UCMDB Data Model

Extraction timeMon Jan 08 15:48:43 CST 2018

CI Classes

NameDisplay LabelDescription
a10_vthunderA10 vThunderThe A10 vThunder load balance software
abap_sap_central_servicesSapAbapCentralServicesAS ABAP instance of an SAP system containing the enqueue server and the message server (AS = Application Server, ASCS = ABAP SAP Central Services). There can only be one such instance in the SAP system.
activedirectoryActive Directory
activedirectory_ouActiveDirectoryOrganizationalUnitAn organizational unit is the smallest scope or unit to which you can assign Group Policy settings or delegate administrative authority. Unit plays role of container into which you can place users, groups, computers, and other organizational units. An organizational unit cannot contain objects from other domains.
activedirectorydomainActiveDirectoryDomainA domain is a partition in an Active Directory forest, and enables organizations to replicate data only to where it is needed. Since Active directory domains are organized in hierarchical structure "Active Directory Domain" CIT can have one of the two types of container: "Active Directory Forest" or "Active Directory Domain"
activedirectoryforestActive Directory ForestActive Directory Forest is a logical group of Active Directory Domains.
activedirectorysiteActiveDirectorySiteA Site object in Active Directory represents a physical geographic location that hosts networks. Sites contain objects called Subnets.
activedirectorysitelinkActiveDirectorySiteLinkSite links define the WAN connections that are between sites.
activedirectorysystemActiveDirectorySystemActive Directory System collection of Forests, Domains and Domain Controllers.
activity_logActivityLogA description of a specific update in an ITIL Process, most often related to the completion of a process step
adamActiveDirectoryApplicationModeIdentifies the Active Directory Application Mode software
agentAgentvirtual class to all agents
alteon_app_switchAlteon application switchThe Nortel Alteon application switch software
amazon_accountAmazon AccountApplication system for the Amazon Cloud Account
amazon_asgAmazon Auto Scaling GroupAmazon Auto Scaling Group
amazon_ebsAmazon EBSAmazon EBS
amazon_ec2_configAmazon EC2 ConfigRepresents configuration of running EC2 instance with partially information about used Amazon Machine Image (AMI)
amazon_ecs_clusterAmazon ECS ClusterAmazon ECS Cluster
amazon_ecs_resourceAmazon ECS ResourceAmazon ECS Resources
amazon_ecs_serviceAmazon ECS ServiceAmazon ECS Service
amazon_ecs_taskAmazon ECS TaskAmazon ECS Task
amazon_ecs_task_definitionAmazon ECS Task DefinitionAmazon ECS Task Definition
amazon_s3_bucketAmazon S3 BucketA bucket is a container for objects stored in Amazon S3.
amazon_security_policyAmazon Security Policyamazon load balancer uses a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) negotiation configuration, known as a security policy, to negotiate SSL connections with clients.
apacheApacheThis class represents an instance of Apache Http Web Server
apachemoduleApache ModuleApache module
application_serverApplicationServerAn application server, in an n-tier architecture, is a server that hosts an API to expose business logic and business processes for use by third-party applications. The term application server sometimes refers to a J2EE application server. These types of application servers mainly serve Web applications, but some application servers may target networks other than the web (e.g., telephony networks).
application_systemApplicationSystemThe super class of complex systems like ERP, CRM or a Call-Center. These systems usually encompass a lot of RunningSoftware and maybe also Nodes. The complex system and its components are discoverable: the user doesn't need to manually define the scope like in the case of Application. From a management perspective all the components are managed as a single system, e.g. the user can define an authorization rule and it is enforced by all the components of the complex system.
applicationresourceApplication ResourceAn abstract class which refers to an application resource
archivingserverArchiving ServerArchiving Server enables you to archive IM communications and meeting content for compliance reasons. If you do not have legal compliance concerns, you do not need to deploy Archiving Server.
as400AS400AgentThis CIT represents the AS400 agent object
as400_nodeiSeriesRepresents an IBM Iseries
assetAssetThis class represents an Asset/CI from an Asset management perspective. Usage: The Asset class is used as support for asset management discipline. An asset should represent an item of some value (usually dollars) that needs to be tracked and managed through various applications.Examples: An email system, a server, a software license, etc.
atmportATM Portatm port
atmswitchATM Switchthe atmswitch class represents a network element which its oid represent an Atm switch
atmswitchingATM SwitchingATM switching
attachmentAttachmentA binary or text file that may be associated with another entity (e.g. ItProcessRecord) as reference or to provide additional details, instructions, etc.
audit_documentAuditDocumentIt stores database auditing data
AutomationFlowAutomation Flow
AutomationFlowExecutionAutomation Flow ExecutionAutomation Flow Execution
AutomationFlowExecutionParamAutomation Flow Execution ParamAutomationFlowExecutionParam
AutomationFlowFolderAutomation Flow FolderAutomation Flow Folder
AutomationFlowItemAutomation Flow ItemAutomation Flow Item
AutomationFlowParamAutomation Flow ParamAutomationFlowParam
avconferencingserverAV Conferencing ServerA/V Conferencing Server provides A/V conferencing functionality to your deployment. It can be collocated with Front End Server, or deployed separately as a single server or A/V Conferencing Server pool.
aws_amiAmazon Machine ImageAmazon Machine Image
aws_resourceAWS ResourceAmazon AWS Resource
aws_stackAmazon StackAmazon Cloud Formation Stack
aws_subnetAmazon SubnetAmazon Subnet
aws_userAWS UserThis class represents a user in AWS
aws_vpcAmazon Virtual Private CloudAmazon Virtual Private Cloud
azure_configMS Azure ConfigMicrosoft Azure Config
azure_interfaceAzure Network InterfaceMicrosoft Azure Network Interface
azure_resourceAzure ResourceMicrosoft Azure Resource
azure_resource_groupAzure Resource GroupMicrosoft Azure Resource Group
azure_storage_accountAzure Storage AccountMicrosoft Azure Storage Account
azure_subnetAzure Subnet
azure_subscriptionAzure SubscriptionMicrosoft Azure Subscription
azure_tenantAzure TenantMicrosoft Azure Tenant
azure_virtual_networkAzure Virtual NetworkMicrosoft Azure Virtual Network
azure_volumeAzure VolumeMicrosoft Azure Volume
bobj_serviceBusinessObjectsServiceA service is a server subsystem that performs a specific function. The service runs within the memory space of its server under the process id of the parentcontainer (server).
bobj_systemBusinessObjectsSystemBusiness Objects Enterprise System
bridgeBridgeA device which connects a local area network (LAN) to another local area network.
bridgeheadserverBridgeHeadServerBridgehead Servers are the contact point for the exchange of directory information between sites.
budgetBudgetBudget contains information about money that has been budgeted for use. It has associated Cost Center and the Party that has the budget allocated to them. It contains a set of Budget Lines which have details of individual budget items.
budget_lineBudgetLine Represent information contained in a single Budget Line in the Budget
bufferBufferThis class represents the buffer in a network device that queues up packets.
business_activityBusinessActivityBusiness Activity consists of a set or sequence of actions undertaken by an organization to produce a product or provide a unit of service as part of the defined business process.Name attribute is inherited from Object and must be unique across all business activities that belong to the same business process.
business_applicationBusinessApplicationA collection of software components that can be managed as an independent unit that supports a particular business function. An application is a logical composition of the functionality required to manipulate the data and provide the functional requirements of underlying business processes. An application has a set of supporting infrastructure entities.Example: Call center application, trade application etc.
business_elementBusinessElementBusiness Element is a basic class for all components that support a particular business function, produce a product or provide a service that is visible to customers.
business_functionBusinessFunctionA business function is composed of a logical set of ongoing activities or processes that sustain the organization's business objectives (i.e., producing a product, providing a service). A business function can be managed but cannot be performed. Business functions, which describe what an organization does, can be decomposed into processes that describe how the work is accomplished.
business_objectiveBusinessObjectiveBusinessObjective contains information about the Business Objective, the satisfaction of which is monitored and ascertained through the associated KPIs.
business_processBusinessProcessA Business Process is a collection of interrelated tasks (user-triggers or automatic), which solve a particular issue to define the functional needs of the business service being provided. A process can be hierarchically decomposed into business activities. Usage: Some of the business processes are provided to the external customers, others are internal processes that are essential for the effective management of the business. Example: Order processing, new employee on-boarding, etc.
business_serviceBusinessServiceRepresents business or IT service. A business service is a service that a business provides to another business (B2B) or that one organization provides to another within a business (e.g. payment processing). An IT service is a business service that the IT organization provides to support business services or IT's own operations.
business_transactionBusinessTransactionAn end-to-end service provided to end-users or to other related applications (e.g. stock trade, account login, product purchase or billing inquiry), in the IT realm will be provided by an application. Each business transaction has a unique profile that contains a business context (i.e. activity type, user, time and location, etc.) and a technical profile.
