
nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl — set the account credentials to be used in place of the -u/-p options when executing scripts as this user.




You can use nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl to set the NNM account credentials to be used when executing any scripts normally requiring the -u/-p option. The user and password values will be used when scripts are executed by this user without the -u/-p command line arguments. NOTE: The UNIX user root should never run this command. The "root" user does not need to provide -u/-p by default.

To run this command, make sure you are logged into the system as the user that will be executing the command line scripts. These values are set on a per user basis.


No supported parameters.


You may want to set up account username and password values to be used when executing command line scripts normally requiring the -u/-p option. This can be done to avoid specifying password information on the command line.

Usage is:

# nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl

WARNING: This change will affect the credentials to be used in place
         of the -u/-p command line options whenever this user executes
         a script requiring these.  Please ensure you are logged in as
         the desired user before executing this script.
         Executing this script will create/edit the .nnm/
         file in the users home directory.
Would you like to continue? [n] y

Thank you!

Please provide the user name for the account.
user: myuser
Please provide a password for the user account.
password: mypass
enter password again: mypass

User/Password values stored successfully in /home/user/.nnm/


nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.


nnmsetcmduserpw.ovpl resides in $NNM_BIN directory.


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