Integrations > Third Party Integrations > CA CMDB Integration > Troubleshooting and Limitations – CA CMDB Integration

Troubleshooting and Limitations – CA CMDB Integration

This section describes troubleshooting and limitations related to UCMDB - CA CMDB integration.

  • Debug Mode

    To create an XML dump of the CIs and links being sent to the CA CMDB server for debug purposes, in <UCMDB installation>\DataFlowProbe\runtime\probeManager\discoveryConfigFiles\CaCmdbPushAdapter\, set the value of the debugMode property to true and restart the Data Flow Probe service.

    This ensures that every time the integration is invoked, a set of XML files is created in the <UCMDB installation>\DataFlowProbe\runtime\probeManager\discoveryResources\CaCmdbPushAdapter\work directory. These files are time-stamped and contain the CIs and links that UCMDB is trying to push to CA CMDB. This information can be helpful in debugging a problem with the integration:

    • If data is not being sent from UCMDB, there is a problem on the UCMDB side.

    • If data is not being processed by CA CMDB's GRLoader utility, there might be a reconciliation issue or some other issue on the CA CMDB side.

  • During the export of more than 4,000 CIs (this is default UCMDB configuration) the export TQL result is divided into chunks. To make sure that chunks are created properly, you must configure the export TQL as follows:In the container node's properties, set the Element Name field to Root.