
nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl — Add or Remove nodegroup(s) and subnet(s) for unnumbered interface connectivity


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl -list | -enable | -disable | -add <nodegroup> [-subnet <subnet range>] | -remove <nodegroup> [-subnet <subnet range>] | -add -file <filename> | -remove -file <filename> | [-u <username> -p <password>] [-jndiHost <hostName> Default: localhost] [-jndiPort <port> Default: 1099]


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl adds or removes unnumbered node groups and subnet IP ranges for unnumbered interface connectivity.

The -list option lists all available unnumbered interface connectivity configuration.

The -enable option enables the unnumbered interface connectivity.

The -disable option disables the unnumbered interface connectivity.

The -add option adds nodegroup and subnet IP ranges to unnumbered interface connectivity.

The -remove option removes nodegroup and subnet IP ranges from unnumbered interface connectivity.

The -file option used to "-add" or "-remove" multiple items. This option accepts a file with a single entry specified per line. If the line contains both nodegroup name and subnet, only the subnet would be deleted. If the line contains just the nodegroup name then the entire nodegroup and associated subnets would be deleted. Each line has the following format: # Comments # e.g # Routers:10.0.0.*, # Switches NodeGroupName:IP Subnet1, IP Subnet2 NodeGroupName

NodeGroupName # (optional comment to help identify the node, if desired) Where: NodeGroupName = the node group name you wish to add or remove. Comments can be deliminated with a # character. IP Subnet1 # Where: IP Subnet1 = the IP subnet range you wish to add or remove.


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl supports the following options:

-add <NodeGroupName> [-subnet <subnet range>]

The name of the node group to be added for unnumbered interface connectivity. Also, optional subnet ranges can be specified

-add -file <fileName>

Specify a text file to read the node group and subnet range from.

-remove <NodeGroupName> [-subnet <subnet range>]

The name of the node group to be added for unnumbered interface connectivity. Also, optional subnet ranges can be specified

-remove -file <fileName>

Specify a text file to read the node group and subnet range from.

-u <username>

Supply the NNMi administrator username to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator username unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-p <password>

Supply the NNMi administrator password to run the script. This script requires the NNMi administrator password unless you use an file. See the reference page for more information.

-jndiHost <serverName>

The server JNDI host; default is localhost.

-jndiPort <port>

The server JNDI port; default is 1099.


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl -add

Adds the nodegroup to the unnumbered interface connectivity myNodeGroup. (You must provide an NNM username and password.)

nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl -remove

Removes the nodegroup from unnumbered interface connectivity myNodeGroup. (You must provide an NNM username and password.)

nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl -add -file myFile

Reads the nodegroup and subnet ranges specified in the myFile file and attempts to add them to the unnumbered group and subnet configuration. (You must provide an NNM username and password.)


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl returns the following exit codes:


Operation was successful.


An error occured; see error message and nnm.log for details.


nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl was developed by Hewlett Packard Enterprise.





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