Uninstall Service Manager Service Portal

If you need to uninstall Service Manager Service Portal and its components, perform the following steps:

  1. Uninstall Operations Orchestration (OO):

    # cd /opt/hp/oo
    # ./uninstall --silent central
    # cd opt/hp/
    # rm -rf oo/
  2. Remove the OO Central Service if it is still present:

    # systemctl status central
    # systemctl disable central
    # systemctl reset-failed central
    # rm -rf /etc/rc.d/init.d/central
  3. Remove the OO database:

    # su - postgres
    postgres=# drop database oo;
    postgres=# drop user oo;
  4. Uninstall IDOL.

    # cd /opt/hp/SmartAnalytics/_uninstall
    # ./uninstaller -i silent
    # cd /opt/hp 
    # rm -rf SmartAnalytics/ 
  5. Uninstall Service Manager Service Portal:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel-setup*
    # ./setup.sh purge