BusinessServiceBusiness Service ViewObsolete class. Replaced by logical_application class
callhome_eventCallHomeEventUD Agent call probe manager proactively, and probe manager generate an event CI
cell_boardCellBoardRepresents the Cell in the HP cellular server
centralmanagementserverCentral Management ServerThe Central Management Store is a centralized configuration database that is used to save configuration data for the entire Lync Server deployment. The job of the Central Management Server is to coordinate replication of configuration data to replica databases running on each machine in the topology as well as providing access to the master copy.
cf_appCloud Foundry ApplicationCloud Foundry Application
cf_domainCloud Foundry DomainCloud Foundry Domain
cf_organizationCloud Foundry OrganizationCloud Foundry Organization
cf_quotaCloud Foundry QuotaCloud Foundry Quota
cf_resourceCloud Foundry ResourceVirtual class to all Cloud Foundry Resources
cf_routeCloud Foundry RouteCloud Foundry Route
cf_serviceCloud Foundry ServiceCloud Foundry Service
cf_service_instanceCloud Foundry Service InstanceCloud Foundry Service Instance
cf_service_planCloud Foundry Service PlanCloud Foundry Service Plan
cf_spaceCloud Foundry SpaceCloud Foundry Space
changeChange A Record containing the details of a Change. Each Change Record documents the Lifecycle of a single Change. A Change Record is created for every Request for Change that is received, even those that are subsequently rejected. Change Records should reference the Configuration Items that are affected by the Change. Change Records are stored in the Configuration Management System. This class corresponds to what ITILv3 calls a Change Record.
chassisChassisa chassis that holds atm switches
ci_collectionCiCollectionGeneric logical collection of CIs. One example usage for CiCollection would be to group business processes when no real sequencing is required between the processes.
cics_groupCICS GroupA CICS group is a set of related CICS resource definitions such as transactions, programs, map sets, and files.
cics_listCICS ListThis contains a list of CICS Groups. A CICS list contains groups installed at startup.
cics_programCICS ProgramA CICS program is that portion of a run unit that is complete enough to be compiled separately. Typically, a program is one source file.
cics_regionCICSRegionThis CIT represents a mainframe CICS region
cics_resourceCICSResourceThis CIT is an abstract class for all the CICS subsystem resources
cics_transactionCICS TransactionA CICS transaction is a unit of application data processing (consisting of one or more application programs) that a single request initiates, often from a terminal.
cimCIMCIM base agent
cisco_aceCisco ACEThe Cisco ACE load balance software
cisco_cssCisco CSSThe Cisco Content service switch software
citrix_netscalerCitrix NetScalerThe Citrix NetScaler load balance software
citrix_networkCitrix NetworkCitrix Network
citrix_pbdCitrix PBDCitrix Physical Block Device
citrix_poolCitrix PoolCitrix Pool
citrix_storage_repositoryCitrix Storage Repository
citrix_vbdCitrix VBDCitrix Virtual Block Device
citrix_vdiCitrix VDICitrix Virtual Disk Image
citrix_virtual_resourceCitrix Virtual Resource
citrix_vm_applianceCitrix VM ApplianceCitrix VM Appliance
cloudfoundryCloud FoundryCloud Foundry System
clusterClusterA Cluster is a system that is made up of two or more Nodes which operate together as an atomic, functional whole to increase the performance, resources, and/or reliability, availability, and serviceability.
cluster_resource_configClusterResourceConfigPhysical or logical entity managed by a cluster node. A resource provides a service to clients in a client/server environment. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster resource 2. Container (root_container) - Parent cluster group
cluster_resource_groupClusterResourceGroupRepresents a cluster resource group ("Cluster Package" in MC/ServiceGuard terminology) on a failover cluster. The CRG provides a runtime environment that is similar to a virtual node (network connectivity, storage), but does not provide the level of isolation of virtual machines running on a hypervisor. A CRG can move between a select set of members of a Failover Cluster, and at any given point in time will (if active) be running on exactly one cluster member.
cluster_resource_group_configClusterResourceGroupConfigCollection of dependent or related resources to be managed as a single unit. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster group 2. Container (root_container) - Parent container, i.e. clustered service
cluster_softwareClusterSoftwareThe software that provides failover cluster capabilities on a certain node (e.g. the runtime software of MC/ServiceGuard on an HP-UX cluster node)
clustered_file_systemClusteredFileSystemA clustered file system is a file system which is shared by being simultaneously mounted on multiple nodes.
communication_endpointCommunicationEndpointA communication point from which data can be sent/received or services can be consumed. Examples: TCP/UDP port, URL, IPAddress
communicationserverCommunication ServerThis CIT is an abstract CIT representing all communication servers of which Microsoft Lync Server is an example.
configuration_documentConfigurationDocumentA document that contains a block of arbitrary information, or resource for storing information, which is available to a computer program and is usually based on some kind of durable storage
contractContractA legally binding Agreement between two or more parties. A contract can be of different kind as lease, maintenance, SLA, etc. A contract may support multiple assets.
costCostCost is used to describe IT cost accounting with real price calculated. It provides monetary IT cost amount and properties associated with it.
cost_categoryCostCategoryThe cost categories are a classification of expenses. Typical examples include hardware, telephone, software, etc.
cost_centerCostCenterA Business Unit to which Costs are assigned. An IT Service Provider can be run as a Cost Center or a Profit Center. A Cost Center does not charge for Services provided. Typical examples of a Cost Center include Research and Development, Marketing and Customer service.Start date is the creation date of the cost center, and end date is the obsolescence date. They are usually empty which means 'always' active.
cpuCpuA central processing unit (CPU) is an electronic circuit that can execute computer programs.
daemonDaemonA program that forward requests to other programs (or processes).
dasd3390Dasd3390This CIT represents an emulated 3390 DASD volume
databaseDatabaseA system that manages a collection of records arranged in a predefined structure and format allowing an efficient retrieval and search of data usually by key data items.
database_aliasDB Alias
database_instanceDatabase SchemaRepresents the database schema
databaseresourceDatabase Resourcevirtual class to all database resources
datacenterDatacenterRepresents a Data center entity
datacenter_resourceDatacenterResourceVirtual CI Type representing data center resources such as buildings, floors, spaces, etc.
db2DB2A database from IBM that serve a number of different operating system platforms.
db2_aliasDb2AliasDatabase alias names are local synonyms given to local and remote databases.
db2_buffer_poolDb2BufferPoolAn area of main memory that has been allocated by the database manager for the purpose of caching table and index data as it is read from disk
db2_databaseDb2DatabaseA DB2 relational database.
db2_datasharing_groupDb2DataSharingGroupThis CIT represents a Mainframe DB2 Data Sharing Group (DB2 subsystem clustering)
db2_datasharing_group_memberDb2DatasharingGroupMemberThis CIT represents a member of the DB2 Data Sharing Group
db2_ddfDb2DdfThis CIT represents a Distribute Data Facility, a mainframe DB2 component which provides the connectivity to and from other servers or clients over the network.
db2_ddf_aliasDb2DdfAliasThis CIT represents a Distributed Data Facility Alias
db2_instanceDb2InstanceLogical database manager environment for cataloging databases and setting configuration parameters. Depending on the needs, there is possibility to create more than one instance on the same physical server.
db2_locationDb2LocationThis CIT represents a remote DB2 location
db2_partitionDb2PartitionA database partition is a part of a database that consists of its own data, indexes, configuration files, and transaction logs. A database partition is sometimes called a node or a database node.
db2_partition_groupDb2PartitionGroupA database partition group is a set of one or more database partitions defined as belonging to a database.
db2_schemaDB2 Schema
db_archivefileDB_Archive FileAn archive-file object for a Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Analysis Services database contains the contents of the directory named the same as the database
db_configurationDB Configuration
db_controlfileDB_Control-Filedb control file
db_licenseDatabase License
db_log_fileDbLogFileFile of updates done to the database.
db_redofileDB_Re-do FileA transaction log that records data modifications made in the database.
db_redofilegroupDB_Re-do File groupA group of transaction logs that records data modifications made in the database.
db_trace_fileDbTraceFileFile that database creates to help to diagnose and resolve operating problems.
dbaobjectsDBA ObjectAn object that representing the database procedure, function, package and package-body
dbdatafileDB Data FileData file messages are being used to transfer data files from computer to computer
dbextentDB ExtendA unit of space allocated to a SQL Server object, such as a table or index, whenever the object needs more space.
dbindexDB IndexSyntax specified one or more indexes to use for a table hint.
dbjobDB JobA job is a specified series of operations performed sequentially by the database manager.
dblinkobjDB Link Objectobject represent the dblinkobj
dbschedulerjobDB Scheduler JobA scheduler job is a specified series of operations performed sequentially by the database manager.
dbsegmentDB SegmentA database segment contains the component database and any utilities provided by the developers for the DBA's use in installing and filling that particular database.
dbsnapshotDB SnapshotBackup that can be can be created for an entire database or individual files.
dbtableDB TableA table organizes the information about a single topic into rows and columns.
dbtablespaceDB TablespaceRepresents the amount of space required to store the data in a table
dbtnsDB TNS namesRepresents the tnsnames on the local machine
dbuserDB UserThis class represents a user in Database
DefectDefectA Defect is a fault or imperfection found in a computer program, solution or a system. A Defect must always be part of a ProjectGroup
DefectsFilterDefectsFilterThe filter which is used to retrieve relevant defects from ALM
device_driverDevice DriverInstalled device driver.
digital_certificateDigital Certificate
dirDirName of group of files in the same location.
directorserverDirector ServerDirectors can authenticate Lync Server user requests, but do not home user accounts, or provide presence or conferencing services. Directors are most useful in deployments that enable external user access, where the Director can authenticate requests before sending them on to internal servers.
directory_serverDirectoryServerA directory service is the software system that stores, organizes and provides access to information in a directory. A directory service is a shared information infrastructure for locating, managing, administering, and organizing common items and network resources, which can include volumes, folders, files, printers, users, groups, devices, telephone numbers and other objects.
disk_deviceDiskDeviceA DiskDevice is a peripheral device used to record and retrieve information. Main implementations are hard disks, floppy disks and optical discs. They are identified by device name on a given node e.g. /dev/sd0 in UNIX
display_monitorDisplayMonitorA monitor or display (also called screen or visual display unit) is an electronic visual display for computers
dns_recordDnsRecordRecord types in DNS, such as A-type, CNAME-type or PTR-type
dns_serverDnsServerA DNS or a Domain Name Server is a registry system for electronic services and resources. The DNS translates domain names which human understand into the appropriate network or application address.
dockerDockerDocker indicates the host is a docker host.
docker_containerDocker ContainerRunning Docker Container on the host
docker_daemonDocker DaemonRepresents the Docker Daemon Process
docker_imageDocker ImageDocker Image on the host
docker_image_tagDocker Image TagDocker Image Tag
docker_image_templateDocker Image TemplateVirtual type which indicate different docker images sharing the same image id.
docker_registryDocker RegistryDocker Registry
docker_registry_systemDocker Registry SystemDocker Registry
docker_repositoryDocker RepositoryRepository
docker_resourceDocker ResourceDocker resources that used by docker image, docker container...
docker_swarm_clusterDocker Swarm ClusterSwarm Cluster
docker_swarm_daemonDocker Swarm DaemonSwarm Daemon
docker_volumeDocker VolumeDocker Volume
domaincontrollerDomainControllerA domain controller is a directory server that physically store the Active Directory information. All domain controllers that belong to the same domain replicate information to each other. A domain controller which is defined as a global catalog server replicate and stores objects from all the domains that belong to the forest.
