Integrations > Third Party Integrations > UCMDB to XML Adapter > Troubleshooting and Limiations – UCMDB to XML Adapter

Troubleshooting and Limitations – UCMDB to XML Adapter

Problem: UCMDB to XML discovery fails with a timeout exception, with the following error in Data Flow Probe logs:

com.mysql.jdbc.PacketTooBigException: Packet for query is too large (14070323 > 10485760). You can change this value on the server by setting the max_allowed_packet' variable.

  • Cause of problem: There is not enough DFM probe resources to export a large amount of CIs/relationships.
  • Solution #1:

    Decrease the replication.chunk.size setting for the XmlPushAdapter, as follows:

    1. In UCMDB, go to Data Flow Management > Adapter Management.
    2. In the list of resources, go XMLExportAdapter > Adapters >XmlPushAdapter.
    3. Right-click on XmlPushAdapter and choose Edit Adapter source from the pop-up menu.
    4. In the XML Editor that opens, find the adapter setting replication.chunk.size and decrease the from the current value. For example, if replication.chunk.size is currently 1000, you can decrease it to 100 as follows:

         <adapter-setting name="replication.chunk.size">1000</adapter-setting>

      and decrease the chunk size. For example:

         <adapter-setting name="replication.chunk.size">100</adapter-setting>
    5. Click Save, and rerun the integration point.
  • Solution #2:

    Instead of one large integration job, create a few smaller jobs. To do this, create a few export TQL queries that will cover all the CIs to export and will be the basis of the smaller integration jobs.

Problem: Several sub-jobs fail when you add the Model Hierarchy query to the integration job.

Solution: The integration does not support TQLs with SubGraphs and TQLs with Full Path Compound links.