Use > Marketplace Portal

Marketplace Portal

If you are new to the Marketplace Portal, start here!


To use the Marketplace Portal, review the following requirements:

  • The Marketplace Portal uses https and runs on port 8089, which is the default. If you customize the Marketplace Portal, contact your CSA Administrator to determine whether the port or protocol has changed.
  • You must use a browser that supports the Marketplace Portal. A minimum screen resolution of 1024x768 is supported. As a best practice, a screen resolution of 1280x1024 will give the best results. For information about supported browsers, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix.
  • Use the following default Marketplace Portal URL: https://<CSA_HOST>:8089/org/<ORG_ID>

User Interface Customization

As an end user, you might want to use your organization's branding in the Marketplace Portal user interface.

To support your organization's branding styles and standards, you can customize certain user interface elements in the Marketplace Portal, such as the portal icon, the portal title, the portal welcome message, the portal footer message, themes, tiles, and security classifications. For instructions on how to customize these user interface elements, see the Customizing the Marketplace Portal whitepaper or contact your CSA Administrator.

Adaptive Content

The Marketplace Portal user interface layout is designed to adapt to various screen sizes, where the content adjusts to the size, and where all functionality persists. As a service consumer, you can use the Marketplace Portal on your desktop, tablet, or other mobile devices. Across these device screens, the Marketplace Portal displays an intuitive user interface that includes all functionality. For screen resolution requirements and best practices, see Prerequisites.

Language Display

By default, the Marketplace Portal user interface displays in a left-to-right direction. For certain languages, such as Arabic and Hebrew, you can configure supported browser for a right-to-left user interface display. Right-to-left language display supports all out-of-the box Marketplace Portal organization themes: Simplified, Enterprise, and Playful. Right-to-left language display does not support custom themes.

  • Several navigation components in the Dashboard, such as the organization logo, sidebar menu , shopping cart , user name , and the link, display on the right or left side, depending on the language you configure in your browser.
  • In the input fields, you can also enter text in a right-to-left direction.
  • In the Pick Date fields, the back arrow advances the calendar and the forward arrow moves the calendar backwards.

Setting the Language Display in Google Chrome

To configure the language setting in your Chrome browser:

  1. From the Chrome drop-down menu , select Settings.
  2. In the Settings window, select "Show advanced settings".
  3. In the Languages section, click Language and input settings.
  4. In the Languages pane, click Add.
  5. In the Add Language window, select Arabic or Hebrew from the drop-down list.
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Languages window, click Done.
  8. Log out and then log back in to the Marketplace Portal for the selected language display. This language setting persists in your browser until you change it.

Setting the Language Display in Mozilla Firefox

To configure the language setting in your Firefox browser:

  1. From the Firefox drop-down menu, select Options.
  2. In the Options window, select the Content tab.
  3. In the Languages section, click Choose to select your preferred language for displaying views in the Marketplace Portal.
  4. In the Languages window, in the "Select a language to add" drop-down list, select a language, such as Arabic or Hebrew, and then click Add.
  5. For the language that you want the views displayed in, select it and then click Move Up to move that selection to the top of the list.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.
  7. Log out and then log back in to the Marketplace Portal for the selected language display. This language setting persists in your browser until you change it.

Log In

To log in to the Marketplace Portal:

  1. Open a browser window.
  2. Enter the URL for the Marketplace Portal. The CSA Marketplace Portal landing page displays.
  3. Click Log In. The Marketplace Portal login page displays.
  4. Enter your Username and Password to display the Marketplace Portal Dashboard.
    • If the login request token is invalid or has expired, you will see the following warning. You will then be returned to the landing page that is explained in step 2.

    • The Marketplace Portal supports single sign-on and multi-factor authentication, which might change the login experience that is based on your organization's settings. Contact your CSA Administrator for additional information.
    • For portal customization, security classification is configured in the Cloud Service Management Console. Contact your CSA Administrator for more information.
    • For portal customization, security classification is configured in the Organization Administration Console. In this console, go to the Customization view for an organization and then modify the securityLevel and themeName values, as needed.

Log Out

To log out of theMarketplace Portal:

  • In the Marketplace Portal Dashboard, upper right corner, in the account username drop-down list, select Log Out.

Sidebar Menu

For quick and direct navigation to and from any view in the Marketplace Portal, use the Sidebar Menu. You can show or hide this menu in the views. By default, the Sidebar Menu is hidden.

Excluding the top selection in the menu (Dashboard), the navigation selections are the same as the tiles in the Dashboard.