domaincontrollerresourceDomainController ResourceDomainController Resourc
domaincontrollerroleDomainControllerRoleDomainController Role
domainnamingmasterDomainNamingMasterThe domain naming master domain controller controls the addition or removal of domains in the forest.
ds_access_dcDirectory Service Access DCThe properties of the this class provide information about Microsoft Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange Server 5.5 domain controllers that are accessible to the Exchange 2000 Server DSAccess service.
edgeserverEdge ServerEdge Server enables your users to communicate and collaborate with users outside the organization's firewalls. These external users can include the organization's own users who are currently working offsite, users from federated partner organizations, and outside users who have been invited to join conferences hosted on your Lync Server deployment. Edge Server also enables connectivity to public IM connectivity services, including Windows Live, AOL, and Yahoo.
ejbEjbEJB component
ejbmoduleEjbModuleA module containing the EJB
elanELANa elan
emc_autostart_clusterEMC AutoStart ClusterEMC AutoStart Cluster
entitybeanEntityBeanEJB entity
environmental_sensorEnvironmentalSensorThis class represents an environmental sensor on a network device. Environmental sensors are components that measure environmental parameters such as temperature and voltage.
eum_monitorEUM MonitorMonitor system CI Types
eventlogEvent LogMicrosoft Event log data
eviewEViewThis CIT represents the EView agent object for a LPAR node
exchangeExchangeThis abstract class is parent for the following CIT's: - Administrative group - Exchange organization - Routing group
exchange_administrative_groupAdministrative groupThis class represents Administrative group in Exchange organization. In Exchange 2007, the concept of Administrator group has been deprecated, and it's mainly used for backward compatible when working in environments that includes both Exchange 2007 and 2003. In Exchange 2007, there will be only one ADM group, where all Exchange servers are members of.
exchangeclientaccessserverExchange Client Access ServerThe Client Access server is the server that users connect to with their mail client, mobile device, or web browser. The Client Access server handles all connections whether they come from an application such as Outlook, Outlook Express, or any other MAPI, POP3 or IMAP4 client. The Client Access server also handles connections made from mobile devices such as a Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone, or any other device using Exchange ActiveSync. This role also provides Outlook Web Access (OWA).
exchangeedgeserverExchange Edge ServerThe Edge Transport role is installed on the edge of the network and therefore is installed on a standalone server that is not a member of the Active Directory domain. Active Directory Application Mode (ADAM) is used to sync AD with the Edge Transport server. ADAM and a component called EdgeSync are used to perform scheduled one-way synchronization of the configuration and recipient information from Active Directory. This allows the Edge Transport to perform recipient lookups and Spam filtering.
exchangehubserverExchange Hub ServerThe Hub Transport role is responsible for all internal mail flow. This role is similar to the bridgehead server in an Exchange 2000/2003 organization. The Hub Transport server is installed on member server(s) in an Active Directory domain. Because it is a member of an AD domain, all its configuration information is stored in AD and any other Hub Transport servers will get their configuration from AD.
exchangemailserverExchange Mail ServerMailbox role holds the Exchange databases within which the user mailboxes are contained. It is also home to the Public Folder databases if you enabled Public Folders.
exchangesystemExchange OrganizationThis class represents Exchange Organization.
exchangetransportserverExchange Transport ServerThis CIT is a common super-type for two transport roles: Edge role and Hub role.
exchangeunifiedmessagingserverExchange Unified Messaging ServerThis server role enables Unified Messaging for an Exchange 2007 organization. Unified Messaging lets users access their Exchange 2007 mailbox over any telephone for e-mail, voice mail, fax messages, and calendaring and contact information. The Unified Messaging role is responsible for merging VOIP infrastructure with Exchange organization. It provides the capability to: - combined voice, fax, and mail in one inbox - access to voice, fax and mail via multiple interfaces
executequeueJ2EE Execute Queueexecutequeue
f5_ltmF5 BIG-IP LTMThe F5 BIG-IP Local traffic manager software
fabric_zoneFibreChannelZoneFibreChannelZone is the partition of Fabric that defines the access allowance for specific devices/ports.
fabric_zone_setFabricZoneSetFabricZoneSet is a configuration entity that groups several FabricZones for configuration management purposes
failover_clusterFailoverClusterA FailoverCluster is a Cluster that is implemented primarily for the purpose of providing high availability of services which the cluster provides. They operate by having redundant computers or nodes which are then used to provide service when system components fail.
fanFanThis class represents a fan on a device such as a network device.
fchbaFibre Channel HBA
fcportFibre Channel Port
fcswitchFibre Channel Switch
fileFileAn entity of data
file_systemFileSystemA file system mounted on a Node.A file system provides the means for storing and organizing computer files and the data they contain to make it easy to find and access them. This class corresponds to the general notion of file system used by Unix, Windows, Linux, etc.
file_system_exportFileSystemExportA file system that is exported by a node for mounting by another node using a protocol such as NFS or SMB
firewall_clusterFirewall ClusterFirewall clustering provides network node redundancy by grouping a pair of the same kind of supported SRX Series devices or J Series devices into a cluster. The devices must be running the same version of the Junos operating system (Junos OS).
frontendserverFront End ServerThe Front End Server is the core server role, and runs many basic Lync Server functions. The Front End Server, along with the Back End Servers that provide the database, is the only server role required to be in any Lync Server Enterprise Edition deployment.
functional_groupFunctionalGroupA group of Persons that have the same responsibilities or job functions, but do not necessarily belong to the same department or organization. An Assignment Group is an example of a Functional Group.
glassfishasGlassfish ASThe Glassfish Application Server
globalcatalogserverGlobalCatalogServerThe global catalog is a distributed data repository that contains a searchable, partial representation of every object in every domain in a multidomain Active Directory forest.
google_cloud_diskGoogle Cloud DiskGoogle Cloud Disk
google_cloud_imageGoogle Cloud ImageGoogle Cloud Image
google_cloud_snapshotGoogle Cloud SnapshotGoogle Cloud Snapshot
google_cloud_vm_configGoogle Cloud VM ConfigRepresents configuration of Google Compute Engine instance
googlecloudprojectGoogle Cloud ProjectA project is a container for all Google Cloud Platform resources.
googlecloudresourceGoogle Cloud ResourceGoogle Cloud resources being used in Google Cloud Platform
googlecloudserviceaccountGoogle Cloud Service AccountA service account is a Google account that is associated with your Google Cloud Platform project
graphics_adapterGraphicsAdapterGraphics adapter is an expansion card which generates a feed of output images to a display.
hacmpappresourceHACMP Application ResourceThis represents an application that can sucessfully be restarted in HACMP after unexpected shutdown. THis applications is highly available by a HACMP Cluster.
hacmpclusterHACMP ClusterIBM HACMP (High Availability Cluster Multi-Processing) - provides a clustering technology that keeps server-based applications available, regardless of individual component failures
hacmpgroupHACMP Resource GroupCollection of dependent or related resources to be managed as a single unit.
hacmpresourceHACMP ResourcePhysical or logical entity managed by a cluster node. A resource provides a service to clients in a client/server environment
hadoop_clusterHadoop ClusterRepresents Hadoop Distributed System - HDFS Cluster or MapReduce Cluster
hadoop_masterHadoop MasterHadoop Master represents NameNode or JobTracker
hadoop_slaveHadoop SlaveHadoop Slave represents Hadoop Services, such as DataNode, TaskTracker
hana_databaseHanaDatabaseSap Hana Database
hana_dbHanaDatabaseSAP HANA Database
hana_instanceHanaInstanceSap Hana Database Instance
hana_systemHanaSystemSAP HANA System
hanadbHana DatabaseSap Hana Database
hardware_boardHardwareBoardThis class represents a hardware board on a network or any other type of device. Network devices have many kinds of boards. Some provide multiple functions like routing, switching, or other services while others just provide a containment to host physical ports and connect themselves to the backplane. Hardware boards are commodities that are swappable. Sometimes hardware boards also host other sub-boards on them which then host the ports, but this class does not model sub-boards.
HistoryAttributeChangeHistory Attribute Change
HistoryChangeHistory Change
HistoryRelationChangeHistory Relation Change
HistoryTopologicalChangeHistory Topological Change
host_nodeComputerThis class represents a general purpose machine which has an IP address, such as Windows, Unix, Mainframe
hp_complexHP ComplexServer complex is a union of all hardware within a cell-based server including all cells, I/O chassis, cables, cabinet hardware, fans, and power and utility components. In case of non-cellular system this CIT represents a server which runs vPars.
hp_ivm_configHP IVM ConfigHP IVM Virtial Machine Configuration
hp_nonstopHP NonStopHP NonStop system
hp_npar_configHP nPar ConfigThis class holds HP nPartition configuration parameters
hp_vpar_configHP vPar ConfigThis class represents HP virtual partition (vPar) configuration
httpcontextHTTP ContextIBM HTTP Server plugin
hyperv_partition_configHyper-V Partition ConfigThis class represents a configuration of child Hyper-V partition.
hypervisorHypervisorBase class for different kinds of hypervisors (software that allows to host virtual machines)Represents the virtualization service provided by the Hypervisor, its properties and health. The Hypervisor is the link object between the virtual machine (a Node) and the physical host (a Node).
ibm_fsmIBM FSMThis class represents the IBM FSM management software.
ibm_hmcIBM HMCThis class represents the IBM HMC management software.
ibm_ivmIBM IVMRepresents IBM IVM management software
ibm_lpar_profileIBM LPar ProfileThis class represents the configuration profile used for the LPAR When the LPar is created with the default profile, this CI will represent the default LPar configuration.
ibm_pseries_frameIBM Frame"IBM Frame" CI represents the "Managed System" in the terms of IBM Virtualization Solution. This class has no children CITs
ibm_resource_poolIBM Processor PoolRepresents the IBM CPU Pool.
ibm_wpar_profileIBM WPar ProfileThis class represents the configuration profile used for the WPAR. When the WPar is created with the default profile, this CI will represent the default WPar configuration.
ibmhttpserverIBM HTTP ServerIBM HTTP Server (IHS) which is based on the Apache HTTP Server that runs on AIX, HP-UX, Linux, Solaris, Windows NT, and z/OS
iisIIS Web ServerThis class represents an instance of IIS web-server (Microsoft Internet Information Server).
