nnmenableperfspi.ovpl - set up NPS and Metrics


Usage: nnmenableperfspi.ovpl [-f <configFile>] | [-u] | [-h]

    -f: configuration file containing saved responses
    -u Perform a onetime upgrade from 9.1x / 9.2x configuration to 10.00 configuration
    -h Usage


Utility to help configure NNM iSPI Performance and Network Performance Server.

If no parameters are passed, interactive mode is enabled and this script will prompt for appropriate values. The script will ask the user if they would like to use values previously recorded in a configuration response file.

When a response file is specified using -f, configuration parameters are obtained from the file.

When used with -u, parameters are obtained from a prior 9.1x / 9.2x configuration file. Default values are used for parameters that did not exist in the earlier version. The -u mode should only be used by the product installer and can only be run once.

If an empty parameter is given, either interactively or via a response file, then a default value is used. A password is only requested if a username is specified.

Parameters are saved in an output file suitable for subsequent use as a configuration response file. The script returns the name of the file created. The file contains one line per parameter, the format is 'name = value'

Response file parameters

spiHost: the host name of the Network Performance Server

This must respond to a ping. For a distributed multi-host NPS environment, this will be the host configured with the UiBi role.

spiPort: the port number of the Network Performance Server

Default is 9300.

spiProtocol: the protocol used by the Network Performance Server [http|https]

Default is http.

shareType: the sharing mechanism, CIFS or NFS (linux only)

If NFS is selected the following parameters are ignored

userName: username (or domain\\username) for share access control

Username for share access control.

password: password for new local user

Password to use for a new local user.

shareName: share name

Share name available on the network.

sharedDir: shared directory

Directory which is shared.

Response files must be owned by the current user and accessible only by the owner or they will be rejected


nnmenableperfspi.ovpl was developed by Hewlett-Packard Company.

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