ImpactTypes Schema
ImpactTypes Schema

Glossary Item Box


Types used in impact analysis


ImpactRuleNamesA collection of names of impact rules

Complex Types

Complex TypeDescription
ActionA trigger that initiates calculation of a correlation rule
ActionsThe collection of triggers that initiate calculation of a correlation rule
IdentifierThe key string
ImpactedCIThe ID and type name of a Configuration Item (CI), with no property specifications
ImpactedCIsA collection the IDs and type names of the configuration items affected by the change
ImpactPathA collection of steps in an impact graph
ImpactPathsA collection of ImpactPath elements
ImpactRelationA link between two items specifying that a change in one impacts the other
ImpactRelationsA collection of ImpactRelation elements
ImpactRuleA rule, configured in the UCMDB, that specifies the effect of a change
ImpactRuleNameThe name of an impact rule
ImpactRuleNamesA collection of names of ImpactRule elements
ImpactRulesA collection of Impact Rules
ImpactStepA single step in an impact graph
ImpactTopologyThe graph of configuration items and relations that show the impact path of a change