To show the Sidebar Menu, in the upper left sub-heading, select the icon.

To hide the Sidebar Menu, click Dashboard in the sub-heading.

Back Navigation

In each Marketplace Portal view, click the icon in the sub-heading to go back to the previous view.

Contextual Search

In a Marketplace Portal view, click the magnifying glass to find a certain object by a meaningful keyword. Search results display in the selected object's view, such as Browse Catalog, Notifications, Review Requests, Requests, Subscriptions, and My Services. This search icon displays in the content area of each Marketplace Portal view.

In individual Marketplace Portal views, you can search for text in the following objects:

Objects Text or Keyword
Browse Catalog Names and descriptions of service offerings.
Notifications Notification names and notification messages.
Review Requests

Names and descriptions of all approval requests, including requests that require approval, denied requests, and approved requests.


Names and descriptions that you assigned to subscription requests.

Subscriptions Names and descriptions assigned to subscriptions, when the subscriptions were created.
My Services Names and descriptions assigned to the service instances. This is the actual service behind a subscription—the realized service instance. This is the actionable part of the service in the subscription management.
New Releases Names and descriptions assigned to new services in the catalog that were created within the last seven days in your organization.
Popular Services Names and descriptions assigned to popular services in the catalog that your organization is currently promoting.
Featured Services

Names and descriptions assigned to featured services in the catalog that your organization is currently promoting.

Services Expiring Soon Names and descriptions assigned to services that will expire in 30 days.
(Status) Requests Requests that have a certain status, such as Submitted, Pending, Rejected, Approved, In Progress, Completed, and Canceled.
(Status) Subscriptions Subscriptions that have a certain status, such as Pending, Active, Expired, Canceled, Terminated, and Paused.
(Status) My Services My Services that have a certain status, such as Online, Offline, Transitioning, Reserved, Deploying, Modifying, Modification Failed, Failed, Canceling, Cancellation Failed, Expiring, and Expiration Failed.

Global Search

From any view in the Marketplace Portal, click the magnifying glass to find a certain service offering, service instance, or subscription by a meaningful keyword. This search icon displays in the top header in the Marketplace Portal.

  • For service offerings, global search finds the keyword in the name, description, option sets, options, and properties.
  • For service instances and subscriptions, global search finds the keyword in the name, description, and instance properties (name and value).

Note The Search Results view displays the keyword found only in service offerings, service instances, and subscriptions within your organization. In the Search Results view, click on an object for more detailed information about a service offering or subscription.

Keyboard Navigation

The following hotkeys to allow you to use your keyboard to easily navigate within the Marketplace Portal:

Hotkey Marketplace Portal View Usage
Ctrl+Shift+1 Dashboard From any view in the Marketplace Portal, use this hotkey to go back to the Dashboard. Make sure your cursor is not in the Search box. Press the Tab key to exit the Search box, and then press Ctrl+Shift+1.
Ctrl+Shift+2 Cart From any view in the Marketplace Portal, use this hotkey to go to your shopping cart.

Browse Catalog

From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the Browse Catalog view.


From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the Notifications view.
Ctrl+Shift+5 Review Requests From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the Review Requests view.
Ctrl+Shift+6 Requests From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the Requests view.
Ctrl+Shift+7 Subscriptions From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the Subscriptions view.
Ctrl+Shift+8 My Services From the Dashboard, use this hotkey to go to the My Services view.

Note When you are in a Marketplace Portal view and want to navigate to a different view, you must always go back to the Dashboard first and then use the hotkey to go directly to another view. Make sure your cursor is not in the Search box. Press the Tab key to exit the Search box, and then press Ctrl+Shift+1 to return to the Dashboard.

Online Help

You can access the online Help from any view in the Marketplace Portal.

Review the context-sensitive online Help for instructions on how to perform tasks, such as how to browse and filter the service catalog, how to request a subscription to a service offering, how to approve subscription requests, and how to run actions on service instances.

To access the online Help:

  1. From any view, click Need Help? or, in the user drop-down list, select Help to open the online Help .
  2. In the left navigation pane, select the Welcome topic to expand the table of contents. Select subfolders to further expand the table of contents.
  3. In the Search text box, enter keywords to search for topics that apply. Within the topics found, the keyword displays in yellow highlights.
  4. (Optional) Use your browser to save Favorites or Bookmarks for topics. In the left navigation pane, select Favorites to find or search your saved favorites or bookmarks.
  5. (Optional) At the bottom of a topic, click the Send documentation feedback to Micro Focus link to help us improve the information you need!