Settings Overview

The Settings module enables you to define the configuration settings needed to set up your environment.

A configuration set contains the properties defined for the system. You can create any number of configuration sets and then select one with which to run your system. Configuration Manager maintains a history of all the configuration sets created. For details on how to display a list of all the existing configuration set versions, see Open Configuration Set Dialog Box.

Configuration Manager enables you to move configuration sets from one system to another. You can:

  • Export a configuration set to your local directory.

  • Import a configuration set from your local directory to another system. For example, from a test to a production environment.

A new configuration set is initially saved as a draft. A draft is a configuration set that has not yet been activated. A draft can be edited only until it is first activated. The new configuration properties are only applied to Configuration Manager after a draft is activated. For details on how to activate a draft, see Save and Apply Configuration Changes.

You cannot edit a configuration set after it has been activated. You must rather create a new draft. You can create a new draft based on an existing configuration set and save it with a new name.

For details on how to create a draft, see Save as Draft Dialog Box.

Configuration Manager calculates the validation of the configuration setting and identifies the problems in the configuration - for example, a field with a missing value. If a problem is found, Configuration Manager displays a description of the problem, a link to the configuration pane in which the problem was found, and an icon that indicates the severity of the problem.

Configuration validation is performed after the following operations:

  • Saving a configuration set

  • Opening a configuration set

  • Importing a configuration set

For details on handling problems, see Problems Pane.

Note Make sure that Server Administrator privileges have been enabled in order to make changes to the Configuration Manager setup.

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