CI Class Interface Aggregation

Inheritance diagram for Interface Aggregation


Display NameInterface Aggregation
DescriptionRepresents the interface aggregation the way it is presented on the OS level.


Attributes defined for Interface
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
gatewaysInterfaceGatewaysstring_list[500]This is the description on the network interface as reported by the device. This is not a user specified description.truefalsefalse
interface_aliasInterfaceAliasstring[256]This is an alias string set up for the network interface by network device administrators. The alias is a more descriptive name for the interface and is well understood by the network administrators.truefalsefalse
interface_descriptionInterfaceDescriptionstring[500]This is the description on the network interface as reported by the device. This is not a user specified description.truefalsefalse
interface_indexInterfaceIndexintegerThe index of the network interface. A node will have many interfaces and each interface has an index value which is unique on that node. Some types of devices tend to reindex themselves upon a reboot even though there are no configuration or other changes on those interfaces. This means the same interface will have a different index after a reboot.truefalsefalse
interface_macaddrInterface MAC Addressstring[50]The interfaces address at its protocol sub-layer. The interfaces media-specific MIB must define the bit and byte ordering and format of the value contained by this object. we get the macaddress from the mib tree by mibAddress :
interface_nameInterfaceNamestring[256]This attribute is the name automatically assigned by a device to a network interface. Sometimes it is unique per device and sometimes not. It depends upon the device type.truefalsefalse
interface_nnm_internal_keyInterface NNM Internal Keystring[100]Interface primary key in NNMi Database join with NNMi server IP. Only for uCMDB internal usetruefalsetrue
interface_roleInterfaceRolestring_listThe roles available in an Interface.truefalsefalse
interface_speedInterfaceSpeedlongThe configured speed of a network interface. The speed value is in bits per second.truefalsefalse
interface_typeInterfaceTypeinterfaceindex_type_enum[256]The type of the protocol running on an interface.truefalsefalse
is_system_internalSystem Internalboolean_type_enum0Designates if interface has outer visibility from the host or is one of a special type for internal purposestruefalsefalse
isPseudoIs Pseudo InterfacebooleanfalseAn Interface with duplicate MAC or null MAC(to be used by NNM integration)truefalsefalse
l2helpl2helpdate2006.01.16 16:36:06:562truefalsetrue
mac_addressMacAddressstring[80]Represents the entities MAC address.In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification, and used in the Media Access Control protocol sublayer.truefalsefalse
primary_winsPrimaryWINSstring[256]The primary Windows Internet Naming Service (WINS) addresstruefalsefalse
secondary_winsSecondaryWINSstring[256]The secondary WINS addresstruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for NodeElement
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
isvirtualIs Virtualbooleanfalseindicates whether resource is virtualtruefalsefalse
serial_numberSerialNumberstring[100]A manufacturer specified serial number or unique ID for a product or elementtruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for InfrastructureElement
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
codepageCodePagestring[50]System suported CodePagetruefalsetrue
credentials_idReference to the credentials dictionary entrystringReference to the credentials dictinary entrytruefalsetrue
languageLanguagestring[50]System suported languagetruefalsetrue
Attributes defined for ConfigurationItem
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
cityCitystring[50]City locationtruefalsetrue
contextmenuContext Menustring_list[100]Context menutruefalsetrue
countryCountry or Provincestring[50]Country or province locationtruefalsetrue
is_save_persistencyStore KPI History For Over Time ReportsbooleanfalseStore KPI history for over time reportstruefalsetrue
stateStatestring[50]State locationtruefalsetrue
track_changesTrack Configuration ChangesbooleanfalseTrack configuration changestruefalsetrue
Attributes defined for Managed Object
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
TenantOwnerOwner Tenantstring[32]The Tenant Owner IDtruefalsefalse
TenantsUsesConsumer Tenantsstring_listThe IDs of the Tenants who are associated with the CItruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Object
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
Attributes defined for Data
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
data_adminstateAdmin Stateadminstates_enum0Admin Statetruefalsetrue
data_allow_auto_discoveryAllow CI Updateboolean[250]truetruefalsefalse
data_changecorrstateChange Corr Statechangestates_enum0Change Statetruefalsetrue
data_changeisnewChange Is NewbooleanfalseChange Statetruefalsetrue
data_changestateChange Statechangestates_enum0Change Statetruefalsetrue
data_externalidExternal IDstring[50]external source id: snmp index, data sources index etc.truefalsetrue
data_operationcorrstateOperation Corr Stateoperationstates_enum0Operation Statetruefalsetrue
data_operationisnewOperation Is NewbooleanfalseOperation Statetruefalsetrue
data_operationstateOperation Stateoperationstates_enum0Operation Statetruefalsetrue
data_sourceCreated Bystring[512]truefalsefalse
data_testcorrstateTest Corr Stateteststates_enum0Test Statetruefalsetrue
data_testisnewTest Is NewbooleanfalseTest Statetruefalsetrue
data_teststateTest Stateteststates_enum0Test Statetruefalsetrue
data_updated_byUpdated Bystring[512]truefalsefalse
display_labelDisplay Labelstring[900]Used as calc attribute for displaytruefalsefalse
user_labelUser Labelstring[900]Used as user labeltruefalsefalse
Attributes defined for Root
NameDisplay NameTypeDefault ValueDescriptionFactoryKeyHidden
calculated_idCalculated IDbytes[16]Calculated IDtruefalsetrue
create_timeCreate TimedateWhen was this CI createdtruefalsefalse
global_idGlobal Idstring[32]A globally unique identifier for the entity represented by the objecttruefalsefalse
last_modified_timeLastModifiedTimedateWhen was this CI last updatedtruefalsefalse
root_actualdeletetimeActual Delete TimedateWhen will this CI be deletedtruefalsetrue
root_actualdeletionperiodActual Deletion Periodinteger40What is the period after the CI will be deletedtruefalsefalse
root_candidatefordeletetimeCandidate For Deletion TimedateWhen will this CI be warned about deletingtruefalsetrue
root_classCI Typestring[100]Class name of the CItruefalsetrue
root_containerContainerstring[32]Container CI of this CItruefalsefalse
root_deletioncandidateperiodDeletion Candidate Periodinteger20What is the period after the CI will be candidate for deletetruefalsefalse
root_enableageingEnable AgingbooleanfalseIs aging enabledtruefalsefalse
root_iscandidatefordeletionIs Candidate For DeletionbooleanfalseIs candidate for deletiontruefalsefalse
root_lastaccesstimeLast Access TimedateWhen was this CI last accessedtruefalsefalse

