Administer > Connect to Oracle Data Guard

Connect to Oracle Data Guard

Before you begin

  1. Before you begin, you must have the following information related to the database that is currently active.
    • FQDN
    • Port
    • SID
  2. Stop all CSA and MPP services.
  3. If there are more than one Oracle Data Guard nodes, you must connect to active instance for the CSA server to be fully functional. If you connect to a stand-by instance, the CSA server will not be fully functional. If the current active node goes down and the standby node becomes the new active node, then the CSA admin must manually modify the configurations again.

Note This configuration is for CSA and Workflow Designer. For Operations Orchestration Central related support, refer to respective documentation for further details.

Tip You can change these configurations during installation of CSA against the currently active DB node, or later, as required.

Configure CSA for Oracle Data Guard Support

In the machine where CSA is running, go to %CSA_HOME%\CSA\jboss-as\standalone\configuration\. Edit standalone.xml and make the changes related to CSA and IdM as shown in the below.

Note If the primary Oracle Data Guard goes down, the CSA admin must manually modify the above property to refer to the active node.

Go to %CSA_HOME%\workflow-designer\designer\conf\ Edit standalone.xml and chnage the value of jdbc.url to the active Data Guard node as shown below.

Restart all services that you had stopped earlier before making these changes.


Caution Oracle Data Guard support for CSA is limited. The limitation is that the CSA should always be connected to the current active node of Oracle Data Guard. Whenever there is a downtime and the active node is changed, the CSA admin must reconfigure the database properties of CSA and Workflow Designer.