CmdbTypes Schema
CmdbTypes Schema

Glossary Item Box


The high-level types used throughout the UCMDB.



Complex Types

Complex TypeDescription
BooleanConditionCondition of type Boolean
BooleanConditionsA collection Boolean conditions
BooleanParamsA collection of Boolean properties
BooleanPropProperty of Type Boolean
BooleanPropsA collection of Boolean properties
BytesParamsA collection of bytes properties
BytesPropProperty of Type Bytes
BytesPropsA collection of bytes properties
ChunkInfoInformation about chunks of data containing a response to a method. This information is used to download the chunks and to free the memory.
ChunkKeyThe server's key identifying the response data
ChunkRequestThe data for a request to download a chunk
CIConfiguration Item (CI)
CINodeA Map data unit, consisting of a node label and the collection of configuration items to which the label applies. The list of configuration items corresponds to an aspect of the query that returned the map.
CINodesA collection of CI Nodes
CIPropBase type for CI property types
CIPropertiesProperties collection, the type attributes with the item values
CIsCollection of CI elements
CmdbContextIdentifies the invoker of the UCMDB method
ConditionAn abstract condition. Conditions are used to filter the objects returned from a query. Generally, elements of type Condition have a property name, a property value, and a comparison operator.
ConditionsCollection of Conditions of various data types
DateConditionCondition of type Date
DateConditionsA collection Dateconditions
DateParamsA collection of date properties
DatePropProperty of Type Date
DatePropsA collection of date properties
DoubleConditionCondition of type Double
DoubleConditionsA collection Double conditions
DoubleParamsA collection of double properties
DoublePropProperty of Type Double
DoublePropsA collection of double properties
FloatConditionCondition of type Float
FloatConditionsA collection Float conditions
FloatParamsA collection of float properties
FloatPropProperty of Type Float
FloatPropsA collection of float properties
IDCI's or Relation's ID
IDsCollection of ID elements
IntConditionCondition of type integer
IntConditionsA collection integer conditions
intListA collection of integers
IntListConditionCondition of type integers list
IntListConditionsA collection integerList conditions
IntListParamsA collection of list of integers properties
IntListPropProperty of Type integers list
IntListPropsA collection of list of integer properties
IntParamsA collection of int properties
IntPropProperty of Type integer
IntPropsA collection of int properties
LongConditionCondition of type Long
LongConditionsA collection Long conditions
LongParamsA collection of long properties
LongPropProperty of Type Long
LongPropsA collection of long properties
ParameterizedConditionA query node, its parameterized properties, and their values and operators. ParameterizedCondition is a label and a collection of conditions to which the label applies.
ParameterizedConditionsCollection of ParameterizedConditions elements
ParameterizedNodeA query node and its parameterized properties, consisting of a label and a collection of properties to which the label applies
ParameterizedNodesCollection of ParameterizedNode elements
ParametersProperties collection of a configuration item
RelationA link between two configuration elements
RelationNodeA Map data unit, consisting of a node label and the collection of relations to which the label applies. The list of relations corresponds to an aspect of the query that returned the map.
RelationNodesA collection of Relation Nodes
RelationsCollection of Relation elements
ResCommentsFor internal use by HP
ShallowCIThe ID and class of a Configuration Item (CI), with no property specifications
ShallowCIsCollection of Shallow CIs
ShallowCompoundRelationA link between two configuration items with no specification of the type of link or of any properties. This is the minimum data required to identify a link.
ShallowCompoundRelationsA collection of ShallowCompoundRelation elements
ShallowRelationA link between two configuration elements, with no link properties specified
ShallowRelationsCollection of Relations
ShallowTopologyThe minimum data required to specify a topology.
StrConditionCondition of type string
StrConditionsA collection str conditions
strListA collection of strings
StrListConditionCondition of type list of strings
StrListConditionsA collection String List conditions
StrListParamsA collection of list of strings properties
StrListPropProperty of Type strings list
StrListPropsA collection of str list properties
StrParamsA collection of str properties
StrPropProperty of Type string
StrPropsA collection of str properties
TopologyA Graph of CIs and Relations
TopologyMapA data structure containing configuration items and relations grouped by label
XmlConditionCondition of type Xml
XmlConditionsA collection Xml conditions
XmlParamsA collection of XML properties
XmlPropProperty of Type Xml
XmlPropsA collection of XML properties