Valid Relations

Valid direct incoming and outgoing relations defined on Interface Aggregation

Relations defined for Interface Aggregation
Interface AggregationInterfaceMembership
Relations defined for Interface
InterfaceAzure Network InterfaceRealizationThis link represents an element being realized by some other element.
InterfaceCitrix NetworkUsageMonitor system Relationships
InterfaceInterfaceLayer 2the layertwo links are links discovered by the discover layer 2 service. the link represent a connection between switche to host (physical connection)
InterfaceInterfaceRealizationThis link represents an element being realized by some other element.
InterfacePhysicalPortLayer 2the layertwo links are links discovered by the discover layer 2 service. the link represent a connection between switche to host (physical connection)
InterfaceRHEVM NetworkUsageMonitor system Relationships
InterfaceRHEVM VNIC ProfileUsageMonitor system Relationships
InterfaceSEA AdapterUsageMonitor system Relationships
InterfaceVMware Port GroupUsageMonitor system Relationships
BridgeInterfaceCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Citrix NetworkInterfaceUsageMonitor system Relationships
Interface AggregationInterfaceMembership
Interface IndexInterfaceParent
I/O ChassisInterfaceCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
I/O SlotInterfaceContainment
IPMP GroupInterfaceMembership
Network AdapterInterfaceRealizationThis link represents an element being realized by some other element.
NodeInterfaceCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
NodeInterfaceUsageMonitor system Relationships
OpenStack NetworkInterfaceMembership
PhysicalPortInterfaceRealizationThis link represents an element being realized by some other element.
Routing InstanceInterfaceContainment
SEA AdapterInterfaceUsageMonitor system Relationships
VMware Port GroupInterfaceUsageMonitor system Relationships
VMware UplinkInterfaceUsageMonitor system Relationships
Relations defined for NodeElement
NodeNodeElementCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
RunningSoftwareNodeElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
Storage ArrayNodeElementCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Relations defined for InfrastructureElement
BusinessActivityInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessApplicationInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessElementInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
BusinessTransactionInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
CiCollectionInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
ClusterResourceConfigInfrastructureElementDependencyrepresents a dependency between 2 objects
ServiceInfrastructureElementUsageMonitor system Relationships
Relations defined for ConfigurationItem
ConfigurationItemAutomation Flow ExecutionIncludesThis relationship connects two CIs, one of which is included into another. A child CI can be moved to another parent, but when the parent is deleted, the child will be deleted as well, except if a second includes link exist on it already. Moving of a child CI possible by creation of new link to another parent and deletion of the first one.
ConfigurationItemKpiCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
ConfigurationItemOutageCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
ConfigurationItemServiceConnectionPointCompositionRepresents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed
Relations defined for Managed Object
Managed ObjectHistory ChangeHistory Link
TenantManaged ObjectConnection

