Service Manager Web Services URLs

HPE Service Manager support the Web Services at both URLs for SOAP API. If you already use the SC62 server , continue to use it. If you are starting to create a new Web service, use the SM/7 server. You can continue to use the methods, which are still applicable other than the following.

  • Any new objects added to Service Manager 9.50, such as the new required fields in Incident Management, will not be available to existing Web Services.
  • If you have an SOA broker application, BPEL orchestration engine, or Web Services middleware application configured between the deployed SOAP client application and ServiceCenter or Service Manager application. If so, the orchestration scenario or middleware can be modified to work as a mediator between the old and the new version of the IncidentManagement WSDL.
  • MIME – If you use the legacy Web Services URL, then the server uses MIME to encode attachments.
  • MTOM/XOP – If you use the Service Manager Web Services URL, then the server uses MTOM/XOP to encode attachments.

HPE Service Manager also supports one URL for RESTful API.