default or specific node or regions settings communication configuration.


Lists the SNMPv3 configuration(s). If a name is provided, then only the SNMPv3 settings matching that name are listed, otherwise all SNMPv3 settings are listed.


Removes a community string from default, region or node settings.


Deletes device credentials for communication configuration from default, node-specific, or regions settings.


Removes the specified SNMPv3 setting from default or region settings.


Directly updates agent settings for node managed by the local NNMi server. Directly updating agent settings will cause the agent mode to become LOCKED unless the -mode AUTO argument is specified with the command.


Updates device credentials for communication configuration in default, node-specific, or regions settings.


Updates fields on the default communication configuration.


Updates fields on a per-node configuration.


Updates fields on a communication region configuration.


Change values on an SNMPv3 configuration.


Directly updates the settings of a Web Agent hosted on a node managed by the local NNMi management server. Directly updating agent settings will cause the agent mode to become LOCKED unless the -mode AUTO argument is specified with the command. "-cert" option can be specified without any value to delete trusted certificates from Web Agent Settings.


This section lists common options to the commands listed above.

-address <ip>

The management address to use for the node.

-addressDiscovery (true|false)

If true NNMi will attempt to discover a new management address if the old one stops responding.

-addressFilter <filter>

The address range for included nodes. For example, 192.168.1-20.* or fc00::/7. Multiple entries can be concatenated with a semi-colon separator.

-authPass <string>

The SNMPv3 authentication pass-phrase.

-authProtocol (HMAC_MD5_96|HMAC_SHA_1)

The SNMPv3 authentication protocol.

-cert <cert_file>

Fully qualified path to the trusted certificate file. The supported trusted certificate file extensions are .pem, .crt, .cer and .der

-community <string>

The value of the community string.

-contextName <string>

The SNMPv3 Context Name.


Changes values on the default settings in case of add/update/remove options, enumerates the default settings for list options

-description <description>

The settings description.

-fingerPrint <fingerPrint>

Public key fingerprint of the trusted certificate.

-hostnameFilter <filter>

The hostname pattern for included nodes, for example *

-icmpEnabled (true|false)

True to enable ICMP communication; false to disable.

-icmpRetries <number>

The ICMP retries.

-icmpTimeout <timeout>

The ICMP timeout in milliseconds.

-interfaceMatcher <value>

Expression to match an interface to use as the preferred management address.

-managementAddress <ip>

The management address to use for the node.

-managementAddressSelection <ALG1,ALG2,ALG3>

The order to run management address selection algorithms. Valid values are: LOW_LOOPBACK, HIGH_LOOPBACK, SEED, or INTERFACE. If INTERFACE is used, then you must also specify the <interfaceMatcher> parameter.


Mode of the agent. AUTO means apply from configuration LOCKED means values are explicitly set by the user.

-name <name>

Filters the output by name; wildcards * and ? are supported.

-name <name>

The settings name.

-node <node>

Filters the output by node name; FQDN, short name and IP address are supported.

-nodeSetting (<name>|<uuid>)

Specifies a per-node setting; valid inputs are the setting name or setting UUID.

-ordering <integer>

The priority ordering of the settings. Settings are tried in priority order, from 1 to the highest number. Having two items with same priority order will result in an error.

-password <string>

Password for the device communication.

-preferIPVersion (IPv4|IPv6|IPAny)

The preferred IP version.

-privPass <string>

The SNMPv3 privacy pass-phrase.

-privProtocol (DES_CBC|TripleDES|AES_128|AES_192|AES_256)

The SNMPv3 privacy protocol.

-range <ip_range>

An ip address range. Examples are: or 192.168.1-10.*.

-retries <integer>

The number of SNMP retries.

-region (<name>|<uuid>)

Specifies the region. Valid values are the region name or UUID.

-serialNumber <serialNumber>

Serial Number of the trusted certificate.

-shellCredential <credential>

The device shell credential.

-shellUser <username>

The device shell username.

-snmpCommunities <strings>

The SNMP read community string(s), which is a semicolon-separated list. Note that shells on the Linux platforms treat the semicolon character as a special character, therefore the list must be quoted to avoid this special interpretation.

-snmpCommunity <string>

The snmp community to use for the node.

-snmpEnabled (true|false)

Enables or disables SNMP communication.

-snmpGetBulk (true|false)

If true NNMi will use SNMPv2c GetBulk commands.

-snmpPort <port>

The port to use for SNMP communication.

