Define Dependencies

For every consumer, you can define multiple dependencies. Each dependency is associated with a specific provider CI type. During the evaluation of the dependency signature for a provider CI, all dependencies that are associated with the provider's CI type are evaluated. Each dependency has a search expression from one or more configuration documents. If the search expression evaluates to True, there is a dependency (a consumer-provider relationship) between the consumer and the provider. Even if multiple dependencies between the same consumer and provider CI type exists and evaluate to True, only one relationship will be created.

An example of dependency syntax is:

<Deployable name="Websphere J2EE Application">
   <Descriptor cit="j2eeapplication"/>
   <Dependency name="J2EE Application to DB by JNDI" providerCiType="oracle" scope="default">

Every dependency also has a scope. A scope is those consumers, out of all the consumers that follow the descriptor, that are relevant for this specific dependency. For more information, see Define the Descriptor of a Consumer.