More > Configuration Manager > Working with Configuration Manager > Baseline Analysis > Define a Configuration Model for Comparison

Define a Configuration Model for Comparison

This task describes how to define a configuration model for comparison with selected composite CIs.

  1. Navigate to Analysis > Baseline Analysis. You can create a model in one of the following ways:

    • To create a model based on a specific group of similar CIs:

      • Select the state of the view from which you want to select composite CIs. The available options are Actual or Authorized.

      • Click Add composite CIs to open the Add composite CIs dialog box. Select the view containing the CIs you want to compare, then move the CIs to the Selected CIs column using the arrow buttons. Repeat to add additional CIs, if desired, and when you are finished, click OK. If the selected view contains more than 1,000 CIs, the top arrow button enables you to randomly select CIs (to a maximum of 1,000).

        Note If you select CIs in the Analysis Scope pane first and then build a model, Configuration Manager automatically removes any selected CIs whose types do not match the model's type.

      • Click in the main Baseline Analysis toolbar. The model that is created tries to satisfy all composite CIs in the scope.

        Note If you have not selected enough CIs or their attributes or hierarchies are too different from each other, you will be prompted to change your selections.

    • To create a model based on a specific CI type, select the CI type by clicking in the Configuration Model toolbar (which creates an empty baseline) or by selecting the CI in the Analysis Scope pane and dragging it to the Configuration Model pane (which creates a fully specified baseline).

    • To create a model based on any managed CI (not necessarily a CI in the Analysis Scope), click Select predefined configuration in the Configuration Model pane and select Create model from a managed CI.

    • To create a model based on a policy that you created in the Policies module, click Select predefined configuration in the Configuration Model pane and select Create model from an existing baseline policy.

  2. Select the attributes to participate in the comparison by selecting the check boxes next to the required attributes. Enter values for the selected attributes in the Attribute Value column and operators in the Operator column. For a list of the operators used to define attribute conditions, see Attribute Operators.

  3. Click Analyze in the main toolbar to run the comparison.

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