Module shellutils :: Class ShellFactory
[hide private]

Class ShellFactory

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This class manages shell creation for different shell protocols SSH, Telnet, or NTCMD.

Instance Methods [hide private]
createShell(self, client, protocolName=None) source code
isCygwin(self, shellClient)
Check for cygwin shell.
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isWinOs(self, shellClient)
Determine windows shell trying to execute 'ver' command
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isVioServer(self, shellClient)
Determine restricted shell of VIO server installed on AIX
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isMacOs(self, shellClient) source code
__isWinDetectInVerOutput(self, buffer) source code
Method Details [hide private]

createShell(self, client, protocolName=None)

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  • Exception - failed to detect OS

isCygwin(self, shellClient)

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Check for cygwin shell. In cygwin shell it is possible to launch windows command interpreter.

  • Exception - Failed starting Windows Cmd Shell

isWinOs(self, shellClient)

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Determine windows shell trying to execute 'ver' command

  • Exception - Failed detecting OS type