-snmpPreferredVersion (V1|V2C|V3)

The default SNMP version to use.

-snmpRetries <number>

The number of SNMP retries.


The SNMP minimum security level.

-snmpTimeout <timeout>

The SNMP timeout in milliseconds.

-snmpV3Setting (<name>|<uuid>)

Reference to an SNMP V3 Setting by Name or UUID.

-snmpV3Settings (<name>|<uuid>)

Reference to one or more SNMP V3 Settings by Name or UUID.

-snmpWriteCommunity <community_string>

The SNMP write community string.

-subjectDN <subjectDN>

Subject DN of the trusted certificate.

-timeout <duration>

The timeout for the Snmp Agent or Web Agent. Format is either 1000 or PT1S for one second for the Snmp Agent ,PT1S for one second for the Web Agent.


The credential type; valid values are SHELL, VMWARE.

-username <name>

The username for this configuration.

-uuid <uuid>

The object unique identifier.

-version (V1|V2C|V3)

The SNMP version used by this agent. Valid values are V1, V2C or V3.

-writeCommunity <string>

The SNMP write community string.

-agentEnabled (true|false)

Enables or disables Web Agent communication.

-scheme (HTTP|HTTPS)

The scheme to be used by the Web Agent for communication.

Additional Parameters

-fields <fields>

Selects the output fields for table data as a comma-separated list

-format <style>

Sets the output format for table data; valid values are TEXT, LIST, CSV or XML. <host>

The server host; default is localhost.

-http.port <port>

The server port; default is 80.

-jndiHost <hostname>

The server jndi host; default is localhost

-jndiPort <port>

The server jndi port; default is 1099

-p <password>

The password of the user


Suppresses the normal output and only print errors.

-u <username>

The username to run this command


Create region settings for all nodes in the USA (as determined by hostname), and set the ordering to 10:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -createRegionSettings -name UsaNodes -ordering 10 -hostnameFilter *

Update the region settings created above to set some fields:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -updateRegionSettings -region UsaNodes -addressDiscovery true -snmpPreferredVersion V2C -snmpTimeout 200

List the region settings created above:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -listRegionSettings -region UsaNodes

Create SNMPV3 settings to be used by some node

nnmcommunication.ovpl -createSnmpV3Settings -name xyzSettings -username xyzUser -contextName xyzContext -authProtocol HMAC_MD5_96 -authPass myPass -privProtocol AES_192 -privPass myPrivPass

List the SNMPv3 settings created above:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -listSnmpV3Settings -name xyzSettings

Create per-node settings for the node, using the SNMPv3 settings created above:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -createNodeSettings -name -snmpPreferredVersion V3 -snmpV3Setting xyzSettings

List the effective node settings for

nnmcommunication.ovpl -listEffective -node

Update the node settings for to turn off ICMP:

nnmcommunication.ovpl -updateNodeSettings -nodeSetting -icmpEnabled false

Update the management address and lock the agent settings for node mynode

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateSnmpAgentSettings -node mynode -address

Update the management address without locking the agent settings for mynode

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateSnmpAgentSettings -node mynode -address -mode AUTO

Update the Web Agent hosted on mynode, set the port to 80, scheme to HTTP, and timeout to 3 minutes

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateWebAgentSettings -node mynode -port 80 -scheme HTTP -timeout PT3M

Update the Web Agent hosted on mynode to set the trusted certificate specified

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateWebAgentSettings -cert /tmp/trustedCert-host1.pem

Add new default credentials to communicate with a VMware hypervisor.

nnmcommunication.ovpl addCredential -default -type VMWARE -username vmwareuser -password vmwarepass

List all the default credentials.

nnmcommunication.ovpl listCredentials -default

Remove the default VMWARE credentials.

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeCredential -default -type VMWARE

Update the default VMWARE credentials.

nnmcommunication.ovpl updateCredential -default -type VMWARE -username username -password password

Add trusted certificate to default communication configuration.

nnmcommunication.ovpl addCertificate -default -cert /tmp/trustedCert-host1.pem

List all trusted certificates configured for the "Americas" region in the communication configuration

nnmcommunication.ovpl listCertificates -region Americas

Remove trusted certificate configured from default with matching Serial Number

nnmcommunication.ovpl removeCertificate -default -serialNumber "1111111111"


This command currently does not support configuration of SNMP Proxy Address or SNMP Proxy Port.


nnmcommunication.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