iis_ftp_serverIIS FTP ServerThis class represents an instance of IIS FTP Server
iis_smtp_serverIIS SMTP ServerThis class represents an instance of IIS SMTP Server
iisapppoolIIS Application PoolIIS Application Pool
iisftpserviceIIS FTP ServiceIIS FTP Service
iisftpsiteIIS FTP SiteIIS FTP Site
iisresourceIIS ResourceBase class for IIS resources
iisserviceIIS ServiceIIS Service
iissmtpserviceIIS SMTP ServiceIIS SMTP Service
iisvirtualdirIIS Virtual DirIIS Virtual Dir
iiswebdirIIS Web DirIIS Web Dir
iiswebserviceIIS Web ServiceIIS Web Service
iiswebsiteIIS Web SiteIIS Web Site
imsprogramIMS ProgramCIT Represents a Mainframe IMS Program.
imstransactionIMS TransactionThis CIT represents a Mainframe IMS Transaction. An IMS transaction is a specific set of input data that triggers the execution of a specific process or job. An IMS transaction is a message destined for an application program.
information_security_levelInformationSecurityLevelRepresents information security level and its particular components, such as confidentiality, integrity and availability
infrastructure_elementInfrastructureElementInfrastructure Element CI Types.
infrastructure_serviceInfrastructureServiceAn IT Service that is not directly used by the Business, but is required by the IT Service Provider so they can provide other IT Services. For example Directory Services, naming services, or communication services. Infrastructure service is a synonym for technical service in ITILv3.
infrastructuremasterInfrastructureMasterThe infrastructure is responsible for updating references from objects in its domain to objects in other domains.
installed_softwareInstalledSoftwareThis class represents a software installed on a node.
insurance_contractInsuranceContractThe InsuranceContract class represents the contracts related to insurance
interactionInteractionAn Interaction describes the converstion between the help desk and a user.An interaction does not live on its own, it is always registered in the context of another object (e.g. Problem, Incident, Request For Change).
interfaceInterfaceDescribes a logical interface (Note: This is NOT a physical interface card) that supports various data link layer and other higher layer protocols such as tunnels, mpls, frame, atm etc.
interface_aggregationInterface AggregationRepresents the interface aggregation the way it is presented on the OS level.
interfaceindexInterface IndexRepresents a unique number of an interface
inventory_scannerInventoryScannerThis CIT represents the inventory scanner running software
io_chassisI/O ChassisThis class represents I/O Chassis
iogroupIO GroupAn IOGroup defines an interface for a set of Volumes. All storage processors and Volumes are associated with exactly one IOGroup. The read and write cache provided by a storage processor is duplicated for redundancy.
ioslotI/O SlotRepresents the I/O Slot on the PFrame.
ip_addressIpAddressThis class represents the logical network identifier of a node on the network. An IP Address can represent either an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.
ip_phoneIP Phone
ip_service_endpointIpServiceEndpointRepresents any kind of a network service end point based on a variety of protocols such as UDP or TCP or more specific ones such as SMTP, SNMP etc. The class describes the IP address and network port a service end point is bound to and the type of protocol it uses to expose an end point.
ip_subnetIpSubnetThis class represents an IP subnet in a network. The network could be an IPv4 or an IPv6 network. An instance of this class will exists for each IP subnet in a routing domain.
ipclientClient PortClient port is the a port which the server port is connected to.
ipfwIP Firewallfw in a trail
ipmp_groupIPMP GroupThis class represents an IP Multipathing Group in Solaris OS. IPMP provides failure detection and failover for interfaces on a system that are attached to the same link.
ipportTCP/IP PortLogical connection that using the internet protocol TCP/IP.
ipunknownIP UnknownUnknown port (tcp/udp)
isam_junctionISAMJunctionTCP/IP connection between a front-end WebSEAL server and a back-end server.
isam_policy_serverISAMPolicyServerThe policy server manages the master authorization (ACL) database and maintains location information about other Tivoli Access Manager servers in a secure domain.
isam_resourceISAMResourceBase class for IBM Security Access Manager resources
isam_webISAMForWebIBM Security Access Manager - authentication and authorization solution for corporate web services, operating systems, and existing applications.
iscsi_adapteriSCSI Adapter
iseries_fileIseriesFileThis class represents an iSeries file. A file is an object, of type *FILE, that contains data in the form of a database, device data, or a group of related records that are handled as a unit. For example : database files.
iseries_jobIseriesJobThis Class represents a Job on the Iseries Node
iseries_jobqueueIseriesJobQueueThis Class represents a Job Queue on the Iseries Node
iseries_libraryIseriesLibraryThis class represents an iSeries library. Every iSeries object is contained in a library. A library is an object, of type *LIB, that contains a group of objects.
iseries_outqueueIseriesOutputQueueThis Class represents a Output Queue on the Iseries Node
iseries_programIseriesProgramThis class represents an iSeries program object. This is an iSeries Program File.
iseriessubsystemiSeriesSubsystemThis class represents an iSeries subsystem. System-supplied iseries subsystems are used to control jobs and functions. A subsystem description defines how, where, and how much work enters a subsystem, and which resources the subsystem uses to do the work
j2ee_sap_central_servicesSapJ2eeCentralServicesAS J2EE instance of an SAP system containing the enqueue server and the message server (AS = Application Server, ASCS = ABAP SAP Central Services). There can only be one such instance in the SAP system.
j2eeapplicationJ2eeApplicationJ2EE application - is a deployable unit of J2EE functionality
j2eeclusterJ2eeClusterCluster of Java EE Servers that provides high availability, scalability and fault tolerance services
j2eedeployedobjectJ2EE Deployed Objectj2ee deployed object
j2eedomainJ2EE DomainManagement domain of Java EE resources (i.e. servers, clusters, application components, etc.)
j2eemanagedobjectJ2EE Managed Objectvirtual class to all j2ee resources
j2eemoduleJ2EE Modulej2ee deployed CI
j2eeserverJ2EE ServerThe J2EE server identifies the server core of one instance of a J2EE platform product as described in the Java 2 Enterprise Edition Platform specification.
jbossasJBoss ASThe Jboss Application Server
jdbcdatasourceJdbcDataSourceRepresents JDBC connector to data source. JDBC Data Source provides database connectivity through a pool of JDBC connections
jeenodeJEE NodeA node is a logical grouping of managed servers.
jmsdatastoreJMS Data Storejms server data store
jmsdestinationJMS Destinationjms destination
jmsresourceJMS Resourcevirtual class to all j2ee resources
jmsserverJMS Serverjms server
jvmJVMKey Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - JVM 2. Container (root_container) - The container Software Element
known_errorKnownErrorA Record containing the details of a Known Error
kpiKpiKey Performance Indicators are quantifiable measurements that reflect the critical success factors of an organization.
kpi_objectiveKpiObjectiveA KPIObjective is a translation of business objectives into set of thresholds against which a particular KPI is measured.
kvm_domain_configKvm domain configThis class represents the KVM domain configuration
layer2_connectionLayer2ConnectionRepresents a ISO Layer-2 connection between 2 or more interfaces.
lbLoad BalancerLoad Balancer device
lb_softwareLoad balancer softwareAbstract class for all Load balancers software
ldom_configLDOM ConfigClass represents configuration of LDOM Domain
ldom_resourceLDOM ResourceClass is an abstract common parent for LDOM resources
ldom_serverLDOM ServerClass represents hardware of LDOM server
ldom_vdsLDOM Virtual Disk ServiceClass represents LDOM Virtual Disk Service which allows sharing storage resources with other domains
ldom_virtual_diskLDOM Virtual DiskClass represents LDOM Virtual Disk
ldom_virtual_switchLDOM Virtual SwitchClass represents LDOM Virtual Switch
ldom_virtual_volumeLDOM Virtual VolumeClass represents LDOM Virtual Volume
lease_contractLeaseContractLeasing has similarities and differences with long-term rental and hire-purchase agreements.Rent payments are used in all cases. though, there are differences between the three:
licenseLicenseLicense contains information about a license to use certain entities like software etc, and has associated with it the contract that governs such usage. Licenses are Assets and are reconciled using the unique AssetTag that they have by virtue of being an Asset.
license_contractLicenseContractLicense contracts are used to describe the terms and conditions negotiated with software providers and vendors.License contracts are not to be confused with the actual licenses themselves.
license_featureLicense FeatureThe Feature supplied by the license
license_resourceLicense ResourceThe License Resource
license_serverLicense ServerRepresents the License Server software
licenses_management_softwareLicenses Management SoftwareLicense Management Software Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of Licenses Management Software 2. Container (root_container) - Software's container, usually a Host
loadbalanceclusterLoad Balancing ClusterLoad Balancing Cluster - a cluster that operates by distributing a workload evenly over multiple back end nodes. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster Two Clusters with the same name will be considered different in case mismatch of their IP Endpoints.
locationLocationLocation of devices and business organizations/people that support a function (i.e. data center, company/client site). Can vary from country to city or low level like building or room. It can be connected to devices and logical CIs representing end users or data center location.
logdirLog DirLog dir definition
logfileLog FileRequested information which is kept in file.
logical_volumeLogicalVolumeA region of storage on which a FileSystem can be created
logicalvolume_snapshotLogical Volume SnapshotRepresents a snapshot of a logical volume
lparMainframe Logical PartitionMainframe lpar
LUNLUNThis class represents one instance of a Logical Unit Number.It is a number used to identify a logical unit, which is a device addressed by the SCSI protocol or Storage Area Network protocols which encapsulate SCSI, such as Fibre Channel or iSCSI
lyncLyncThis is an abstract CIT which represents all the Microsoft Lync Server System elements. In this case this is the parent of Lync Site CIT and Lync Pool CIT.
lyncpoolLync PoolA Lync Server pool is a collection of Lync Servers. All Lync Servers in the pool run exactly the same services and one server in a pool of many can go down without detribalizing the pool. A pool is defined by a full qualified domain name.
lyncresourceLync ResourceThis CIT is an abstract CIT representing all the Microsoft Lync Server Resources like Lync Server Role.
