HistoryTypes Schema
ChangedDataInfo Complex Type
HistoryTypes Schema : ChangedDataInfo Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


The list of items related to the trigger that have changed and a summary element
Namespace http://schemas.hp.com/ucmdb/1/types/history


changeType Element rootID Element ID Element Sequence changedIDs Element Sequence ChangedDataInfo Complex Type


The list of items related to the trigger that have changed and a summary element
changedIDs IDs Complex Type
The list of changed IDs, not including the root
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
rootID ID Complex Type
The ID of the CI that triggers the check
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
changeType Restriction of xs:string
Indicates where the changes occurred

Used By


<xs:complexType name="ChangedDataInfo" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
      The list of items related to the trigger that have changed and a summary element
    <xs:element name="changedIDs" type="types:IDs">
        The list of changed IDs, not including the root
    <xs:element name="rootID" type="types:ID">
        The ID of the CI that triggers the check
    <xs:element name="changeType">
          Indicates where the changes occurred
        <xs:restriction base="xs:string">
          <xs:enumeration value="NO_CHANGE" />
          <xs:enumeration value="ROOT_CHANGED">
              ROOT_CHANGED: The trigger CI has changed. No other CI that was checked changed.
          <xs:enumeration value="RELATED_OBJECT_CHANGED">
              RELATED_OBJECT_CHANGED: At least one CI related to the trigger has changed, but the trigger CI did not change.
          <xs:enumeration value="ROOT_AND_OBJECT_CHANGED">
                ROOT_AND_OBJECT_CHANGED: The trigger CI and at least one other related CI changed

See Also