Module shellutils :: Class WinShell
[hide private]

Class WinShell

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Shell --+

Basic class for Windows shell

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, client, protocolName) source code
isWinOs(self) source code
_getOsLanguageDiscoverer(self) source code
Get the shell command separator character.
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Get current codepage of remote Windows machine to which the shell client is connected or 437 if codepage was not resolved
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setCodePage(self, newCodePage=DEFAULT_ENGLISH_CODEPAGE)
Set new codepage on remote Windows machine to which the shell client is connected
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Returns the shell command exit status code
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Get the type of the OS running on the target host to which the shell client is connected.
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Get OS Version
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Get the return code for the latest command execution
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_execute(self, cmd)
Template method for derived shells for exact command execution
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deleteDirectoryViaShellCommand(self, dirPath)
Delete directory
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createDirectoryViaShellCommand(self, dirPath)
Create directory
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copyFileFromRemoteShare(self, remoteFileName, remoteShareName)
Copy file from the remote share resource
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deleteRemoteFileFromShare(self, remoteFile, remoteShare)
Delete file from the remote share resource
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putFile(self, localFilePath, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)
Copy file to the remote share.
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deleteFile(self, remoteFile, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)
Delete remote file
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__composeRemotePath(self, localFilePath, share)
Returns: String of format "\<ip address>\<share>\<file name>
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copyFileIfNeeded(self, localFile, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)
Copy file to the share if it does not exist there
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Get case sensitive name of Windows %SystemRoot%
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createSystem32Link(self, location=None, lock=1, force=0)
Creates, locks and returns NTFS junction point to %SystemRoot%\System32 using (in fallback order) linkd, mklink and junction commands.
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removeSystem32Link(self, location=None)
Unlocks and removes NTFS junction point previously created by @createSystem32Link().
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Checks is the discovered machine OS 64 bit.
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fsObjectExists(self, path)
Indicates whether object by specified path exists on remote file system
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safecat(self, path, forceSudo=0)
Get file content by specified path
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rebuildPath(self, folder)
Normalize path to one used in OS client connected to
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Perform cleaning of temporary data on destination system and close the client
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Inherited from Shell: canCopyFile, createOutputHandler, determineOsLanguage, execAlternateCmds, execAlternateCmdsList, execCmd, execCmdAsBytes, executeCommandAndDecode, executeCommandAndDecodeByMatcher, getCharsetName, getClientType, getCommandSeparator, getCredentialId, getDefaultCommandTimeout, getLastCmdReturnCode, getOsLanguage, getOsType, getOsVersion, getPort, getXML, isWindowsWithCygwin, resolveHost, resolveIp, setSessionLocale, useCharset

Class Variables [hide private]
  DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE = 'admin$\\system32\\drivers\etc'


Method Details [hide private]

__init__(self, client, protocolName)

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Overrides: Shell.__init__


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Overrides: Shell.isWinOs


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Overrides: Shell._getOsLanguageDiscoverer


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Get the shell command separator character. This is the character used between commands when more than one command is passed on the same command line.

Overrides: Shell.getShellCmdSeperator

Deprecated: Use getCommandSeparator instead


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Returns the shell command exit status code

Overrides: Shell.getShellStatusVar


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Get the type of the OS running on the target host to which the shell client is connected. types: -> str

  • Exception - Failed getting machine OS type.
Overrides: Shell._getOsType


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Get OS Version

  • Exception - Failed getting os type
Overrides: Shell._getOsVersion


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Get the return code for the latest command execution

Deprecated: Will be removed from the public access

_execute(self, cmd)

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Template method for derived shells for exact command execution

  • Exception - Command execution does not produced output nor return code
Overrides: Shell._execute

deleteDirectoryViaShellCommand(self, dirPath)

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Delete directory

  • ValueError - Specified path is empty
  • ValueError - Failed deleting directory

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

createDirectoryViaShellCommand(self, dirPath)

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Create directory

  • ValueError - Specified path is empty
  • ValueError - Failed creating directory

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

copyFileFromRemoteShare(self, remoteFileName, remoteShareName)

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Copy file from the remote share resource

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

deleteRemoteFileFromShare(self, remoteFile, remoteShare)

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Delete file from the remote share resource

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

putFile(self, localFilePath, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)

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Copy file to the remote share. If file exists it will be rewritten.

deleteFile(self, remoteFile, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)

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Delete remote file

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

__composeRemotePath(self, localFilePath, share)

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String of format "\<ip address>\<share>\<file name>

copyFileIfNeeded(self, localFile, share=DEFAULT_WIN_SHARE)

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Copy file to the share if it does not exist there

return None if file is not copied

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead


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Get case sensitive name of Windows %SystemRoot%

  • ValueError - Failed to find system32 folder inside the %SystemRoot%

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

createSystem32Link(self, location=None, lock=1, force=0)

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Creates, locks and returns NTFS junction point to %SystemRoot%\System32 using (in fallback order) linkd, mklink and junction commands.

  • lock - variable to control whether to lock or not the created junction point once it is created, default is 1 (meaning lock it)
  • force - variable to control whether Universal Discovery should decide upon creation of junction point (WinOS + 64bit) or forcibly create it
  • ValueError - if creation or locking failed

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

removeSystem32Link(self, location=None)

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Unlocks and removes NTFS junction point previously created by @createSystem32Link().

  • ValueError - Unable to delete or unlock junction point

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead


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Checks is the discovered machine OS 64 bit. 32 or 64 bit family detected by checking existence of %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64 folder

Deprecated: Will be removed from the public access

fsObjectExists(self, path)

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Indicates whether object by specified path exists on remote file system

Overrides: Shell.fsObjectExists

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

safecat(self, path, forceSudo=0)

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Get file content by specified path

  • forceSudo - if true, always uses sudo, if false first tries to run command without sudo
  • ValueError - Illegal type command, contains redirect
  • Exception - Failed getting contents of file
Overrides: Shell.safecat

Deprecated: Use file system module for such purposes

rebuildPath(self, folder)

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Normalize path to one used in OS client connected to

Overrides: Shell.rebuildPath

Deprecated: Use file system module for such purposes


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Perform cleaning of temporary data on destination system and close the client

Overrides: Shell.closeClient