
nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl — Display the official Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the NNMi management server.




Use nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl to display the official Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN). The official FQDN must be correct and consistent across systems to enable Single Sign On with NNM iSPIs. NNMi sets the official FQDN during installation. After installation, you can change it using the nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl command.


nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl by default displays verbose output with a ping test. nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl recognizes the following options:


Display the domain name of the official FQDN. If the FQDN is only a short hostname or an IP address and if the terse option (-t) is used, NNMi does not display a value; otherwise, NNMi displays a message informing you that the domain name cannot be found.


Terse mode. Displays the FQDN or domain name value only. When the FQDN or domain name is not found, no warning or informative text is shown. This option also skips the ping test.


Query for the default FQDN and display the value. NNMi displays whichever value it finds first using the following order:

  • FQDN

  • Short hostname

  • IP address

If none of the above are found, then 'localhost' is displayed.


Display the help menu listing all the options.


Running the command without any options displays the official FQDN and performs a ping test:

# nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl
      FQDN: hostname.somedomain
      Ping test: pinging hostname.somedomain please wait...
      Ping OK

Running the command with the -t option displays the official FQDN as follows:

# nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl -t

Running the command using the -d option displays the domain name as follows:

# nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl -d
       Domain: somedomain

Running the command using the -d and -t options displays only the domain name:

# nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl -dt


nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.


nnmofficialfqdn.ovpl resides in $NNM_BIN directory.


nnmsetofficialfqdn.ovpl(1M), nnmsso.ovpl(1M).

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