Module shellutils :: Class Shell
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Class Shell

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Class for managing Shell connections via SSH, Telnet, or NTCmd

Shell is not thread-safe. Every thread must have its own instance.

Instance Methods [hide private]
__init__(self, client) source code
Get default command timeout declared in globalSettings.xml
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setSessionLocale(self) source code
isWinOs(self) source code
Returns the type of the operating system running on the target host to which the shell client is connected
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Template method for each derived class to get properly OS type
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Indicates whether running commands in cygwin shell
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Get version of the OS running on the target host to which the shell client is connected
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getOsLanguage(self) source code
determineOsLanguage(self) source code
Template method to get OS version for derived shell
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_getOsLanguageDiscoverer(self) source code
useCharset(self, charsetName)
Use specified character set for command encoding and output decoding in raw client
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Returns the shell command exit status code
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Get command separator depending on OS type
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Returns the shell command separator character.
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__addAlternateCmd(self, cmd, expectedReturnCode=None, sucessString=None, failureString=None)
Add alternative command to execute list
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__removeAllAlternateCmds(self) source code
__execCmdSet(self, timeout=0)
Go over all alternative commands list and execute each until the first successful command termination.
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execAlternateCmds(self, *commands)
Executes the input list of shell commands until one of them succeeds.
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execAlternateCmdsList(self, commands, timeout=0)
Executes the input list of shell commands until one of them succeeds.
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Returns the exit status of the last shell command issued by execCmd or execAlternateCmds methods
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fsObjectExists(self, path)
Checks whether the file or directory exists on the File System
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execCmd(self, cmdLine, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, checkErrCode=1, useCache=0, preserveSudoContext=0)
Executes a shell command and sets the exit status of the command.
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_execute(self, command)
Template method for derived shells for exact command execution
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execCmdAsBytes(self, cmdLine, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1)
Get raw data as list of bytes.
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resolveHost(self, hostName, nodeClassName='node')
Create host CI with IP as key resolved by host name
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resolveIp(self, hostName)
Resolve IP by host name
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getXML(self, path, forceSudo=0)
Get xml content with proper encoding
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safecat(self, path, forceSudo=0)
Get file content by specified path
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getClientType(self) source code
getPort(self) source code
getCredentialId(self) source code
Perform cleaning of temporary data on destination system and close the client
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__removeCopiedData(self) source code
Indicates whether client can copy files to the remote system
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rebuildPath(self, folder)
Normalize path to one used in OS client connected to
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createOutputHandler(self, cmd=None)
Create output handler depending OS type
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executeCommandAndDecodeByMatcher(self, cmd, matcher, framework, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, language=None)
Execute command and try to decode output using predefined charsets.
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executeCommandAndDecode(self, cmd, keyword, framework, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, language=None)
Execute command and try to decode output using predefined charsets.
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Get name of the character set for the latest command execution
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Class Variables [hide private]
Method Details [hide private]


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Deprecated: Unix only dedicated


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Returns the type of the operating system running on the target host to which the shell client is connected

  • Exception - Failed getting machine OS type


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Template method for each derived class to get properly OS type

  • Exception - Failed getting machine OS type


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Indicates whether running commands in cygwin shell

Deprecated: will be removed from public access


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Get version of the OS running on the target host to which the shell client is connected

Deprecated: should be moved to the OS discoverer (domain layer)


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Deprecated: will be removed from the public access


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Template method to get OS version for derived shell

  • Exception - Failed to get OS version

useCharset(self, charsetName)

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Use specified character set for command encoding and output decoding in raw client

  • IllegalCharsetNameException - The given charset name is illegal
  • UnsupportedCharsetException - No support for the named charset is available in this instance of the JVM


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Returns the shell command separator character. This is the character used between commands when more than one command is passed on the same command line.

Deprecated: Use getCommandSeparator instead

__execCmdSet(self, timeout=0)

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Go over all alternative commands list and execute each until the first successful command termination.
 This method basically executes shell commands and retrieves terminate status of the executed command
 until a command ended successfully.
 command is successful when:
 1. it returned the expected return code.
 2. if no return code is given, the output of the command is compared against sucessString
      to determine command success.
 3. if failureString is given the output of the command is compared against failureString
      to determine command failure
@types: int -> str

execAlternateCmds(self, *commands)

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Executes the input list of shell commands until one of them succeeds.

output of the first successful command, otherwise None

execAlternateCmdsList(self, commands, timeout=0)

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Executes the input list of shell commands until one of them succeeds.

  • timeout - timeout for each command in milliseconds
output of the first successesfull command, otherwise None


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Returns the exit status of the last shell command issued by execCmd or execAlternateCmds methods

exit status of the last command issued
  • Exception - Cannot get last command return code: no command was issued

fsObjectExists(self, path)

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Checks whether the file or directory exists on the File System

Deprecated: Use FileSystem methods instead

execCmd(self, cmdLine, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, checkErrCode=1, useCache=0, preserveSudoContext=0)

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Executes a shell command and sets the exit status of the command.

  • cmdLine - command to execute
  • timeout - time in ms or if < 1ms treated as coefficient for predefined timeout
output of the executed shell command
  • Exception - Command execution does not produced output nor return code

resolveHost(self, hostName, nodeClassName='node')

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Create host CI with IP as key resolved by host name

IP address or None if IP cannot be resolved or is local

Deprecated: Will be removed in further version

resolveIp(self, hostName)

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Resolve IP by host name

IP address or None if IP cannot be resolved or is local

Deprecated: Use netutils.IpResolver instead

getXML(self, path, forceSudo=0)

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Get xml content with proper encoding

  • forceSudo - if true, always uses sudo, if false first tries to run command without sudo

Deprecated: Use file system module for such purposes

safecat(self, path, forceSudo=0)

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Get file content by specified path

  • path - full path (including name) to the desired file
  • forceSudo - if true, always uses sudo, if false first tries to run command without sudo
  • Exception - Redirection symbols used or getting content failed

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

rebuildPath(self, folder)

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Normalize path to one used in OS client connected to

Deprecated: Use methods from file system module instead

createOutputHandler(self, cmd=None)

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Create output handler depending OS type

  • ValueError - If decoding is not supported for used protocol type

Deprecated: Will be moved to the private scope

executeCommandAndDecodeByMatcher(self, cmd, matcher, framework, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, language=None)

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Execute command and try to decode output using predefined charsets. Decoded output considered as valid if it is matched by provided matcher.

  • matcher - defines matching case for valid character set

executeCommandAndDecode(self, cmd, keyword, framework, timeout=0, waitForTimeout=0, useSudo=1, language=None)

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Execute command and try to decode output using predefined charsets. Decoded output considered as valid if it is matched by KEYWORD matcher.