
nnmprops — Query values of NNMi properties.


nnmprops [-l] [-q prop] [-m match] [-e expand]


nnmprops is used to query the property values that run NNMi processes. The nnmprops command consolidates and displays these properties, which are stored in several locations in the file system. This command can be used in other scripts that need to query and act on the values of NNMi system properties.


nnmprops recognizes the following options.


Lists the value of all properties.


Queries the specified property. This option can be repeated to query multiple properties.


Queries all properties that start with the prefix STRING.


Expand any properties in the STRING with their corresponding value.


nnmprops always exits with the status 0 (zero) if no errors were encountered; 1 otherwise.


nnmprops -l

Lists all properties and their values.

nnmprops -q com.hp.nms.ui.sso.isEnabled -q com.hp.nms.ui.sso.domain

Queries the property values of the com.hp.nms.ui.sso.isEnabled and com.hp.nms.ui.sso.domain properties.

nnmprops -m com.hp.nms.ui.sso

Queries all properties that start with com.hp.nms.ui.sso. For example, the values for .protectedDomains, .domain, .initString, and .isEnabled would be returned.

nnmprops -e "The values for com.hp.nms.ui.sso are ${com.hp.nms.ui.sso}."

Displays the string with the value of ${com.hp.nms.ui.sso} expanded. Note that the "${" and "}" are required to delineate the property name.


nnmprops was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.


There are several properties files used by the nnmprops program. These files are separated into two categories: HP-provided default (out-of-the-box) values and user-modified override values. The intention is that HP can change the default properties values in future NNMi releases; however, user-modified values always override the HP-provided default.

The files found in the directory hierarchy below %NnmInstallDir%\misc\nnm\props (Windows) or $NnmInstallDir/misc/nnm/props (UNIX) define the HP-provided default values.


You should never modify any file below this location since future NNMi versions could overwrite any modifications.

The files in the %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\conf\props (Windows), %NnmDataDir%\conf\nnm\props (Windows), $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/conf/props (UNIX), and $NnmDataDir/conf/nnm/props (UNIX) define modified values or values changed programmatically at installation or runtime. These values are initially commented-out copies of the HP-provided values. To edit these files, remove the comment and change a value. The new value overrides the default value.

The difference between the two directories is as follows:

  • %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\conf\props (Windows) and $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/conf/props (UNIX) contain properties that are shared in a cluster (HA cluster or NNMi Application Failover cluster, for example).

  • %NnmDataDir%\shared\nnm\conf\props (Windows) and $NnmDataDir/shared/nnm/conf/props (UNIX) defines values which are not shared. For instance, each node in the cluster may have different values for the same property.

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