UpdateTypes Schema
ClientIDToCmdbID Complex Type
UpdateTypes Schema : ClientIDToCmdbID Complex Type

Glossary Item Box


The CIs are sent to the UCMDB with a client ID. The reply is the corresponding UCMDB ID assigned to this CI
Namespace http://schemas.hp.com/ucmdb/1/types/update


cmdbID Element clientID Element Sequence ClientIDToCmdbID Complex Type


The CIs are sent to the UCMDB with a client ID. The reply is the corresponding UCMDB ID assigned to this CI
clientID xs:string
The temporary ID supplied by the client
cmdbID xs:string
The real ID assigned by the UCMDB

Used By


<xs:complexType name="ClientIDToCmdbID" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
    <xs:documentation>The CIs are sent to the UCMDB with a client ID. The reply is the corresponding UCMDB ID assigned to this CI</xs:documentation>
    <xs:element name="clientID" type="xs:string">
          The temporary ID supplied by the client
    <xs:element name="cmdbID" type="xs:string">
          The real ID assigned by the UCMDB

See Also