Release Notes > Fixed Issues

Fixed Issues

The following table lists the defects that were fixed in CMS 2018.08.

ID Component Summary



Universal Discovery - Discovery Exceution - Result Processing and Sending (Probe)

Probe sends download request to UCMDB server when the server is still starting and not ready, causing many error messages logged in the server error.log. For example, "Asking for an instance [customerID=1] that doesn't exist"

Fixed the issue by applying a code change. Now the exception will not be written into the logs during server startup.


Platform - Wrapper

During the UCMDB server startup, the ulimit message will be written only if the OS platform is Linux, not for Windows.


Integration - Integration Adapters - Generic Push Adapter - AM - Mapping UI

When using a customized AM Generic Adapter to push data to Asset Manager, the customized adapter is based on the out of the box (OOTB) Generic Adapter 1.2, but it does not have the OOTB “Ignored” column in the Statistics tab, though it is using the same jar files as the OOTB adapter.

Now the Ignored column would be available for all adapters whose names contain AMPushAdapter or AMGenericAdapter.

QCCR1H121265 UCMDB Changed the issuer for the out of the box (OOTB) certificates to Micro Focus.


UI - Schedulers

Scheduling a report to run and save to file system fails with an error message: "...failed; cannot save file to disk; check path in infrastructure settings or OS permissions".

Added a note in the documentation about the Save to File System option to indicate that the folder path value specified for the Report root folder infrastructure setting is relative to the <UCMDB_Server>/runtime folder.


Universal Discovery

The calculation for the license count is getting scheduled on the Reader system of an HA environment and then it cannot update the URM correctly.

Now the calculation for the license count is scheduled only on the Writer system of an HA environment.


Universal Discovery - Discovery Execution - Automatic Deletion

Inventory Discovery deletes all Installed Software CIs that are discovered by the Host Applications by Shell job.

Fixed the issue by adding a new isServerAutomaticDeletionOnlyForCurrentJob parameter to the adapter configuration. When this parameter is set to true, the automatic deletion on the server side only impacts the Installed Software CIs that are discovered by the current job.


UI - Installation - Installer

Trying to get the history for a resource of type Auth_USER in UCMDB JMX Console > URM services ends up being redirected to UCMDB landing page.

Fixed the issue by applying a code change to the backup logic, so that the ucmdb/conf/esapi/ file will be backed up to ucmdb/old/conf/esapi during server upgrade.


Integration - Integration Studio

Data Push from UCMDB to UCMDB - push_back creates duplicate relationships in the source UCMDB.

Fixed the issue by applying a code change to avoid executing the CI/link creation logic in the push back process.


Server - REST API

When using 'topology' (with the TQL name provided as a parameter in the POST content), the following error is logged in the UCMDBServer\runtime\log\rest-api.log:

ERROR Failed to clean JSON object due to: Unexpected character (I) at position 0.

However, the result of the REST API topology call is returned successfully to the REST client.

Fixed the issue by applying a code to clean JSON object when sending REST API topology request.


Integration - Integration Adapters - Cmdb 10.x Adapter

Hosts are getting merged after OMi sync from UCMDB to OMi. The workaround provided for resolving this issue requires users to access JMX console and invoke the removeIdMappingsOfDataStore method every time before they run the sync push. This is a request to provide a permanent solution and MappingsOfDataStore should update automatically.

The issue is now permanently fixed. Now you only need to set the setting to true in UCMDB JMX console (by invoking the setSettingValue method) and restart the UCMDB server before you run push. Then the script will remove the duplicate mappings from table, so the push result payload will not get duplicate target_ids, then all CIs can be pushed to the target system.


Universal Discovery - Content - DNS

The DNS Resolver job is not populating the PrimaryDnsName with DNS Name on some Net Printer CIs.

Fixed the issue by modifying the if sentence of the script to add the dnsName into primary_dns_name_candidates. Now the DNS Resolver job can populate PrimaryDNSName properly.


Universal Discovery - Content - Host Resources

The Host Resources/Applications by Shell job reports the following error message:

Failed executing script, details: Error in script java.lang.ClassCastException

The issue is now fixed. If the PortIndex attribute value of the Fibre Channel Port CIT is 0xffffffff in your environment, it will be reset to -99999999 in UCMDB as 0xffffffff is too large and not meaningful.