lyncserverLync ServerMicrosoft Lync Server (previously Microsoft Office Communications Server) is an enterprise real-time communications server, providing the infrastructure for enterprise instant messaging, presence, file transfer, peer-to-peer and multiparty voice and video calling, ad hoc and structured conferences (audio, video and web) and PSTN connectivity.
lyncserverroleLync Server RoleLync Server 2010 allows role based deployment. During Lync Server 2010 installation user can select the components to be installed on a machine. The services installed on the Lync Server identify the role of the server.
lyncsiteLync SiteA Site is a set of computers that are well-connected by a high-speed, low-latency network, such as a single local area network (LAN) or two networks connected by a high-speed fiber optic network. A Lync Site is defined in a network to contain Lync Sever 2010 Components. A Lync Site can contain one or more Lync Pools with each Pool containing one or more Lync Server 2010.
mail_serverMailServerA system acting as a Mail Transfer Agent, running the appropriate software required to transfer electronic mail messages from one computer to another.
mainframeMainframe CPCThis CIT represents the physical Mainframe system. It is the physical collection of hardware that includes main storage, one or more central processors, timers, and channels.
mainframe_db2_databaseMainframeDb2DatabaseThis CIT represents a DB2 database instance on a Mainframe
mainframe_db2_resourceDB2ResourceThis CIT is an abstract class for all the Mainframe DB2 subsystem resources
mainframe_db2_tablespaceMainframeDb2TablespaceThis CIT represents a Mainframe DB2 Tablespace
mainframe_ims_databaseIMS DatabaseMainframe IMS Database
mainframe_imsdbareaIMS DB AreaIMS Database Area. IMS databases of type DEDB (Data Entry DB) are grouped beneath these Areas.
mainframe_imsregionIMS RegionMainframe IMS Region (address space)
mainframe_imsresourceIMS ResourceMainframe IMS Resource
mainframe_jobMainframeJobThis Class represents a Job or Started Task on the Mainframe
mainframe_major_nodeMainframeMajorNodeThis CIT represents a mainframe major node
mainframe_page_datasetMainframePageDatasetThis CIT represents a paged data set on a mainframe
mainframe_resourceMainframeResourceThis CIT is an abstract class for all the Mainframe resources
mainframe_subsystemMainframeSubsystemThis CIT represents a Mainframe subsystem
mainframe_sysplexMainframeSysplexRepresents an IBM Systems Complex
mainframe_systemMainframeSystemAbstract class representing all Mainframe Systems
mainframe_xcf_groupMainframeXcfGroupMainframe Cross System Coupling Facility (XCF) group, used to support messaging between XCF members across LPARs inside a Sysplex
mainframe_xcf_memberMainframeXcfMemberMember of Mainframe XCF Group
maintenance_contractMaintenanceContractDefines terms and conditions for the maintenance of hardware or software by commercial organizations (including prime contractors) on a one-time or continuing basis, without distinction as to the level of maintenance accomplished.
managed_objectManaged Objectall managed object types
management_processorManagement ProcessorServer management boards such as HP Remote Integrated Lights Out (RILO) boards
marconiatmswitchMarconi ATM Switchthe atmswitch class represents a network element that his oid represent an marconiatmswitch
maxdbMaxDBMaxDb\SapDb database from SAP
mediationserverMediation ServerMediation Server is a necessary component for implementing Enterprise Voice and dial-in conferencing. Mediation Server translates signaling and, in some configurations, media between your internal Lync Server infrastructure and an Internet Protocol/Public Switched Telephone Network (IP-PSTN) gateway or a Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) trunk.
memoryMemoryRandom access memory (RAM).
memory_unitMemoryUnitThis is the internal memory component reported by a network device. Depending on device types, the type of memory getting reported will vary.
messagedrivenbeanMessageDrivenBeanEJB Messege Driven Bean
messaging_serverMessagingServerA client/server infrastructure that increases the interoperability, portability, and flexibility of an application by allowing the application to be distributed over multiple heterogeneous platforms. It reduces the complexity of developing applications that span multiple operating systems and network protocols by insulating the application developer from the details of the various operating system and network interfaces.
monitorMonitorMonitoring CI Types.
monitoringserverMonitoring ServerMonitoring Server collects data about the quality of your network media, in both Enterprise Voice calls and A/V conferences. It also collects call error records (CERs), which you can use to troubleshoot failed calls. Additionally, it collects usage information in the form of call detail records (CDRs) about various Lync Server features so that you can calculate return on investment of your deployment, and plan the future growth of your deployment.
mqaliasqueueIBM MQ Alias QueueAn IBM Alias Queue is simply an alias of another queue. It may be an alias of a local, remote, transmission or another alias queue. The alias queue and the queue for which it is an alias are within the same queue manager. Messages/commands issued on the alias queue are forwarded to the queue for which it is an alias
mqchannelIBM MQ ChannelIBM MQ Channels are required by Queue Managers to communicate with other Queue Managers. Channels are uni-directional and bi-directional communication (such as a request-response system) would require a second channel to return data. A channel will send or receive data on a specific port on a TCP/IP network
mqchinitIBM MQ Channel InitiatorMQ channel initiator on mainframe MQ subsystems
mqclusterIBM MQ ClusterAn MQ Cluster provides a flexible approach to join multiple queue managers with minimal configuration. This allows multiple instances of the same service to be hosted through multiple queue managers which allows for higher performance, capacity and resiliency
mqlocalqueueIBM MQ Local QueueA Local Queue is a basic message queue and container of messages. An application can place a message in it for delivery or request/retrieve a message from it
mqmessagequeueMQ QueueA Queue is a container of messages in the MQ Infrastructure
mqnamelistIBM MQ NamelistAn IBM MQ namelist contains a list of names and is typically used to hold a list of MQ Queue Manager Clusters. These namelists are then specified in clusters namelist property and may be used by all queue managers in that cluster for look up
mqprocessIBM MQ ProcessCIT that represents WebSphere MQ processes
mqqueueIBM MQ QueueThe IBM MQ Queue is a container of messages in the MQ Infrastructure and controls how messages are routed between queue managers. Queues may be setup in several configurations to control message ordering and delivery (F/LIFO, message priority, sequential delivery, guaranteed delivery, etc.) and are optimized to carry small amounts of information
mqqueuemanagerIBM MQ Queue ManagerA WebSphere MQ instance may have one or more queue managers. The queue manager is responsible for functions not directly related to data movement such as storage, timing, triggering, etc. Queue Managers use a proprietary IBM technology known as a "bindings" connection to communicate with MQ objects it manages and with remote clients via a network Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - The name of the MQ Queue Manager 2. Container (root_container) - The container IBM WebSphere MQ Software Element
mqqueuesharinggroupMQSharingGroupThis CIT represents a Mainframe MQ Sharing Group (MQ subsystem clustering)
mqreceiverchannelIBM MQ Receiver ChannelA receiver channel will receive messages from remote queue managers through a sending channel with the same name. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - The name of the MQ Queue 2. Container (root_container) - The container IBM MQ Queue Manager
mqremotequeueIBM MQ Remote QueueA Remote Queue is a remote or proxy instance of another queue. It may be a remote instance for a local, remote, transmission or another alias queue. The remote queue and the queue for which it is a remote may be on different queue managers
mqresourceMessage Queue ResourceMessage Queue Resource
mqsenderchannelIBM MQ Sender ChannelA sender channel is associated with a specific Transmission queue within the same parent queue manager and has a well-defined destination. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - The name of the MQ Queue 2. Container (root_container) - The container IBM MQ Queue Manager
mqsystemparametersIBM MQ System ParametersParameters for the MQ subsystem, as presented by the DISPLAY SYSTEM query.
mqtransmitqueueIBM MQ Transmit QueueA Transmission Queue is a special purpose queue that transmits messages from one queue manager to another through MQ Channels. Remote queues use transmission queues to relay messages to the queue for which it is a remote
ms_exchange_clustered_mailboxExchange Clustered Mail Box Exchange clustered mail box is a term used in Exchange 2007 clustering, it represents the virtual mail box shared accross the clustered Exchange servers.
ms_exchange_dagExchange Database Availability GroupExchange Database Availability Group
ms_exchange_folderExchange FolderThis class represents Public folders available on the Exchange system. Public folder may be organized in hierarchical structure, i.e. one Public folder may contain another Public folder.
ms_exchange_folder_treeExchange Folder treeInstances of this class provide information about public and private folder trees on Microsoft Exchange servers.
ms_exchange_linkExchange linkContains properties about message-handling links between mail servers
ms_exchange_mailbox_databaseExchange Mailbox DatabaseExchange storage group - a logical container for Exchange databases and their associated system and transaction log files.
ms_exchange_message_queueExchange Message queueProvides properties for Microsoft Exchange queues
ms_exchange_resourceMicrosoft Exchange ResourceThis abstract class represents additional components of Exchange server.
ms_exchange_roleExchange roleRole of exchange server in global scope. One exchange server can have several roles. Server roles allow an administrator to split the functions of an Exchange server and place each role, or a combination of roles, on different servers in the organization. This type is a common super-type for specific roles, which are: - Edge Transport - Hub Transport - Client Access - Mailbox - Unified Messaging
ms_exchange_serverMicrosoftExchangeServerThis class represents Microsoft Exchange server software installed on some host.
ms_exchange_storage_groupExchange Storage GroupExchange storage group - a logical container for Exchange databases and their associated system and transaction log files.
ms_nlb_clusterMS NLB ClusterClass represents Microsoft Network Load Balancing Cluster Key Attributes: 1. Cluster IP Address 2. Cluster Network Mask 3. Cluster Netwirk Address (MAC)
msclusterMS ClusterMicrosoft cluster server provides a clustering technology that keeps server-based applications available, regardless of individual component failures
mscsgroupMSCS Resource GroupCollection of dependent or related resources to be managed as a single unit. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster group 2. Container (root_container) - Parent container, i.e. clustered service
mscsresourceMSCS resourcePhysical or logical entity managed by a cluster node. A resource provides a service to clients in a client/server environment. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster resource 2. Container (root_container) - Parent cluster group
msdomainMS DomainMSDomain class represents a Microsoft domains and workgroups.
