
nnmtopoquery.ovpl — Performs select queries on the NNMi topology.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl findConnectedNeighborInterfacesByNode -node (<name>|<uuid>)
nnmtopoquery.ovpl findL2ConnectionsByNode -node (<name>|<uuid>)
nnmtopoquery.ovpl findWebAgentSettingsByNode -node (<name>|<uuid>)
nnmtopoquery.ovpl listWebAgentSettings


nnmtopoquery.ovpl performs queries against the NNMi management server and outputs the result in selectable table format.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl recognizes the following options.


Prints the usage statement.

-node (<name>|<uuid>)

Specifies the node for queries that accept a node as input. Nodes may be referenced by name, hostname or UUID.

-format (csv|list|text|xml)

Changes the output format. Available output modes are CSV, LIST, TEXT and XML.

-fields <comma_separated_fields>

Selects the output fields in a comma-separated list. If this argument is not provided all fields are shown in the output by default. When this argument is provided fields will be shown in the output in the order specified.

Wildcards such as '*' to match any sequence of characters and '?' to match a single character are available.

-u <username> -p <password>

Supply the credentials to run the script. This script requires valid NNMi credentials unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

Listing Connected Neighbor Interfaces for a node

Use the findConnectedNeighborInterfacesByNode query to list all neighbor interfaces connected to a specified node.

The available output fields for this query are: uuid, name, nodeUUID, nodeName, ifIndex, ifAlias, speed, inSpeed, outSpeed, ifDescr, ifName, ifType, physicalAddress and managementMode.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl findConnectedNeighborInterfacesByNode -node mynode -fields nodeName,name,physicalAddress,managementMode

Listing Layer 2 Connections for a Node

Use the findL2ConnectionsByNode query to list all layer 2 connections on a specified node.

The available output fields for this query are: connUUID, connName, connStatus, connStatusTimestamp, localNodeUUID, localNodeName, localIfUUID, localIfIndex, localIfAlias, localIfName, localIfDesc, localIfAddr, remoteNodeUUID, remoteNodeName, remoteIfUUID, remoteIfIndex, remoteIfAlias, remoteIfName, remoteIfDesc and remoteIfAddr.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl findL2ConnectionsByNode -node mynode -fields connUUID,connName,localIfIndex,remoteIfIndex

Listing Web Agent Settings of a Node

Use the findWebAgentSettingsByNode query to list Web Agent settings of a specified node.

The available output fields for this query are: agentUuid, hostName, name, nodeUuid, nodeName, mode, agentEnabled, userName, port, scheme, timeout, lastModifiedBy and lastModified.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl findWebAgentSettingsByNode -node mynode -fields agentUuid, hostName, nodeUuid, nodeName, mode, userName

Listing All Web Agent Settings

Use the listWebAgentSettings query to list all the Web Agent settings.

The available output fields for this query are: agentUuid, hostName, name, nodeUuid, nodeName, mode, agentEnabled, userName, port, scheme, timeout, lastModifiedBy and lastModified.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl findWebAgentSettingsByNode -node mynode -fields agentUuid, hostName, nodeUuid, nodeName, mode, userName


nnmtopoquery.ovpl exits with the status 0 (zero) if no errors were encountered, 1 otherwise.


nnmtopoquery.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.

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