Release Highlights for CMS 2018.08
Updated August 2018
This release improves the look and feel of the new CMS UI as well as providing improvements to browser performance and user concurrency; Adds new and improved discovery covering AWS, SAP and Oracle as well as introducing important new attributes that will be assigned to any discovered CI: LastDiscoveredBy, LastDiscoveredByProbe, and LastDiscoveredTime. With these attributes you can know exactly when each device in your system was last detected by our discovery, and how it was detected, ensuring you are always compliant with your discovered data. The release also offers new REST API to monitor and operate integrations, and new interactive REST API Reference documentation.
Other items that are introduced in this release are:
Administration and supportability
New and improved REST API capabilities
- Adds REST API calls for monitoring and operating integrations
- Added new interactive REST API Reference documentation with easy access
- Integrating UCMDB with AutoPass License Server (APLS) enables UCMDB server to push license usage data to APLS server for easy tracking of Universal Discovery license usage
- Improved the High Availability Notification System by implementing an API notification service
- Enhanced the UCMDB Local Client to offer support for basic authentication with WebSEAL, support for macOS, support for RTSM and ITOM suites containing UCMDB version 10.20 or later
- Added support for troubleshooting purging with the capability to view and delete history partitions
Enhanced the Universal Discovery Licensing Model with the following:
- UCMDB licensing capacity is now calculated as soon as you apply new licenses
- Changed the licensing requirement of the Host Fingerprint by NMAP job from Advanced to Basic
- Improved CI discovery results with additional attributes: LastDiscoveredBy, LastDiscoveredByProbe, and LastDiscoveredTime
- Extended support matrix coverage: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 7.5 for both UCMDB server and Data Flow Probe, Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server 6.8 and 6.9 for CMS UI, SUSE Linux Enterprise Server Enterprise 12 for UCMDB server, Oracle version 12c R2 (Standard/Enterprise Editions) and 12c R2 RAC (Enterprise Edition) for UCMDB server and UCMDB Integration Service, Safari with iOS 11 for CMS UI
Improvements in CMS UI
Integration job email notification
Implemented this feature in CMS UI with a new setting Email Notification Enabled added in the Integration Studio module.
Improvements to the LDAP Manager module
- Added the capability to search for an LDAP user by its user unique ID (UID)
- Added two LDAP server settings for retrieving all the LDAP search results entries successfully when the LDAP server has a size limit configured for the search results
Performance Improvements: The UCMDB Browser module now supports many more concurrent users per server node; the Reports Dashboard is loaded much faster with no display results limit in reports.
Improvements to the CMS UI landing page
- Added the possibility to view the CIs displayed in a report widget grouped by CI Type, or by attribute, according to the type of grouping you have defined for the report
- Capability of deleting out-of-the-box (OOTB) widgets using the Settings
icon on the landing page
Improvements to the Topology Map
- The Topology Map has a cleaner look
- Zoom In the Topology Map to view the Core Properties of a CI; Zoom Out to view only the CI Type of a CI
Scheduled Reports Improvements: The scheduled reports view enables you to sort and filter scheduled reports. You can also run scheduled reports immediately, delete scheduled reports, and pause pending scheduled reports.
Improvements to the Assisted Modeling module:
- You can enable and disable the Start Assisted Modeling link in the Service Modeling module for specific users
- Group CIs in a model by CI Type
- View in a model only CIs that are directly related to a selected CI
Discovery Content and Integrations
New discovery:
- Oracle Enterprise Manager Discovery (Beta): Discover data from Oracle Enterprise Manager (OEM) with an integration to OEM as a data source for the entire Oracle stack.
- SAP FRUN Discovery: Discover all the SAP systems (and their topology) for each customer network by accessing SAP Focused Run with CIM Protocol.
Extended discovery: Enhanced the Amazon Web Services Discovery as follows:
- Created a relationship between AWS Account and Region
- Created new views for AWS discovery
- Simplified Amazon Elastic Load Balancing (ELB) topology
- AWS Resource CI and its child CIs are identified by key attributes as Amazon Resource Name CIs only
- The Name attribute of Amazon EBS and Amazon ECS Resource CIs are visible now
Updated versions for discovered applications:
- IBM High Availability Cluster Multiprocessing (HACMP) 7.x
- Microsoft Windows PowerShell 3.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.1
- VMware ESX & ESXi 6.7
- VMware vCenter 6.7
- VMware vCloud Director 8.0, 8.1, 8.2
Universal Discovery Inventory
Enhanced the Inventory Discovery by Scanner and Inventory Discovery by Manual Scanner Deployment jobs by adding a new attribute LPar SMT to the IBM LPar Profile CIT, and a new OS User Last Logon attribute to the OS User CIT
- Added the Microsoft Intelligent Asset Manager Universal Inventory (IAMUI) Integration
- Enhanced SM-UCMDB integration by adding capability to populate deleted CI relationships to UCMDB
Enhanced the NNMi integration by:
- Adding a new Pull Topology from NNMi by REST API adapter for creating Layer2 connectivity information between switches and servers discovered
- Adding a new parameter NNMiHost to the NNMI Update IDs adapter
- Enhanced the CSV mapping file to support a new converter
for the Import from CSV File integration job
Enhancements to the SNMP Protocol version 3 include non-standard encryption algorithm support for AES-192 and AES-256, and authentication algorithm support for SHA224, SHA256, SHA384, and SHA512.
Previous Versions:
Getting Started with CMS 2018.08
Version 2018.08 of the Micro Focus Configuration Management System consists of Universal CMDB 2018.08 (UCMDB), Universal Discovery 2018.08 (UD), and UCMDB Browser version 2018.08. Version 2018.08 is released in the same time frame with Universal Discovery Content Pack 28.00.
Universal CMDB (UCMDB) consists of a rich business-service-oriented data model with built-in discovery of configuration items (CIs) and configuration item dependencies, visualization and mapping of business services, and tracking of configuration changes. UCMDB implements data model, data flow management, and data modeling capabilities, and also provides impact analysis, change tracking, and reporting capabilities to transform CMDB data into comprehensible, actionable information that helps answer critical questions and solve business problems.
Universal Discovery software, with rich and constantly updated content, is UCMDB's preferred method for acquiring and maintaining the IT. With both agentless and agent-based discovery capabilities, Universal Discovery can discover infrastructure, network, and inventory assets. Universal Discovery is partially enabled by installing the Data Flow Probe which directly communicates with the UCMDB server.
CMS UI is the lightweight, web-based user interface for UCMDB with improved user experience and ease-of-use. With capabilities that were previously available through the UCMDB admin UI only, CMS UI provides quick access to and simplifies administrative and integration management of UCMDB.
Documentation Library
The Configuration Management System (CMS) Documentation Library provides download links for all Universal CMDB documents of 10.00 and later releases, and all UD Content Pack documents for CP11 and later releases, available on the Software Support portal (SSO), including all CMS documents for the most recent releases.
You can use this library to access any of the guides and release notes relevant to UCMDB version 10.00 or later, and UD Content Pack 11 or later, or to download the full documentation set as a bundle.