msmqmanagerMSMQ ManagerMicrosoft Message Queue Mannager
msmqqueueMSMQ QueueMSMQ Queue
msmqroutinglinkMSMQ Routing LinkMSMQ Routing Link
msmqruleMSMQ RuleMSMQ Rule
msmqtriggerMSMQ TriggerMSMQ Trigger
mysqlMySQLMySQL database
mysql_dbMySQL DatabaseSQL Data Base from MySQL
mysql_replicationMySQL ReplicationMySQL replication job
nameserverNameServerAn application that implements a name service protocol.
netapp_clusterNetApp Cluster
netapp_filerNetApp Filer
netapp_nodeNetApp Node
netappdomain.NetAppDomain.NET AppDomain
netdeviceNet DeviceThe Net Device class represents a specific purpose machines such as Routers, Switches, Printers
netprinterNet PrinterA printer device, which serves the network's users
network_adapterNetwork AdapterRepresents network card device
network_entityNetworkEntityBase class for classes representing cross device network objects such as Vlan and Subnet.
networkautomation_devicegroupNetWork Automation Device GroupDevice Group for NetWork Automation
nlb_clustersoftwareNLB Cluster SoftwareRepresents the Microsoft NLB Software
nodeNodeThe Node class represents a general purpose machine (i.e., computer). This also is a base class from which all the other classes representing devices such as virtual machines will inherit. Machines are typically reachable via the network but there are times when users model a machine even when it is not reachable via the network. Examples of machines include UNIX/Windows systems, switches, routers, firewalls etc.
node_elementNodeElementThis class represents a logical or physical part of a Node. The element might be virtualized by a virtualization software. Examples: DiskDrive, CPU, Blade, PhysicalPort, FileSystem, Process, InstalledSoftware
nonstop_sql_mxNonStop SQL/MXNonStop SQL/MX Catalog
ntWindowsNode with Microsoft Operation system (NT).
ntcmdNTCMDHPCmd or pstools
oc4jgroupOC4J GroupGroup of OC4J instances
openstack_flavorOpenStack FlavorOpenStack Flavor
openstack_imageOpenStack Image
openstack_networkOpenStack NetworkOpenStack Network
openstack_regionOpenStack RegionOpenStack Region
openstack_resourceOpenStack ResourceOpenStack Resource
openstack_subnetOpenStack SubnetOpenStack Subnet
openstack_tenantOpenStack TenantOpenStack Tenant
openstack_volumeOpenStack Volume
openstack_zoneOpenStack ZoneOpenStack Zone
operational_level_agreementOperationalLevelAgreementAn Agreement between an IT Service Provider and another part of the same Organization. For example there could be an OLA: between the IT Service Provider and a procurement department to obtain hardware in agreed times, between the Service Desk and a Support Group to provide Incident Resolution in agreed times.
oracleOracleOracle database
oracle_cdbOracle CDBThe multitenant architecture enables an Oracle database to function as a multitenant container database (CDB), A CDB includes zero, one, or many customer-created pluggable databases (PDBs).
oracle_data_guardOracle Data GuardOracle Data Guard allows Oracle Database to create and maintain one or more standby databases to protect Oracle data from failures, disasters, human error, and data corruptions.
oracle_listenerOracle TNS ListenerRepresents the Oracle TNS Listener
oracle_pdbOracle PDBA PDB(Pluggable Database) is a user-created entity that contains the data and code required for a specific set of features.
oracle_schemaOracle Schema
oracle_servicenameOracle Service Name
oracle_vm_managerOracleVMManagerOracle VM Manager application
oracleapplicationOracle ApplicationOracle E-Business Suite Application
oracleappserviceOracle Application ServiceOracle E-Business Suite Application Service
oracleappservicemanagerService ManagerOracle E-Business Suite Service Manager
oracleappsresourceOracle E-Business Suite ResourceOracle E-Business Suite Resource
oracleasresourceOracle AS ResourceOracle application server resource
oracleiasOracle iASThe Oracle IAS Application Server
oraclesystemOracle E-Business SuiteOracle E-Business Suite
oraclewebcomponentWeb ComponentOracle E-Business Suite Web Component
organizationOrganizationThis is a single node in a structure of groupings within a company that serve to collect people for pursuing a common goal or to serve a need of an administrative structure. The organization will be hierarchical and typically follow a sort of level 1 to level N structure with Persons being members of the leaf nodes of the organization.Different structures can be used to achieve different goals for the organizing entity.
osuserOS UserOS User
outageOutage The duration for which a Configuration Item or IT Service is not Available during its Agreed Service Time. The Availability of an IT Service is often calculated from Agreed Service Time and Downtime.
partyPartyAny active entity or agent - a party can be an organization or a person.
periodPeriodA period represents a period of time. Items such as IT Financial or process metrics that are attached to a period mean that their values are measured for that period.The length of the time period is defined by its periodicity attribute.Periods of greater duration can be made up of smaller duration periods - such as a Quarter containing three months.If data is attached to the child period, that means its data happened during the parent period as well.
personPersonA person. Used as a contact, owner, etc.
physical_portPhysicalPortRepresents a port on a switch or a router or other multi-function network infrastructure device. Many times this class is treated the same as an Interface since there is one to one correspondence in general between them. However, there are instances when Port is important when we want to work with the physical object that supports an interface. Interface is a logical object that represents the software encapsulation of certain data-link or or higher layers.
physicalvolumePhysical VolumeRepresents the Physical Volume.
policyPolicyPolicy is of a specific set of Categories. It contains the specification of a single policy related to it category(ies). It must have a unique name assigned by the creator of the policy.
policy_resultPolicyResultPolicyResult represents the result of evaluating how a policy of any category is satisified at a given point in time in a given system. This is an aggregate value.
postgresqlPostgreSQLPostgreSQL database
power_distribution_unitPowerDistributionUnitTypically a large cabinet which contains a 480v to 120/240v transformer along with one or more branch circuit panelboards. These are used in large server rooms and datacenters and available options include harmonic filters, voltage/current/power measurement, monitoring, and recording Key attributes 1. data_name - Name of the PDU 2. root_container - Datacenter/Building/Floor/Space in which this PDU is housed 3. power_distribution_unit_serialnumber - Serial number (optional attribute)
power_supplyPowerSupplyThis class represents a power supply unit on a network device.
powershellPowerShellCIT representing Windows Powershell protocol
primarydomaincontrollermasterPrimaryDomainControllerMasterThe PDC emulator is a domain controller that advertises itself as the primary domain controller (PDC) to workstations, member servers, and domain controllers that are running earlier versions of Windows.
printerPrinterPrinter device
printer_driverPrinter DriverPrinter driver information
printer_tonerPrinter TonerToner of printer
printer_trayPrinter TrayTray of printer
printqPrint QueueThe printer queue
processProcessAn instance of a program.
procurement_contractProcurementContractThe ProcurementContract class represents the contracts related to procurement of hardware
product_modelProductModelProductModel holds all model information for all assets managed by AM, be that license or hardware. Each Asset is an instance of a specific ProductModel as documented by the relationship to Asset. The AssetModel also contains information about count of Licenses that are installed for use, and is documented via the relationship to SoftwareCountDefinition. A ProductModel may be aggregation of a number of ProductModels.
projectProjectSet of activities that are coordinated to produce a result.From ITILv3: A temporary Organization, with people and other Assets required to achieve an Objective or other Outcome. Each Project has a Lifecycle that typically includes initiation, Planning, execution, Closure etc. Projects are usually managed using a formal methodology such as PRINCE2.We do not model a project as a temporary organization. but the rest of the definition is relevant.
project_issueProjectIssueProjectIssue contains information about individual issues that arise during the execution of a project, and the disposition thereof.
project_objectiveProjectObjectiveTypically a business unit will layout an number of objectives for a given time frame (1-5 years).During the investment qualification and selection process projects are tagged with the objective(s) the project contributes to fulfilling.Expand to Europe might be an objective. There will likely be a series of investments (programs, projects, ...) that are the means to the end "expand to Europe".
project_riskProjectRiskProjectRisk Object contains information regarding the risk assessment of a project.
project_taskProjectTaskProjectTask contains information for an individual task, a set of which constitute a Project.
quorum_serverQuorumServerQuorum server is an alternate form of cluster lock that uses a server program running on a separate system for tie-breaking rather than a lock disk
racOracle RACOracle RAC allows multiple computers to run the Oracle RDBMS software simultaneously while accessing a single database
rasRemote Access ServiceRAS - Remote Access Service
receive_connectorReceive ConnectorCIT represents Receive Connector - a logical gateway through which all inbound messages are received to the HUB.
red_hat_clusterRedHatClusterA Red Hat cluster, when configured for high availability, ensures service availability.
red_hat_virtualizationRed Hat VirtualizationRed Hat Virtualization is the representation of the Red Hat Virtualization Manager application which an enterprise virtualization product produced by Red Hat based on the KVM hypervisor.
registrarserverRegistrar ServerA registrar is a service that accepts register requests from Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) endpoints. Registrars then save the registration information into a location database. The information in this database is used to route signaling information to the endpoint.
relativeidmasterRelativeIDMasterThe RID master is responsible for processing RID pool requests from all domain controllers in a particular domain.