Combined inheritance and relation diagram for Interface Aggregation

Potential Data Providers

Adapters providing CIs of type Interface Aggregation
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
IBM LPar And VIO Server by ShellAdapter for Discovery of IBM VIO Server or any IBM LPar running systemDiscovery
IBM WPar by ShellAdapter for Discovery of IBM WPar topologyDiscovery
HPE nPartitions by ShellThis adapter discovers HPE partitionable server (either cell-based or not) topology by connecting to the vPar or nParDiscovery
Adapters providing CIs of type Interface
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
AS400_NET_Dis_ConnectionConnects to the AS400 Server using the JT400 ToolboxDiscovery
Azure by WebServicesThis adapter discovers subscriptions, resource groups, virtual machines, networks and storage accounts on an Azure tenantDiscovery
CiscoWorks Layer 2This adapter populates nodes layer two infrastructure from the Cisco Works Campus Manager databaseIntegration
CiscoWorks NetDevicesThis adapter populates network devices and layer two infrastructure from the Cisco Works Resource Manager Essentials databaseIntegration
Cisco Prime by WebServicesThis adapter discovers nodes, interfaces, net devices, and layer2 connections on a Cisco Prime.Discovery
Discovery for Opsb integration by shellEstablishes a Shell connection to the remote machines. Discovery tries to connect to remote machines through the SSH, NTCMD protocols until the first valid connection is found.Discovery
Firewall Topology by ShellThis adapter supports discovery of Juniper firewalls by ShellDiscovery
Network Automation by JavaNetwork Automation by JavaIntegration
Host Connection by ShellEstablishes a Shell connection to the remote machines. Discovery tries to connect to remote machines through the SSH, Telnet, NTCMD or UDA protocols until the first valid connection is found.Discovery
IBM Virtualization by ShellDiscovery adapter for IBM HMC or IVM Software and related Virtualization PSeries Solution discoveryDiscovery
IBM LPar And VIO Server by ShellAdapter for Discovery of IBM VIO Server or any IBM LPar running systemDiscovery
IBM WPar by ShellAdapter for Discovery of IBM WPar topologyDiscovery
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Technology by ShellAdapter discovers LDOM topology via control domain.Discovery
LPAR Resources by EViewThis adapter discovers the IBM mainframe z/OS host and network resources using the EView mainframe agentDiscovery
Layer2 Topology by ShellReports Layer2 and networking related data by ssh or shell from network switchesDiscovery
Connection by NTCMD or UDA protocolTry to connect to a WIN server using HPCmd (NetBIOS) or UD Agent.Discovery
NetApp_Filer_by_WebServicesThis adapter discovers volumes, shares and other details on a NetApp filerDiscovery
OS FingerprintThis adapter discovers hosts, IPs, open TCP and UDP ports and host operating systems using nmap.exe.Discovery
OpenStack Event MonitorOpenStack Event MonitorDiscovery
OpenStack by WebServicesThis adapter discovers projects, compute resources, networks, storage and other details on an OpenStackDiscovery
Host Connection by PowerShellThis adapter discovers PowerShell agents by trying to connect to a Windows machine using the PowerShell protocol.Discovery
Process Linux Servers With Duplicated MacsThis adapter is acting as a port processing logic after the "Layer2 Vlan based by SNMP" Job has run.Discovery
Red Hat Virtualization Manager by REST APIThis adapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using Red Hat Virtualization Manager by REST API.Discovery
HPE Systems Insight ManagerPopulates servers and other devices from an HPE SIM (Systems Insight Manager) serverIntegration
CDP/LLDP neighbors layer 2 devices by SNMPThis adapter discovers Layer 2 neighbors network devicesDiscovery
L2 Bridge by SNMPThis adapter discovers the Layer 2 topology of a switch by SNMP.Discovery
L2 Vlan by SNMPThis adapter discovers the Layer 2 topology of a specific VLAN by SNMP.Discovery
