Historical Comparison

A configuration manager often needs to view configuration data from the past or a history of changes in order to understand the root cause of a problem and avoid repeating mistakes. Configuration Manager enables you to look into the past of either the actual or the authorized state using the Changes History and Authorization History modules.

A snapshot is a configuration of a view recorded at a specific date and time. Comparing snapshots enables you to scan for a specific change that occurred in the past using an advanced user interface that highlights the changes between snapshots taken at different times as well as changes from the current configuration.

Configuration Manager automatically takes snapshots of the actual state of a view whenever a change occurs. It also takes a snapshot of the view at each authorization. The snapshots are recorded in the CMS and remain as a fixed historical record. You can then compare two snapshots of the same view in the same state to track changes in the environment over time. The Changes History module displays snapshots of the actual state of a view and the Authorization History module displays snapshots of the authorized state of a view.

An example of a scenario where snapshot comparison could be helpful might be a company's portal whose performance has been degraded over the past week. In response to customer complaints, the administrator would investigate it by comparing the current state of the environment with its snapshot from a week ago. He can then examine all the changes to determine which change may have caused the performance degradation.

For details on snapshot comparison, see Changes History and Authorization History.