ReleaseWorkItemReleaseWorkItemReleaseWorkItem is the abstract class representing items that constitute a Release eg. Defect and Requirement. Any subclass of this abstract class must be a part of a ProjectGroup
remote_management_cardRemote Management CardThe class represents a remote management card, such as HP iLO or Dell DRAC.
remote_power_panelRemotePowerPanelAn RPP is the same as a Power Distribution Unit with the difference that it does not contain a transformer. An RPP is usually powered by a PDU Key attributes 1. data_name - Name of the PDU 2. root_container - Datacenter/Building/Floor/Space in which this PDU is housed 3. power_distribution_unit_serialnumber - Serial number (optional attribute)
rendezvous_daemonRendezvousDaemonThis class represents a TIBCO Rendezvous Daemon
resource_poolResource PoolA generic Resource Pool
rhevm_clusterRHEVM ClusterRad Hat Virtualization Cluster
rhevm_datacenterRHEVM DatacenterRed Hat Virtualization Datacenter
rhevm_disk_deviceRHEVM DiskDeviceRed Hat Virtualization disk device
rhevm_networkRHEVM NetworkRed Hat Virtualization Network
rhevm_resourceRHEVM ResourceRed Hat Virtualization Resource
rhevm_resource_poolRHEVM Resource PoolRed Hat Virtualization Resource Pool represents a pool where Virtual machines execute in, and draw their resources from
rhevm_vnic_profileRHEVM VNIC ProfileRed Hat Virtualization VNIC Profile
rhevm_volumeRHEVM Volume
routerRouterA router is a device or software that is connected to at least two networks and decides the next network point to which destination to send the information packet.
routing_connectorExchange Routing ConnectorCIT represents a common super-type for Send and Receive Connectors in Exchange 2007.
routing_groupExchange Routing GroupThis class represents a Routing Group that exists in Exchange organization. Routing groups are used to supply varying network connectivity across servers, and to restrict access of users in specific areas. In Exchange 2007 there are no longer Routing Groups. Instead Exchange 2007 relies on the Active Directory Sites configuration to connect between different Exchange Servers.
routing_group_connectorRouting Group ConnectorCIT represents a Routing Group Connector a one-way communication link between two Routing Groups. Although it is possible to use an X.400 connector or an SMTP connector to connect routing groups, the routing group connector is specifically designed for this purpose and is the preferred method of connecting routing groups in most cases.
routing_instanceRouting InstanceA routing instance is a collection of routing tables, interfaces, and routing protocol parameters. The set of interfaces belongs to the routing tables, and the routing protocol parameters control the information in the routing tables.
running_softwareRunningSoftwareThis class represents the runtime aspects of a software system that is currently running or intended to be running on a Node. An instance of the RunningSoftware class is the place for runtime overview information such as last-startup-time and application-instance-name. The rather static characteristics of an installed software are represented by the InstalledSoftware class.
sap_abap_software_componentSapAbapSoftwareComponentThe software component contains a set of ABAP development elements that belongs togather and can only be deployed usefully as a whole.
sap_app_serverSapApplicationServerSAP Application Server
sap_application_componentSapApplicationComponentA group of SAP transactions with some common denominator, or of a few Application Components
sap_base_software_componentSapBaseSoftwareComponentAbstract sap software component. Represent the reusable modules of a product and the smallest software unit that can be installed.
sap_bp_projectSapProjectSAP Business Blueprint Project
sap_business_processSapBusinessProcessSAP Business Process
sap_business_scenarioSapBusinessScenarioSAP Business Scenario
sap_clientSapClientSAP Client
sap_double_stack_instanceSapDoubleStackInstanceThis CIT represents SAP Double Stack instance
sap_gatewaySapGatewaySAP Gateway
sap_its_agateSapItsAGateAn SAP Internet Transaction Server component that establishes the connection to the R/3 system and performs processing of tasks that are required to move data between R/3 applications and the Internet
sap_its_wgateSapItsWGateAn SAP Internet Transaction Server component that establishes the connection between the ITS and the web server and forwards user requests to the AGATE
sap_j2ee_app_serverSapJ2eeApplicationServerRepresents an instance of the J2EE Application server
sap_j2ee_dispatcherSapJ2eeDispatcherReceives the client request and forwards it to the server process with the lowest capacity usage.
sap_j2ee_server_processSapJ2eeServerProcessA single J2EE server process instance
sap_java_software_componentSapJavaSoftwareComponentA software component archive (SCA), Java archive (JAR) or SAP archive (SAR) that can be deployed by the Java Support Package Manager.
sap_java_system_componentSapJavaSystemComponentJava system component build the second level of the system which provides various runtime functions and programming APIs
sap_message_serverSapMessageServerThis CIT represents SAP Message Server
sap_process_stepSapProcessStepSAP Process Step
sap_r3_serverSapAbapApplicationServerSAP's integrated software solution for client/server and distributed open systems.
sap_resourceSapResourceSAP Resource
sap_smd_agentSapSmdAgentSolution Manager Diagnostics Agent
sap_software_componentSapSoftwareComponentSoftware components represent the reusable modules of a product and the smallest software unit that can be installed
sap_systemSapSystemA logical unit, grouping together SAP-related entities (and possibly other entities as well) into one homogenous SAP deployment
sap_transactionSapTransactionA business process defined in the SAP System
sap_transportSapTransportSAP Transport
sap_transport_changeSapTransportChangeSAP Transport Change
sap_trex_instanceSapTrexInstanceRepresentation of TREX instance as a unit of distributed or standalone deployment
sap_trex_systemSapTrexSystemLogical unit for the SAP TREX product to represent its distributed landsape.
sap_virus_scanSapVirusScanServerSAP Virus Scan Server
sap_webdispatcherSapWebDispatcherInstance of a "software Web switch" between the Internet and SAP system, which consists of one or more Web Application Servers
sap_work_processSapWorkProcessA logical single-instance representation of a certain type of work process
scheduled_downtimeScheduledDowntimeThe scheduled downtime entity describes a continous timeframe in which the associated configuration items will not be or was not available for service. The purpose of this class is to allow other applications that schedule changes or downtimes to kake this information available to the operations bridge.
schemamasterSchemaMasterThe schema master domain controller controls all updates and modifications to the schema.
scsi_adapterSCSI AdapterRepresents the SCSI Adapter. If the isVirtual attribute set to true we assume it to be a Virtual SCSI Adapter.
scvmm_host_groupSCVMM Host GroupHost Group in SCVMM system.
sea_adapterSEA AdapterRepresents the IBM SEA
send_connectorSend ConnectorCIT represents Send Connector - a logical gateway through which all outgoing messages are sent from the HUB.
server_automation_systemSASystemThis class represents a Server Automation System
server_poolServerPoolA server pool is a domain of physical and virtual resources to host virtual machines, perform virtual machine migration, HA, and so on.
serviceServiceA Service is an abstract class which may represent an IT or Business Service, including Infrastructure Services which are delivered by IT in support of a Business Service.
service_contractServiceContractThe service contract class represents all contracts that are service related in nature. For example, service level agreement, operational level agreement, and underpinning contract are types of service contracts
service_level_agreementServiceLevelAgreementAn Agreement between an IT Service Provider and a Customer. The Service Level Agreement (SLA) describes the IT Service, documents Service Level Targets, and specifies the responsibilities of the IT Service Provider and the Customer. A single SLA may cover multiple IT Services or multiple Customers.to accomodate BAC, the targets are in the KPI Objective class, and teh links to ITService or ITProcess are through that via KPI.
service_level_objectiveServiceLevelObjectiveA commitment that is documented in a Service Level Agreement. SLOs are based on a customer requirement for an aspect of an IT Service. Objectives are usually based on KPIs.
serviceguardclusterService Guard ClusterA Service Guard Cluster
sessionbeanSession Beanejb session
sgpackageSG PackageSG Package Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of package 2. Container (root_container) - Parent container, i.e. clustered service
sgresourceSG ResourceSG Resource Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of SG resource 2. Container (root_container) - Parent SG package
sharepoint_farmSharePoint FarmSharePoint Farm
sharepoint_serviceSharePoint ServiceThe SharePoint Service
sheduled_downtimeScheduledDowntime(Deprecated)The scheduled downtime entity describes a continous timeframe in which the associated configuration items will not be or was not available for service. The purpose of this class is to allow other applications that schedule changes or downtimes to kake this information available to the operations bridge.
shellShellOperation System shell
siebel_app_serverSiebel Application ServerAn application running the business logic tier
siebel_applicationSiebel ApplicationSiebel application
siebel_comp_grpSiebel Component GroupAn application running on the Siebel application server.
siebel_componentSiebel ComponentA process on the Siebel Application Server encapsulating some Siebel application functionality
siebel_gatewaySiebel GatewayA coordinating server, which routes requests to the correct component
siebel_siteSiebel EnterpriseA logical unit, which describes a group of servers that function together to build a full-blown Siebel toolset experience
siebel_web_appSiebel Web ApplicationA Siebel application's location on the web server
siebel_wseSiebel Web Server ExtensionA server running the Web tier of Siebel
smtp_connectorSMTP ConnectorCIT represents SMTP Connector, which connects Exchange Organization with the Internet or with another organization using SMTP as a transport protocol.
snmpSNMPsnmp agent
solaris_resource_poolSolaris Resource PoolThis class represents Solaris Resource Pool which holds configuration information about the pool configured in Solaris Global Zone. Resource pools enable separation of workloads so that workload consumption of certain resources does not overlap. This resource reservation helps to achieve predictable performance on systems with mixed workloads.
solaris_zone_configSolaris Zone ConfigThis class represents Solaris Zone resource configuration which holds configuration information about the related Non-global Zone, such as zone path, memory and CPU configuration etc.
sqlalertSQL AlertSQL Server Agent compares events to alerts that the user has defined. When it finds a match, it fires an alert.
sqlbackupSQL BackupA backup file, which was generated by the system or by user requests
sqldatabaseMSSQL DatabaseSQL Data Base from Microsoft
sqlfileSQL Filesql file
sqljobSQL JobA job is a specified series of operations performed sequentially by SQL Server Agent. A job can perform a wide range of activities, including running Transact-SQL scripts, command line applications, and Microsoft ActiveX scripts.
sqljobstepSQL Job StepAn action that the job takes on a database or a server. Every job must have at least one job step.
sqlperformancemonitorSQL Performance MonitorPerformance monitor constants describe Microsoft Windows NT Performance Monitor polling behavior
sqlserverSQL ServerSQL server
sqlserverdistributorSql Server DistributorThe Distributor is a database instance that acts as a store for replication specific data associated with one or more Publishers
sqlservermaintenanceplanSQL Server Maintenance PlanMaintenance plans store the workflow information of the maintenance tasks, these tasks are used to perform automate database services for reorganize, check and backup operation that required for make sure that the database performs well.
sqlservermoduleSQL Server ModuleRepresent the operating system services element that the SQL server is depend on. There are currently 4 modules in SQL server:MSSQLServer - the process that run the SQL Server, SQLServerAgent - Scheduling Agent, MSDTC - Distributed transaction engine, Microsoft Search - Full text indexing engine.
sqlserverpublicationSQL Server PublicationA publication is a collection of one or more articles from one database. An article identifies a database object that is included in a publication.
sqlserverpublisherSQL Server PublisherThe Publisher is a database instance that makes data available to other locations through replication. The Publisher can have one or more publications, each defining a logically related set of objects and data to replicate.