Host Connection by SNMPDiscovers SNMP agents by trying to connect to a data center machine using the SNMP protocol, updates the node class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on) according to the relevant OIDDiscovery
Client Connection by SNMPDiscovers SNMP agents by trying to connect to a client machine using the SNMP protocol, updates the node class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on) according to the relevant OID.Discovery
Host Networking by SNMPDiscovers host networking topology using SNMP route and system tablesDiscovery
Router ARP by SNMPThis adapter discovers the ARP table of a router using the SNMP protocol. This discovery reveals IP addresses by querying the protocol that translates IPs into the Ethernet addresses used by local area networks, as well as the host and network it belongs to.Discovery
Solaris Zone by TTYThis adapter discovers Solaris Zones by shell protocols (SSH, Telnet or UDA) including non-global zones, resource pools, netwroking CPU and their dependencies.Discovery
Sun_Cluster_by_Shelladapter discovers Sun Cluster topology via shell including cluster nodes, resource groups and resources, quorum configuration, cluster interconnect.Discovery
TTY_HACMP_ApplicationsDiscovers IBM HACMP virtual applications Discovery
TTY_HACMP_TopologyDiscovers IBM HACMP node Topology on servers via SSH, Telnet or UDADiscovery
TTY_Net_Dis_ConnectionThis adapter discovers SSH and Telnet agents by trying to connect to a machine using TTY as well as updating the correct host class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on).Discovery
VMware ESX Connection by CIMVMware ESX Connection by CIM adapterDiscovery
VMware ESX Topology by VIMThis adapter discovers VMware ESX Servers using VIM protocol.Discovery
VMware VMotion by VIMadapter monitors migration events of Virtual Machines from one host to another.Discovery
VMware vCenter Topology by VIMAdapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using vCenter Server by VI Management protocol.Discovery
Host Connection by WMIThis adapter discovers WMI agents by trying to connect to a Windows machine using the WMI protocol.Discovery
Xen and KVM by Shell AdapterKVM and Xen discovery adapter based on libvirt cliDiscovery
HPE nPartitions by ShellThis adapter discovers HPE partitionable server (either cell-based or not) topology by connecting to the vPar or nParDiscovery
Hyper-V Topology by Shelladapter discovers Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization topology using shell protocol.Discovery
Hyper-V Topology by WMIadapter discovers Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization topology using WMI protocol.Discovery
iSeries Resources by EViewThis adapter discovers the IBM ISeries Resources on the on an Iseries box such as CPUs , Memory, Disks, Network Controllers, Installed Software.Discovery
PureFlex Discovery AdapterAllows to discover IBM FSM managed resources and topologyDiscovery
Oracle VM Manager Discovery By MainCliMake discovery of virtualization inventory using manager's main CLI accessible by SSH protocolDiscovery
Process Layer2 Collected FilesAdapter DescriptionDiscovery
SCVMM Topology by ShellThis adapter discovers Hyper-V topology by connecting to SCVMM.Discovery
vCloud Event MonitorvCloud Event MonitorDiscovery
vCloud Director URL by vCloud APIAdapter discovers VMware vCloud Director using direct connection URL by vCloud APIDiscovery
vCloud Director by vCloud APIAdapter discovers VMware vCloud Director using vCloud APIDiscovery
Adapters providing CIs of type ConfigurationItem
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
Import from CSV Imports data from a CSV file into CMDB using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the CSV file columns. Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter.Integration
Import from DB Imports data from an external database into CMDB using mapping of table columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the table columns Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter. A SQL 'select' query is generated automatically and selects all columns in specified table, which defined by parameter: tableName In advanced cases you can specify custom SQL query.Integration
