nnmmigrateovpi.ovpl — Generates Custom Poller configuration commands for
from OVPI collections.
( (-policyName <policy name
-teelFile <file name
-pollInterval <interval
-nodeGroup <name
[-type <collection type
[-ordering <ordering
[-author <author key
[-filterVariable <mib filter variable
[-filter <mib filter
>] ) |
( -policyFile <file name
-teelDir <Directory name
>) )
[-batchFile <file name
This command makes it easier to migrate OVPI's SNMP collections to NNMi's Custom Poller.
This command converts the OVPI's SNMP collectable TEEL file into configuration commands for
The generated output from this command can be used as input to
which will create the correct Custom Poller configuration.
This command has two basic forms of operation:
In the first form, the command reads a single TEEL file and generates commands for
to create a single Custom Poller Policy and an associated Collection.
In the second form, the command takes a policy configuration file containing multiple TEEL file names and
a directory name that contains the TEEL files as input and generates Custom Poller config commands for
creating multiple Custom Poller Policies and associated Collections.
After executing the migration tool, a user should always review the converted Custom Poller configuration commands to verify their validity. One of most important areas to pay attention to is the MIB filtering. Without correct filtering configuration, a Custom Poll may fail. Please read MIB Filtering for more information.
-author <author key
The author key for this configuration. The author should already be configured in NNMi.
If this option is not given, then the default value of "com.customer.author" is assumed.
If the Author does not exist at time of running the commands for
the default of "com.customer.author" is assumed.
-batchFile <file name
Name of the file in which the generated configuration commands for
are written. This file can be used with
option of nnmcustompollerconfig.ovpl
If this option is not given, the generated commands are written to standard out.
-filter <mib filter
The MIB Filter value to be used as the filter for determining the Polling instances.
-filterVariable <mib filter variable
Required for multiple instance (repeating) MIB Variables only. The MIB Filter Variable is the MIB Variable whose value you want to use as a filter to determine which instances of the MIB Expression to Custom Poll. You must also specify a MIB Filter value when creating the associated policy.
-nodeGroup <nodegroup name
Name or Uuid of the Node Group. The Node Group must have already been configured in NNMi.
-ordering <ordering
The priority ordering for the Policy. If this option is not given, a default value for -ordering is used in the generated Custom Poller configuration commands. The default value may not be suitable or correct for the Custom Poller configuration.
-policyFile <file name
Name of the Policy configuration file. This file contains the information for polling policy creation. This file should be in CSV (comma separated values) format. Please see the section Notes about Policy File Format for more details.
-policyName <policy name
Name of the Policy configuration.
-pollInterval <interval
Polling interval expressed in seconds.
-teelDir <directory name
Name of the directory that contains the TEEL files, which are to be migrated.
-teelFile <file name
Name of the TEEL file that needs to be migrate to Custom Poller configuration.
-type <collection type
Collection Type. Must either be "instance" or "bulk". If this option is not given, the default value of "bulk" is assumed.
This section explains the CSV format of the policy file.
The CSV format for the policy file is: policy name, Teel File name, poll_interval, Node group, collection Type, ordering, author, filter variable, filter
The first 4 fields are mandatory. The next 5 fields are optional. The optional fields must still be delimited by ','. For example, the following are all valid entries :
Default values are assumed when the optional fields are not given.
The policy file format is chosen such that it makes it easier to export OVPI collection policy and
modify it for use with nnmmigrateovpi.ovpl
. The polling policy
can be obtained from OVPI by using the OVPI command "collection_manager -export <file name>".
The exported OVPI collection policy file contains the following columns: policy_name, table_name, poll_interval, datapipe_name, poll_from, user_name, server_name, group, group_server, desc
From the exported file from OVPI, one can extract the mandatory fields for the policy file as, cut -f1,2,3,8 -d',' <exported filename> Please note that the "table name" field in the OVPI's exported collection policy is assumed to be same as the TEEL file name, without the "teel". If the TEEL file name is different from the table_name, then you must manually edit the file such that it has correct TEEL file name.
For some Custom Poller collections, a MIB filter is required to successfully poll SNMP MIB Expressions. The MIB Filter Variable is the MIB variable value to use as a filter to determine which instances of the MIB expression to Custom Poll. For Custom Poller configuration, if you specify a MIB Filter Variable, you must also specify a MIB Filter (value). Review the NNMi help for more information.
The migration tool has optional arguments to specify the filter variable and filter value. If the user does not supply these arguments, the filter variable defaults to the first OID in the TEEL file and the filter value defaults to an asterisk ("*"). These defaults may not be the desired values so it is important to the user to review the generated configuration commands.