
nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl — Command line tool used to create, update, modify, and delete Node Group Map Settings.


nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl -u <user> -p <password> [-?]
-create -nodeGroup <NODEGROUP> [<OPTIONS>]
-delete (-nodeGroup <NODEGROUP>]) | -uuid <UUID>
-exists (-nodeGroup <NODEGROUP>]) | -uuid <UUID>
-list [-nodeGroup <NODEGROUP> | -uuid <UUID>] [-format <FORMAT>]
-update (-nodeGroup <NODEGROUP> | -uuid <UUID>) [<OPTIONS>]
<OPTIONS> ::= -bgImage <BGIMAGE> -bgScale <BGSCALE> -connThresh <CONN_THRESHOLD> -connType <CONNTYPE>
-ifaceFilter <IFACE_FILTER> -isConnNodeGroups <IS_CONN_NODE_GROUPS> -isConnNodes <IS_CONN_NODES> -isL2conn <IS_L2CONN>
-isShowIncidents <IS_SHOW_INCIDENTS> -isVisio <IS_VISIO> -isL2connEdit <IS_L2CONN_EDIT>
<-isNeighborConn > <-neighborConnFilter > -mapRefresh <MAP_REFRESH>
-maxEndpoints <MAX_ENDPOINTS> -maxNodes <MAX_NODES> -nodeGroup <NODEGROUP> -order <ORDER> -role <ROLE>


nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl is a command line tool used to create, update, modify and delete Node Group Map Settings. Node Group Map Settings are created individually for a Node Group. Node Group Map Settings may be updated or deleted by the Node Group name or UUID or the Map Settings UUID. Additionally Settings can be listed verbosely by any Node Group to the screen, or formatted into various formats such as CSV or XML.


nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl supports the following options:


Prints the usage statement.

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator username unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator password unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-batch <BATCH>

The name of a text file that contains a list of batch commands to be executed when running the nodegroupmapsettings.ovpl command in batch mode. The file can contain blank lines or comments beginning with "#" character. Any remaining lines are considered to be valid for Node Group Map Settings.

-bgImage <string>

Name of a background image file to be associated with the Node Group Map.

-bgScale <float>

Scale for a background image file to be associated with the Node Group Map. Interpreted as a floating point value. Default value is 1.0

-connThresh <number>

Multiple connection threshold. The maximum number of connections between Nodes or Node Groups before the connection is collapsed into a Multiconnection

-connType <string>

Connection type. Type of connection to be displayed in the associated Node Group Map. Valid values are "none", "L2" or "L3". Arguments will be interpreted in a case-insensitive manner. Default value is "none".


Create new Node Group Map Settings for the specified Node Group.


Delete the specified Node Group Map Settings.


Determines whether or not Node Group Map Settings exist for the specified Node Group. Displays "true" if the Node Group Map Settings exist; otherwise "false";

-format <style>

Format to list the output, currently 'text', 'list', 'csv' and 'xml' are available.

-ifaceFilter <string>

The name of an endpoint interface filter to applied to the contents of the associated Node Group Map.

-isConnNodeGroups (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Node Groups are to be connected on the associated Node Group Map. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-isConnNodes (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Nodes are to be connected on the associated Node Group Map. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-isL2Conn (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Layer 2 connections determined by IPv4 Subnet Connection Rules are displayed on the associated Node Group Map. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-isL2ConnEdit (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Layer 2 connection edits added usin gthe nnmconnedit.ovpl command line tool are to be displayd on the associated Node Group Map. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-isNeighborConn (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not additional connections to key networking devices (one hop away) which are not members of the Node Group will be added. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false. Neighbor connections are restricted to device categories defined in the neighborConnFilter argument. If no filter is provided the Networking Infrastructure Devices Node Group will be used as a filter. Any child node group device filters will be ignored.

-isShowIncidents (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Incidents should be displayed on the associated Node Group Map. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-isVisio (true|false)

Flag indicating whether or not Visio export from the associated Node Group Map is supported. Interpreted as a boolean value. "True" in all combinations of case will be interpreted as true, while all other argument values will be interpreted as false.

-mapRefresh <interval>

Map refresh interval in minutes and seconds. Format is mmMssS, where mm is a number from 0 to 59 and ss is a number from 0 to 59. Examples: 59M59S (the maximum value), 1S (1 second), 5M (5 minutes), 5M30S (5 minutes 30 seconds)

-maxEndpoints <number>

The maximum number of endpoints to be displayed on the associated Node Group Map.

-maxNodes <number>

The maximum number of nodes to be displayed on the associated Node Group Map.

-neighborConnFilter <number>

A Node Group which will act as a filter for displaying one hop neighbor nodes that do not belong to the node group in Node Group Maps. Any Device Filters defined for the Node Group will be applied to candidate neighbor nodes. IMPORTANT NOTE - Child Node Groups will be ignored when applying the filter. Also see the description above for the isNeighborConn argument.

-nodeGroup (<name>|<uuid>)

Node Group name or UUID.


List Node Group Map Settings information for the specified Node Group name or UUID, or list all settings for all Node Groups if no Node Group name or UUID are specified.

-order <number>

Priority order specified as an integer for the Node Group Map Settings. The lower the number the higher the priority. (e.g. 1 is higher priority than 10)

-role <string>

User role required to access the Node Group Map Settings. Valid values include "admin", "client", "level1", "level2", "guest". Arguments will be interpreted in a case-insensitive manner. Default value is "admin".


Update the specified Node Group Map Settings. Specify the argument without a value to set a Node Group Map Settings field to null. For example,

nnnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl -update =nodeGroup Routers =ifaceFilter

wpi;d set the endpoint interface filter to null. The nodeGroup, connType, and role fields are required fields and cannot be set to null.


UUID of the Node Group Map Settings.


As mentioned above, when specifying a Node Group name, enclose the name in double quotes if there are spaces present. (e.g. "Important Nodes"


Create Node Group Map Settings showing only the required arguments:

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl create -nodegroup Routers -connType L3 -role admin

Create Node Group Map Settings showing the optional arguments:

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl create -nodegroup Switches -connType L2 -role guest -bgImage /images/Colorado.png -bgScale .75 -connThresh 3 -ifaceFilter "VLAN Interfaces" -isConnNodeGroups true -isConnNodes t -isL2conn true -isVisio f -isL2connEdit True -mapRefresh 5M -maxEndpoints 200 -maxNodes 100 -order 10 -role admin

List the Node Group Map Settings for the specified Node Group. The attribute data are displayed in a table.

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl list -nodegroup "Important Nodes" 

List all of the Node Group Map Settings. The attribute data are displayed in a table.

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl list 

List Node Group Map Settings for the specified Node Group in CSV format

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl list -nodeGroup "Non-SNMP Devices" -format csv

Delete Node Group Map Settings by Node Group name.

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl delete -nodegroup "Routers" 

Delete Node Group Map Settings by the UUID of the settings.

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl delete -uuid 204846c0-a35b-4a92-9726-4ce0a8be596d

Update the Node Group Map Settings for a Node Group.

nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl update -nodegroup Routers -bgImage /images/Denver.png -bgScale .75 -connThresh 2 -ifaceFilter "Point to Point Interface" -isConnNodeGroups true -isConnNodes t -isL2conn false -isVisio T -isL2connEdit False -mapRefresh 4M30S -maxEndpoints 200 -maxNodes 100 -order 15 -role admin


nnmnodegroupmapsettings.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.




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