Administer > Smart Analytics Administration > Administrator tasks > Transfer Smart Analytics intelligence between systems

Transfer Smart Analytics intelligence

User Role: Administrator

As an administrator, you may want to transfer the intelligence in Smart Analytics from one environment to another environment. For example, when you finish testing Smart Analytics in your test environment, you may want to migrate the configured Smart Analytics to your production environment.


If you need to keep changes to production Service Manager in Smart Search during Smart Analytics intelligence testing and migration, do the following in your production Service Manager immediately after you start copying data to test Service Manager for Smart Analytics testing:

  • If you have enabled Solr search engine, stop the backend schedule for KM index updating.
  • If you have enabled IDOL search engine, make sure the libraries status is NOT offline, and then stop the backend schedule for KM index updating.
  • If you have not enabled Knowledge Management, add the following section in script KMLanguages:

    if(vars.$G_kmsearchengine ==null) {
    		vars.$G_kmsearchengine = "IDOL";

    Then, add a script which contains the following code and run it:

    function knowledgebase() {
          function getKBs(kbnames) {
                var sql = 'kbname isin ' + kbnames + '';
                if(kbnames==null || '' == kbnames) {
                      sql = 'true';
                var f = lib.FileUtil._file('kmknowledgebase').select(sql);
                return f;
          function changeStatus(kbnames, status) {
                var kbs = getKBs(kbnames);
                      kb['indexstatus'] = status;
                      print('Status of ' + kb.kbname + ' change to ' + status );
                }) ;
          return {'getKbBs':getKBs, 'changeStatus':changeStatus}
    var knows = new knowledgebase();
    // NOTE: Change the libraries you want to change the status here.
    // Status value could be 'indexing', 'not started', 'offline', 'finished'
    var list = ['Incident_Library', 'Interaction_Library','Knowledge_Library'];
    knows.changeStatus('{"'+ list.join('","') + '"}','finished');

Prepare the test Service Manager

  1. In your test Service Manager, configure, index, tune and test Smart Analytics as needed.
  2. In your test Service Manager, click Tailoring > Unload Script Utility. Search for the out-of-box unload script IDOL_KM_Config_Export or add an new unload script using the following query:

    File name


    idolcategorytest true
    idolserverinfo true
    number name="cate2idolid" or name="cate2idoltestid" or name#"idol"





    idolDataFilter true






    idolsecgroup true
    idoltestresult true
    idoltestsample true



    kmknowledgebaseupdates true
    kmknowledgebase true
  3. Run the unload script to get a .unl file. For details, see Run an unload script.

Transfer the configured Smart Analytics from test environment to production environment

If you use your test Smart Analytics server as the production Smart Analytics server, follow these steps to transfer Smart Analytics from test environment to production environment:

  1. Import the .unl file into your production Service Manager by using Unload Manager. For details, see Load an unload file.


    • You need to resolve any conflicts that are detected.
    • Make sure that the kmknowledgebaseupdates table contains the latest data from the database of production Service Manager instead of the test Service manager.
  2. Log off and then log back onto your production Service Manager.
  3. In your production Service Manager, configure Smart Analytics to connect to the address of your production Smart Analytics server. Log off and then log back onto the production Service Manager
  4. In the file system of your Smart Analytics server, configure production Service Manager IP address for section Service in the configuration files of idolserver, level2server, content and other components.
  5. Synchronize category. To do this, run the following commands by using Smart Analytics Assistant (SAA) utility in your production Service Manager:http://<idolhost>:<MainProxyPort>/action=CategorySyncCatDRE
  6. After you finish transferring the configured Smart Analytics, delete the following section from script KMLanguages if you added it in Precondition, and then run script KMLanguages again:

    if(vars.$G_kmsearchengine ==null) {
    		vars.$G_kmsearchengine = "IDOL";
  7. Start the backend schedule for KM index updating in production Service Manager.

If you use a different server other than your test Smart Analytics server as the production Smart Analytics server, follow these steps to transfer Smart Analytics from test environment to production environment:

  1. Export all contents index and category files. To do this, run the following actions by using the Smart Analytics Assistant (SAA) utility in your test Service Manager:

    To export contents index:


    To export category files:



    • <idolhost> is the address of the test Smart Analytics server.
    • The file path should be specified to a location in the file system of the test Smart Analytics server.
    • By default, the port number for <MainIDOLServerIndexPort> is 9001.
    • By default, the port number for <MainIDOLServerPort> is 9000.


    In the file system of the test Smart Analytics server, properly configure the IDOL server configuration file (/IDOL/IDOLserver.cfg) to make sure that the value for AllowedOutputDirectoryCSVs is valid as shown below:


    Otherwise, you might receive the following error message:

    <autnresponse xmlns:autn="">
                <errorstring>Bad value in parameter FILENAME</errorstring>
                <errordescription>Output to the specified file is forbidden by configuration.</errordescription>
                <errortime>27 Apr 16 15:02:13</errortime>

    Note For information about how to use the SM SAA utility, see Use Smart Analytics Assistant.

  2. Import the .unl file into your production Service Manager by using Unload Manager. For details, see Load an unload file.


    • You need to resolve any conflicts that are detected.
    • Make sure that the kmknowledgebaseupdates table contains the latest data from the database of production Service Manager instead of the test Service manager.
  3. Log off and then log back onto the production Service Manager.

  4. In your production Service Manager, configure Smart Analytics to connect to the address of your production Smart Analytics server, if needed. Log off and then log back onto the production Service Manager

  5. Import all content index that you exported in step 1. To do this, run the following action by using Smart Analytics Assistant (SAA) utility in your production Service Manager:


    For example:





    • <idolhost> is the address of the production Smart Analytics server.
    • The file path should be specified to a location in the file system of the production Smart Analytics server.
    • By default, the port number for <Content1IndexPort> is 10011.
    • By default, the port number for <Level2proxyIndexPort> is 20011.
  6. Copy and paste the following VDB settings to the configuration file (/IDOL/IDOLserver.cfg) in the file system of your production Smart Analytics server:

    • The [vdb#] settings that are located at the end of the configuration file (/IDOL/IDOLserver.cfg) in the file system of your test Smart Analytics server.
    • The value of VirtualDatabases for [DistributionSetting] section of the configuration file (/IDOL/IDOLserver.cfg) in the file system of your test Smart Analytics server.
  7. Import category files that you exported in step 1. To do this, run the following action by using Smart Analytics Assistant (SAA) utility in your production Service Manager:


  8. Check the consistence of category in your test Service Manager and production Service Manager.


    Make sure the results are same. Otherwise, repeat this step.

  9. After you finish transferring the configured Smart Analytics, delete the following section from script KMLanguages if you added it in Precondition, and then run script KMLanguages again:

    if(vars.$G_kmsearchengine ==null) {
    		vars.$G_kmsearchengine = "IDOL";
  10. Start the backend schedule for KM index updating in production Service Manager.

Now, your production Service Manager works for Smart Search, Smart Ticket, and Hot Topic Analytics as your test Service Manager does.