
nnmtrimincidents.ovpl — delete and (optionally) archive incidents


nnmtrimincidents.ovpl [ [ [-age age -incr incr] | -date date | -trimOldest numberToTrim ] [-nature nature] [-lifecycle lifecycleState] [-severity severity] [-origin origin] [-name name] [-family family] [-sysobjectid sysobjectid] [-path path] [-archiveOnly] [-trimOnly] [-trimAndArchive] [-batch batchSize] [-u username] [-p password] [-quiet] ]


nnmtrimincidents.ovpl is used to delete incidents from the incident table. The deleted incidents are (optionally) saved in a compressed archive file:

data_dir\tmp\incidentArchive.ISO 8601 Date.Time Ms.txt.gz

The default behavior is to delete incidents without archiving.


Incidents will be archived using a csv format. The column names are ordered as follows: TimeStamp(LastOccurance),Name,SourceNodeName,SourceObjectName,SysObjectID(ALWAYS_EMPTY),FormattedMessage,LifeCycleState,Severity,Priority,AssignedTo,JournalNotes,Category,Family,Nature,Origin,IncidentNotes,DuplicateCount,FirstOccuranceTime,OriginOccuranceTime,PayLoad,ElementOID

TimeStamp        - Last time this incident occurred, as a human readable time string.
Name             - Incident Name
SourceNodeName   - Source Node Short Name
SourceObjectName - Sorce Object Name
SysObjectID      - Always empty this field has been kept for backwards compatibility
FormattedMessage - Formatted string describing the incident
LifeCycleState   - Incident lifecycle state
Severity         - Incident severity
Priority         - Incident priority localized label
AssignedTo       - Account/Person holding this incident
JournalNotes     - Incident journal notes
Category         - Incident category localized label
Family           - Incident family localized label
Nature           - Incident nature
Origin           - Incident origin
IncidentNotes    - Incident notes
DuplicateCount   - # of times the incident has occured in the system
FirstOccuranceTime  - In the case of duped incidents this is the first one
OriginOccuranceTime - Timestamp for when the trap/syslog arrived into the system (if any)
PayLoad: All CIAS, "Name[Type]=Value"  seperated by | (In the case of multiple CIA)
       Name      - Name of CIA (50 chars max)
       Type      - Value type of the CIA
       Value     - Value of the CIA (2000 chars max)
ElementOID       - OID for the incident if it exists


-age age

Specifies the age of incidents to trim. You should use this option in conjunction with the incr option. If specified, the value for age must be greater than 0.

-incr increment

Specifies the increment for age option. Supported increments include days, weeks, and months.

-trimOldest numberToTrim

Specifies a number of incidents to delete from the database. The oldest numberToTrim incidents will be selected from all incidents in the database based on the options specified.

-date date

Specifies the date from which older incidents are trimmed. The date is specified in ISO 8601 standard format: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss[+ or -]hh:mm.


Creates an archive file. Does not trim incidents. This option requires you to specify the age or date option.


Trims incidents without archiving the deleted incidents. This is the default behavior.


Trims incidents with archiving the deleted incidents.

-batch batchSize

Specifies the batch size when trimming incidents. If specified, the value for batch must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 1000.

-path path

Specifies the archive file name with a complete path. This path overrides the default archive file:


-jndiHost hostname

Server jndi host. Default is localhost.

-jndiPort port

Server jndi port. Default is 1099.

-lifecycle lifecycle

Specifies the lifecycle state of incidents matching the age|date to trim.

Example lifecycle states include:





-severity severity

Specifies the severity of incidents matching the age|date to trim.

Example severity states include:






-name name

Specifies the name of incidents matching the age|date to trim.

-family family

Optionally specify the family of incidents matching age|date to trim.

-sysobjectid sysobjectid

Optionally specify the device system object id of incidents matching age|date to trim.

-nature nature

Specifies the nature of incidents matching the age|date to trim.

Examples of nature include:










-origin origin

Specifies the origin of incidents matching the age|date to trim.

Example origin states include:







-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator username unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator password unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-quiet quiet

Specifies non-prompt mode.>


Trim incidents older than 6 days:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr days

Trim incidents older than 6 weeks with a nature of Symptom:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr weeks -nature Symptom

Trim incidents older than 6 months with a lifecycle state of Closed:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr months -lifecycle Closed

Trim incidents older than 6 months with a severity of Normal:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr months -severity Normal

Trim incidents older than the specified date:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -date 2007-07-16T19:20:30

Trim incidents older than the specified date with a nature of Symptom:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -date 2007-07-16T19:20:30+01:00 -nature Symptom

Trim incidents older than the specified date with a lifecycle state of Closed:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -date 2007-07-16T19:20:30-01:00 -lifecycle Closed

Trim incidents older than 6 days using the specified filename for the archive:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr days -path "C:\BkupDir\saveIncidents.gz"

Trim incidents older than 6 days (without archiving):

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -age 6 -incr days

Trim the oldest 10,000 SNMP traps with Symptom nature:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -trimOldest 10000 -nature Symptom -origin SnmpTrap

Trim incidents older than 6 days (without archiving):

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -trimOnly -age 6 -incr days

Archive incidents older than 6 days (without trimming):

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -archiveOnly -age 6 -incr days

Trim and archive incidents older than 6 days:

nnmtrimincidents.ovpl -trimAndArchive -age 6 -incr days


nnmtrimincidents.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.


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