Import from properties file Imports data from a Properties file into CMDB, using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes This mapping is usually defined by the setting adapter parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the Properties attributes to the CSV file columns In cases you need more complex mapping abilities, such as conversion of the strings contained in Properties file to the appropriate type of CMDB object's attribute, you should use the mapping XML configuration file specified by the mappingFile parameter. Integration
Import from Excel WorkbookImports data from Excel Workbooks. Parses through multiple worksheet XLS files. Uses 'CIImports.xls' (default) file to import data.Integration
Adapters providing CIs of type Object
Adapter NameDescriptionAdapter Type
ALMAdapterFederate defects from ALMIntegration
AMGenericAdapterThis adapter pushes/populates data between UCMDB and Asset Manager. Follow the Quick Start guide supplied with the AM Generic Adapter documentation before creating this integration point.Integration
Application Portfolio Management Push AdapterThis adapter pushes data from UCMDB to HP Application Portfolio Management. Follow the APM Push Adapter documentation included in the HP UCMDB Discovery and Integration Content Guide before creating this integration point.Integration
UCMDB API PopulationAllows defining Reconciliation Priority for API Data In flowsIntegration
Data Push into AtriumPushes CIs and relationships to BMC AtriumIntegration
AutomationFlowAdapterProvide API to Operation OrchestrationIntegration
BSMKpiAdapterFederate KPIs from BSMIntegration
CM1030KpiAdapterFederate KPIs from CMIntegration
CM1030PolicyAdapterFederate Policies and their results from CMIntegration
CA CMDBPushes CIs and relationships to CA CMDBIntegration
UCMDB 10.x and laterUsed for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later) and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later)Integration
UCMDB 9.xUsed for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 9.x server and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 9.xIntegration
UCMDB History Adapter [local instance only]Used to federated data from the UCMDB's HistoryIntegration
Push Adapter DB ExamplePush data into Oracle \ MSSQL databaseIntegration
DDMiUses the GDB-Framework to Populate and Federate data from a DDMi databaseIntegration
EnterpriseViewAdapterFederate KPIs from Enterprise ViewIntegration
GenericDBAdapterAn example Adapter that uses the GDB-FrameworkIntegration
Java_Adapter_TemplateAdapter DescriptionIntegration
Local State Push AdapterUsed for populating data between the states of the same UCMDB ServerIntegration
Push AdapterPush AdapterIntegration
Remedyforce Push IntegrationRemedyforce Push IntegrationIntegration
SMA-X Push AdapterThis adapter pushes data from UCMDB to Service Anywhere. Integration
System Center Configuration ManagerUses the GDB-Framework to Populate and Federate data from a System Center Configuration Manager. The adapter is also backward compatible with the SMS DBIntegration
Service Center 6.2xUsed for Federating from ServiceCenter version 6.2xIntegration
Service Manager 7.0xUsed for Federating from ServiceManager version 7.0xIntegration
Service Manager 7.1x - 9.2xUsed for Pushing data to and Federating from ServiceManager versions 7.1x to 9.2xIntegration
Service Manager 9.41Discovery Pattern DescriptionIntegration
Service Manager 9.xxDiscovery Pattern DescriptionIntegration
Service Manager Enhanced Generic AdapterPush and Populate CI data between UCMDB and Service ManagerIntegration
Service Manager Enhanced Generic AdapterPush and Populate CI data between UCMDB and Service ManagerIntegration
ServiceNow Enhanced Generic AdapterPush, Populate and Federation of CI data between UCMDB and ServiceNowIntegration
Service-Now PushAdapter to push data from uCMDB to Service-Now.comIntegration
Data Push into TrouxPush CIs to TrouxIntegration
Executive ScorecardDiscovery Pattern DescriptionIntegration
UCMDB to XMLExport data into XML from UCMDBIntegration

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