Node Details

DFM retrieves Host details from the mvc_hostsummaryvw view and detailed information on HBAs from the mvc_cardsummaryvw view.

SE maintains information on Operating Systems, IP address, and DNS name on each host. DFM uses this information to create Node CIs (UNIX or Windows) and IpAddress CIs.

Since UCMDB uses the IP address of a node as part of its primary key, DFM attempts to use the IP address from SE for this purpose. If an IP address is not available, DFM then attempts to resolve the hosts IP address using a DNS name. If neither an IP address nor a DNS name is available, DFM ignores the host (see Adapter Parameters.

Similar to Storage Arrays, a node may have Fibre Channel Ports directly associated with itself or on HBAs on the host. The DFM job uses three separate queries to retrieve Fibre Channel Ports for each host. The job retrieves detailed information about Fibre Channel Ports on each host from the mvc_portsummaryvw view. Since this view uses a ContainerID attribute as the key, the job queries the view by containerID for each host, and each HBA on a host.

Finally, DFM retrieves detailed information about Logical Volumes on each host from the mvc_hostvolumesummaryvw and mvc_hostcapacityvw views. The mvc_hostcapacityvw view maintains capacity information for each volume over multiple instances in time, and the job uses only the latest available information.

Results from these queries populate a map as shown below: