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Dashboard Widgets

Dashboard widgets are the first thing you will see on the right side of the CSA Service Management Console Dashboard when you log in as an admin user.
These widgets give you a quick snapshot of the current activities in CSA. You can decide on the widgets you want to have or not have on the dashboard.

You can configure the following available widgets on the dashboard:

  • CSA Product Tour: A play list video which provides insight of CSA .
  • Offering Summary: Displays the number of published offerings.
  • Design Summary: Displays the number of published sequenced and topology designs.
  • Top 10 Popular Offerings: Displays top 10 popular offerings last 24 hours, last 7 days, last 30 days, and last 90 days.
  • Subscription Fulfillment Completed (last 30 days): Provides a graphical interpretation of successful and failed subscriptions in last 30 days.
  • All Requests: Displays the number of deployments and public actions generated by CSA users against a time frame for the last 24 hours.
  • Compute Provider Distribution Summary: The compute provider distribution summary shows a breakdown of all deployed VM’s that are of type compute (or topology server) and where they are deployed to. For example: Amazon, VMware vCenter and so on.
  • Published Offerings Per Catalog: Displays published offerings per catalog.
  • Subscription by Organization: Provides the subscription status (Active, Pending, Paused, Canceled, Expired, or Failed).
  • Compliance Score by Organization and Overall Compliance Score: Only when ITOC is enabled, these two ITOC widgets Compliance Score by Organization and Overall Compliance Score are located on the right bottom corner of the dashboard.
  • Subscription Health Status By Organization: This is a Subscription Health widget that is available when Cloud Optimizeris enabled.

Customizing widgets

  • Hiding widgets: By default, all the available widgets are displayed on the dashboard. To hide or remove a particular widget, mouse-over on the widget you want to hide, and click the X icon (Hide Tile option).
NOTE: The widgets can be re-sized and can be moved across based on your priorities.

To re-size a widget, mouse over a widget and select get a list of available sizes.

  • Restoring Hidden Tiles: Click the Action menu () icon on the right and select Restore Hidden Tiles to restore all hidden widgets.
  • Reset Layout: Click the Action menu () icon on the right and select Reset Layout to reset your dashboard layout.
  • Toggle Full Screen Mode: Click the icon on the right of the dashboard to toggle between widgets and complete dashboard view. You can restore My Applications side-bar menu along with widgets in full screen by clicking again .
  • If multiple dashboards are available, the user can click the arrow next to the dashboard name to select another one.