Field mapping schema

The RelaxNG Compact Schema of the mapping file is shown below.

default namespace =
start =
  element IncidentExchMapping {
    attribute targetNamespace { xsd:anyURI },
    element FieldMappings {
       | element CompositeFieldMapping {
           attribute ExtHDField { string },
           attribute ExtHDKeyField { string },
    } &
    element ValueMappings {
      element FieldValueMapping {
        attribute Id { string },
        element ValueMapping {
          attribute ExtHDValue { string },
          attribute OvHDValue { string }
FieldMapping =
  element FieldMapping {
  ## field accessor in XML document using XPath like notation.

  ## ExtHDField="IctHead/AgentId"
    attribute ExtHDField { string },
    attribute ValueMappingId { string }?,
    (element InOvHDField { string } &
    (element DefaultOutOvHDField { string }
     | element OutOvHDField { string })? &
    element InDataType { "InformationLog" | "Priority" | "Date" |
       "Attachment" | “OvCISearchKey” }? &

    element OutDataType { "Person" | "Priority" | "Date" |
       "Attachment" | “OvCISearchKey” }? &

    element KeyFieldOutVal { string }? &
    element KeyFieldInVal { string }? )

The schema elements are described in the following table.

Schema element Function


Top-level element of the mapping schema.


Container element for all FieldMapping and CompositeFieldMapping elements.


Container element for FieldValueMapping elements.


Maps a message element to an OvHD field and includes type information for storing to and loading from OvHD. Optionally contains a reference to a FieldValueMapping element through attribute ValueMappingId. The value of this attribute must match the value of attribute Id in a FieldValueMapping element. When this reference is present, the information in the FieldValueMapping must be used to map field value.


Maps a message element to a OvHD field depending upon the value of a sub-element (key) of the element. A different key value defines mapping to a different OvHD field. The keyFieldInVal must be unique for each individual field mapping within a composite field mapping.


Maps the OvHD value of a message element to an ExtHD value.


Field accessor in XML message document in XPATH like expression that identifies a specific field of exchanged incident information.


Indicates the OvHD field name where information received from the external helpdesk is written for a specific ExtHDField.


Indicates the OvHD field name whose value is sent to the external helpdesk for a specific ExtHDField.


If this element appears in a field mapping then the value of this element is taken as the default value sent to the external helpdesk for a specific ExtHDField. For example, if a mapping DefaultOutOvHDField is specified as DefaultUserId and OutDataType is specified as Person, the default user ID will be sent to the external helpdesk for a specific ExtHDField.


Datatype for storing the field value to OvHD.


Datatype for loading the field value from OvHD.

InDataType and OutDataType

Specifies the method to call for reading/writing information from/to the incident using the OvHDAccess layer. InDataType and OutDataType are optional elements. If not specified, then the field types are assumed to be String. Otherwise the following data types can be specified:

  • Priority: Priority of an incident
  • Date: A date field
  • Attachment: Refers to an attachment
  • Person: Indicates that the information is a person detail.


Indicates the information is used as a search key for CI in OvHD.


Applicable only for InDataType. Indicates the information should be appended to the Information Log.


Value stored in OvHD for the element used as the key field.


Value sent to ExtHD for the element used as the key field.