More > Configuration Manager > Working with Configuration Manager > Views > Specify the View Refresh Rate

Specify the View Refresh Rate

  1. Navigate to Views.
  2. Select a view.

    Note You can also specify the view refresh rate when you create a new view.

  3. In the General pane, select the view refresh rate. You can choose to have the view updated once per day, or each time any change occurs to the managed CIs in the view.

    For views that will be refreshed once per day, you can specify the hour at which this update will begin: The default time is 12:00 AM (midnight).

    Note This is the time at which the calculations begin. For views that are refreshed more than once per day, calculations are done in sequence.

    1. Navigate to Administration > Settings > Application Management > Offline Analysis and Authorization > Daily View Refresh Settings.

      Tip As much as possible, schedule the offline analysis to run at a time that discovery processes on UCMDB are not running, to prevent degradation in performance.

    2. From the drop-down list, select the time at which the update will be run.

  4. Click .