Close a self-service request

Applies to User roles: User

You can close a self-service request if you are no longer experiencing the problem or if you have another reason for closing the request. If you need to resubmit the request, you can do so from your list of closed self-service requests.

To close a self-service request, follow these steps:

  1. Click View Open Requests. Service Desk displays a table of your open requests and the status of each request.

  2. Select the Service Desk interaction record that you want to close.
  3. Click Update, type an update description if necessary, and then click Close Request.
  4. Select a reason to close the request, and then click Submit. The Service Desk interaction record is closed.

Related topics

Self-service access
Searching records
Create a self-service request
View a self-service request
Update a self-service request
Resubmit a self-service request