Views Page

This page displays the list of views currently being managed.

To access Select Views.
Important information

The left pane displays the list of managed views. The General pane, Delete Candidate Policy pane, and the Automatic State Transition pane display details for the managed view selected in the left pane.

After adding a view to the managed views list, the view data may be unavailable for a few minutes, until the system is updated.

Relevant tasks
See also Views Overview

User interface elements are described below:

UI Elements (A-Z) Description
<Filter views> Enter a string to filter the list of displayed views.
Show favorite views only. Toggles between displaying all views and displaying the favorite views only.
Add view. Enables you to select a view to add to the list of managed views. The Select view to manage dialog box opens.
Remove view. Enables you to remove the selected view from the list of managed views.
Save. Enables you to save changes.
Undo. Undoes the changes made to the view.
Automatic State Transition. Allows you to trigger automatic state transition for all views.
Refresh. Refreshes the list of views.
View Name The names of the managed views.