nnmopcexport.ovpl — export NNMi management event and SNMP trap configurations to HP OM policies (SNMP template) file.
[-u <username>
-p <password>
] [-jndiHost <hostname>
-jndiPort <port>
] -template <template_name>
-application <application_name>
[-agtmsi_copy | -agtmsi_divert] [-svmsi_copy | -svmsi_divert] [-msgtype] [-author <author code>
] [-oid <snmp oid prefix>
] [-omi_hi] -file <output_file name>
[-u <username>
-p <password>
] [-jndiHost <hostname>
-jndiPort <port>
] -template <template_name>
-application <application_name>
[-agtmsi_copy | -agtmsi_divert] [-svmsi_copy | -svmsi_divert] [-msgtype] [-author <author code>
] [-oid <snmp oid prefix>
] [-omi_hi] -omi_policy
reads the NNMi management event and SNMP trap configurations
and exports the configurations as an HP OM policies file. This tool provides similar functionality to the HP OM ovtrap2opc
utility that converted legacy NNM trapd.conf files into HP OM policies.
supports the following parameters:
-u <username
Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script. This script requires
the NNMi administrator username unless you use an nnm.properties
See the nnm.properties.4
reference page for more information.
-p <password
Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script. This script requires
the NNMi administrator password unless you use an nnm.properties
See the nnm.properties.4
reference page for more information.
Copy matching messages to the OVO Agent Message Stream Interface.
Divert matching messages to the OVO Agent Message Stream Interface.
Set the policy application name.
Export events matching the author code.
Save output to file with the specified name.
Overwrite an existing policy file specified by -file <output_file_name>
The server jndi host; default is localhost.
The server jndi port; default is 1099.
Set the message type to the name of the condition. The value of the resulting MSGTYPE field will be truncated to 32 characters for OM import compatibility.
Export events with snmp trap OIDs matching the provided OID.
Include HP OMi health indicators for applicable NNMi management events.
Export in OMi policy format. Using the -omi_policy
option is the
recommended usage. Only generate policies without this option if you need to maintain backwards
compatibility with previous OM integrations. A header file and a data file are created in the form
<UUID>_header.xml and <UUID>_data where UUID is a Universally Unique Identifier.
The -file option is ignored. Using the -omi_policy
option generates
policies using the RelatedCiInfo
OMi custom attribute. If you do not
use the -omi_policy
option, the policy uses the older
OM custom attribute.
Copy matching messages to the OVO Server Message Stream Interface.
Divert matching messages to the OVO Server Message Stream Interface.
template name
Set the <template_name>.
Show help.
Export an OM policy file containing all NNMi management events and SNMP trap definitions:
nnmopcexport.ovpl -u user -p pass -template "SNMP Traps" -application "NNMi" -file policies.dat
Export an OMi policy file containing all NNMi management events and SNMP trap definitions and OMi health indicators:
nnmopcexport.ovpl -u user -p pass -template "SNMP Traps" -application "NNMi" -omi_hi -omi_policy