Splash screen does not display correctly when multiple web browser windows all click the OK button.

Fixed the issue by adding the splash screen to securityFilter.


Platform - HA infrastructure

The UCMDB Writer server restarts when the Reader server is in the process of starting its services and suddenly the Reader becomes the Writer.

The issue is fixed, now the UCMDB cluster would keep stable and the Writer server would be elected properly.


Universal Discovery - Content - Host Resources

When DB2 server runs on AIX, during the discovery of DB2 databases, errors that resemble the following are generated in the Host Resources by Shell job:

Error processing results, for more details please check UCMDB server log files
Recommended log files on UCMDB: error.log, cmdb.reconciliation.log, mam.autodiscovery.log

The issue is fixed. Now the Host Resources by Shell job can discover DB2 server properly.


Platform - Security - Authentication

The following error message occurs after a hotfix for RTSM memory leak was applied: "UCMDB Service is currently unavailable. Please try again in a few minutes".

Fixed the issue by getting the serverId from the parent session to avoid memory leak.


Platform - JMX Console

RTSM UI and RTSM JMX are both inaccessible after the password for UISysadmin user is modified.

Fixed the issue by adding the following three system properties to override UISysadmin credentials.: superIntegrationUserName, DsuperIntegrationUserPassword, and DoverrideSuperIntegrationUserFile.

So you can update the super integration user credential or log in to UCMDB Server UI and reset the password of UISysadmin. Now RTSM works properly.


Universal Discovery - Content - Host Resources

When using Host resource and application job to discover a switch, apart from the switches themselves, the returned results for other part of the switches contain no dependencies and no serial numbers on switches.

The issue is now fixed. The Host Resources/Applications job can now report the dependencies and serial number of switches properly.


CMS UI - Reports

Columns without data are not exported in the UCMDB Browser reports, by contrast they are exported in UCMDB Server reports.

The issue is fixed, now empty columns can be displayed in exported reports.


Integration - Integration Adapters - Cmdb 10.x Adapter

When the UCMDB to UCMDB full pull integration job runs a second time, the CIs that were previously created will be deleted.

The auto-deletion for cmdb10xadapter may cause the unexpected deletion of CIs due to TQL calculation issue, for example, when trying to delete a relationship, the related CIs are deleted as well.

To resolve the issue, follow the workarounds below:

  • Disable the auto-deletion setting on the cmdb10xadapter configuration. Use the job level Allow Integration Job to delete removed Data setting, and perform delta population to synchronize the CIs to be deleted.
  • Create the push job on source UCMDB server for the purpose of synchronizing the CI deletion.


Universal Discovery - Content - Host Connections

In CMS UI Home, the WORKSTATIONS BY OS widget wrongly displays a Windows 2016 server as an OS, which should appear under the SERVERS BY OS widget.

The issue is fixed, now Windows 2016 servers are listed in the SERVERS BY OS widget.


Universal Discovery - Probe Framework - Database

The clearProbeData.bat script keeps running on Data Flow Probes.

The issue is fixed. Now the problematic log thread is handled separately and will exit upon main thread completion.


Integration - Integration Adapters - Jython Based Integrations - NA Integration

When customer attempts to run the Pull Topology from Network Automation by Java client job from NA 10.40 to UCMDB 10.33 CP26, the integration fails with the following error message:

Failed to connect to remote process...

Fixed the issue by applying a code change, the list device command parameter name should be double quoted.


Platform - Licensing Infrastructure

On CMS UI, the license Total Units usage shows "NaN%".

The issue is fixed, now the Total Units usage of the License Information shows the right digital number or percent.


Server - History

The History widget displays "Loading ..." and is not showing data.

The issue is fixed, now the server side exception is caught and not sent back to web browser directly. A warning will be displayed for this exception.

QCCR1H122722 UCMDB Server

When the user repository is automatically selected, this information is logged on info level. This is causing too many user repository related logs.

The fix includes a change in the log level for this event. Now user repository logs are visible only on debug level.


CMS UI - Login

After upgrading to version 2018.05, users fail to log in with LDAP with a supported character $ in their password.

The issue is fixed. Also, if the submit field is a password, it will not be printed into the error log.


UCMDB Server - Server Framework

Performance with discovery queues on data flow probes decrease a lot.

Fixed the issue by improving the data-in performance.