sqlserverresourceSQL Server ResourceDifferent internal SQL Server issues regarding replication
sqlserversubscriptionSQL Server SubscriptionA subscription is a request for a copy of a publication to be delivered to a Subscriber. The subscription defines what publication will be received, where, and when.
sshSSHssh agent
statefulsessionbeanStatefulSessionBeanEJB Stateful Session Bean
statelesssessionbeanStatelessSessionBeanEJB Stateless Session Bean
storagearrayStorage Array
storagefabricStorage Fabric
storagepoolStorage Pool
storageprocessorStorage Processor
sunclusterSun ClusterThis class represents a Sun Cluster which groups all components of the cluster under common root.
sunclusterresourceSun Cluster ResourceThis class represents Sun Cluster Resource - physical or logical entity that is used by Data Services and managed by the cluster node.
sunoneserverSunOneThis class represents an instance of Sun One Web Server
sunresourcegroupSun Resource GroupThis class represents Sun Cluster Resource Group which groups several Resources consumed by the Data Services into single unit. In case of failure this unit fails over to different cluster node as a whole.
survey_resultSurveyResultSurvey holds the result of a survey as it applies to the members of an organization or customer related to an ItProcessRecord for a specific survey. If it pertains to ItProcessRecord then the SurveyType must be customer_satisfaction, and it must not have the EmployeeType attribute.
switchSwitchA switch is a device that sends incoming data from any of multiple input to specific output port.
switchrouterSwitch Routerthe switchrouter class represent a network element that his oid represent switch but have more then one ip addresses in diferent net addresses
sybaseSAP ASE ServerSAP Sybase ASE Server
sybase_deviceSybase DeviceRepresents device in the terms of Sybase
sybase_segmentSybase SegmentRepresents Sybase DB Segment
sybasedbSAP ASE DatabaseSAP Sybase Database
sysplexSysplexMainframe sysplex
system_monitorSystem MonitorMonitor system CI Types
tapelibraryTape Library
taskTaskA discrete unit of work that can be assigned to a person or functional group
tenantTenantA Tenant is a set of groups of persons (customer, service provider persons, and supplier persons) whose access to data in support of given (set or part of) customer contract(s) is managed as a collective whole.In Enterprise Services terminology a tenant is referred to as customer receiving organization (CRO). Tenants are managed as part of the customer on-boarding process of the service provider.
terminalserverTerminal ServerA terminal server device.
tibco_adapterTibcoAdapterThis class represents a TIBCO Adapter
tibco_administration_domainTibcoAdministrationDomainThis class represents a TIBCO BusinessWorks Administration Domain
tibco_applicationTibcoApplicationThis class represents a TIBCO Business Works application
tibco_business_worksTibcoBusinessWorksThe class represents a running software instance of TIBCO Business Works Engine
tibco_ems_serverTibcoEmsServerThis class represents a TIBCO EMS running software
tibco_resourceTibcoResourceThis class represents Tibco application resources
time_entryTimeEntryTimeEntry contains information about time spent on specific work. It can be viewed as a unit of entry in a time card.
tomcatApache TomcatThis class represents an instance of Apache Tomcat Web Server
tomcatclusterApache Tomcat ClusterApache Tomcat Cluster based on session replication
tomcatserviceApache Tomcat ServiceThis class represents a Apache Tomcat Service
trailTrailThe Trail element describes the path from one network to another.
udaUDARepresents a Universal Discovery Agent that is running on a remote machine and enables shell functionality
uda_infoUD Agent StatusRepresents the UDA status and some activity details
uddiregistryUDDI RegistryRepresent a UDDI Registry
underpinning_contractUnderpinningContractA Contract between an IT Service Provider and a Third Party. The Third Party provides goods or Services that support delivery of an IT Service to a Customer. The Underpinning Contract defines targets and responsibilities that are required to meet agreed Service Level Targets in an SLA.
unixUnixNode with Unix Operation system.
uri_endpointUriEndpointA Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) as a communication endpoint describes a service endpoint which is accessible via a URI specified in the "Uri" attribute. It must be an Absolute URI as specified in RFC3986 Section 4.3 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt).
usb_deviceUSB DeviceUSB Device information
user_software_utilizationUserSoftwareUtilizationThe user software utilization
vaxOpenVMSComputers running the OpenVMS operating system. The vax ci type may in fact be non-vax hardware such as itanium or alpha.
vcloud_catalogvCloud CatalogvCloud Catalog
vcloud_managed_organizationvCloud Managed OrganizationvCloud Managed Organization
vcloud_mediavCloud MediavCloud Media
vcloud_organizationvCloud OrganizationvCloud Organization
vcloud_resourcevCloud ResourcevCloud Resource
vcloud_system_organizationvCloud System OrganizationvCloud System Organization
vcloud_vappvCloud vAppvCloud vApp
vcloud_vapp_templatevCloud vApp TemplatevCloud vApp Template
vcloud_vdcvCloud Virtual DatacentervCloud Virtual Datacenter
vcsgroupVCS Resource GroupCollection of dependent or related resources to be managed as a single unit. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster group 2. Container (root_container) - Parent container, i.e. clustered service
vcsresourceVCS resourcePhysical or logical entity managed by a cluster node. A resource provides a service to clients in a client/server environment. Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of cluster resource 2. Container (root_container) - Parent cluster group
veritasclusterVeritas ClusterVeritas cluster server provides a clustering technology that keeps server-based applications available, regardless of individual component failures
verticaVerticaVertica Instance
vertica_database_clusterVertica Database ClusterA cluster of Vertica instances
virtual_firewallVirtual FirewallA virtual firewall is a network firewall service or appliance running entirely within a virtualized environment and which provides the usual packet filtering and monitoring provided via a physical network firewall.
virtual_host_resourceVirtual Host ResourceVirtual Host Resource Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of Host Resource 2. Container (root_container) - Host Resource's container, usually a Host
virtual_management_softwareVirtual Management SoftwareRepresents a Virtual Management Software
virtualization_layerVirtualization Layer SoftwareRepresents the thin software layer running on bare metal. It can represent a kernel of the ESX Server's hypervisor for Vmware virtualization solution or any other hypervisor for other vendors
vlanVlanThis class represents one instance of a Local Area Network logical broadcast domain set up across LAN switches. This logical domain is also called a virtual LAN or Vlan in short. Vlans provide some level of traffic isolation. Switches in a Vlan will forward frames over ports in the same vlan. There could be many Vlans that exist in a physical LAN with interconnected LAN switches.
vmware_clusterVMware ClusterVMware Cluster is a collection of ESX Server hosts with shared resources and a shared management interface. When you add a host to a cluster, the host's resources become part of the cluster's resources. The cluster manages the resources of all hosts
vmware_das_configVMware DAS ConfigVMware DAS Config
vmware_datacenterVMware DatacenterVMware Datacenter
vmware_datastoreVMware DatastoreRepresents a storage location for virtual machine files. A storage location can be a VMFS volume, a directory on Network Attached Storage, or a local file system path.
vmware_distributed_switchVMware Distributed Virtual SwitchVMware Distributed Virtual Switch
vmware_dpm_configVMware DPM ConfigVMware DPM Config
vmware_drs_configVMware DRS ConfigVMware DRS Config
vmware_esx_serverVMware ESX ServerVMware ESX Server is a computer that uses virtualization software, such as ESX Server 3.5 or ESX Server 3i, to run virtual machines. ESX Hosts provide CPU and memory resources, access to storage, and network connectivity to virtual machines that reside on them
vmware_host_resourceVMware Host Resource VMware Host Resource represents a Virtual Kernel and Virtual Hardwar. It includes the resources configuration for the Virtual Machine, such as memory limit, memory size, cpu reservation, cpu limit, VM uuid etc... Key Attributes: 1. Name (data_name) - Name of Host Resource, would be the Guest Host name 2. Container (root_container) - Host Resource's container, usually a Host representing a Guest OS
vmware_networking_policyVMware Networking PolicyVMware Networking Policy
vmware_port_groupVMware Port GroupVMware Port Group
vmware_resourceVMware ResourceVMware Resource
vmware_resource_configVMware Resource ConfigVMware Resource Config
vmware_resource_poolVMware Resource PoolVMware Resource Pool represents a pool where Virtual machines execute in, and draw their resources from
vmware_uplinkVMware UplinkVMware Uplink
vmware_vcloudVMware vCloudVMware vCloud
vmware_vcloud_directorVMware vCloud DirectorVMware vCloud Director application
vmware_virtual_centerVMware VirtualCenterVMware VirtualCenter is the representation of the VirtualCenter application which runs on some host and is used to manage the Virtual Lab
vmware_virtual_switchVMware Virtual SwitchVMware Virtual Switch
vmware_vmdiskVMware Virtual DiskA Virtual Disk is composed of one or more files on the Datastore, which will appear as a single hard disk to the guest operation system.
vmware_vrealize_operationsVMware vRealize Operations
volumegroupVolume GroupRepresents the Volume Group
vsphere_management_assistantvSphereManagementAssistantThis class represents the vSphere Management Assistant that allows management of ESXi hosts and vCenter Server system
web_serverWebServerA software that accepts http requests and delivers as a response web pages. WebServers allow web-clients to access the pages and resources of web-applications. Examples: 'Apache web Server' , 'IIS'.
webapplicationWeb ApplicationWeb application
weblogicasWeblogic ASThe Weblogic Application Server
webmoduleWeb Modulej2ee deployed object
webserviceWeb ServiceRepresent a web service
webservice_operationWeb Service OperationWeb Service Operation
webservice_resourceWebService ResourceAbstract base class for webservices resources.
websphereasWebsphere ASThe Websphere Application Server
webspheremqIBMWebSphereMQRepresents IBM WebSphere MQSeries Software
webvirtualhostWeb Server Virtual HostWeb Server Virtual Host
windows_device_driverWindows Device DriverInstalled device driver on Windows.
windows_serviceWindowsServiceSoftware that can be controlled by the Microsoft Management Console.
winosuserWindows UserRegister user which has access to a Windows machine.
wmiWMIwmi agent
work_unitWorkUnitUnit of Work in hours that is consumed by Project, and is assigned to a person.
xen_domain_configXenDomainConfigThis class represents the Xen domain configuration
zoszOSThis CIT represents a Mainframe zOS LPAR

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