Inheritance diagram for VMware ESX Server
Display Name | VMware ESX Server |
Name | vmware_esx_server |
Description | VMware ESX Server is a computer that uses virtualization software, such as ESX Server 3.5 or ESX Server 3i, to run virtual machines. ESX Hosts provide CPU and memory resources, access to storage, and network connectivity to virtual machines that reside on them |
Attributes defined for VMware ESX Server | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
classification | classification_enum | virtualization_infrastructure | true | false | false | ||
connection_state | Connection State | string[50] | State of the connection between physical host and vCenter Server | true | false | false | |
layer | layer_enum | virtualization_infrastructure | true | false | false | ||
power_state | Power State | string[50] | State of the physical host | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for Computer | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
os_architecture | OS Architecture | OS_Architecture | Designates 64/32 bit OS | true | false | false | |
pae_enabled | PAE Enabled | boolean | PAE state | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for Node | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
bios_asset_tag | BiosAssetTag | string[500] | Asset tag number of the Node, as defined by the DMTF SYMBIOS specification. | true | false | false | |
bios_date | BiosDate | date | The BIOS/Firmware release date. | true | false | false | |
bios_serial_number | BiosSerialNumber | string[500] | A manufacturer specified serial number or unique ID of the BIOS. | true | false | false | |
bios_source | BiosSource | string[1000] | Shows the version of the BIOS source code. | true | false | false | |
bios_uuid | BiosUuid | string[100] | [Summary]A System Management BIOS identifier that is designed to be unique across both time and space, and requires no central registration process. The UUID is 128 bits long uppercase value in big-endian encoding (example: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-AABBCCDDEEFF). [Collection-Windows] use wmi command: wmic path win32_ComputerSystemProduct get uuid [Collection-Unix] use command: dmidecode -t system | true | false | false | |
bios_version | BiosVersion | string[500] | Shows the version of the BIOS. | true | false | false | |
BODY_ICON | string | host | true | false | true | ||
calculated_location | CalculatedLocation | string[250] | true | false | false | ||
chassis_type | ChassisType | chassistype_enum | Specifies the type of the chassis, such as Desktop, Mini Tower, etc. | true | false | false | |
classification | classification_enum | infrastructure | true | false | false | ||
cloud_instance_id | Cloud Instance ID | string[500] | This attribute is the instance id in cloud environment. [Collection] For AWS EC2 instances, by accessing the URL on the EC2 instance or by AWS Java API | true | false | false | |
cloud_private_dns_name | CloudPrivateDnsName | string[500] | [Summary]This attribute is internal hostname of the cloud instance, which resolves to the instance's private IP address. [Collection-AWS] CALL API of AWSSDK:'AmazonEC2Client.describeInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest).getReservations().getPrivateDnsName()' [Example]'ip-172-31-14-56.ap-southeast-1.compute.internal' . | true | false | false | |
cloud_vm_display_name | Cloud VM Display Name | string[256] | This attribute is the display name of vm instance on cloud. For AWS EC2 instances, this attribute comes from the Name Tag, and length limit is 256. For Azure and Google Cloud VM instances, this attribute comes from the name field, and the length limit is 63. | true | false | false | |
default_gateway_ip_address | DefaultGatewayIpAddress | string[50] | This is the IP address of the default router for a given device. Default router is used by device as the next hop of last choice in case no other specific routes are defined for a destination. | true | false | false | |
default_gateway_ip_address_type | DefaultGatewayIpAddressType | ip_address_type_enum | IPv4 | The type of the IP Address of the default gateway (e.g. IPv4, IPv6) | true | false | false |
discovered_contact | DiscoveredContact | string[512] | Represents a discoverable contact infoe.g. the SysContact value as reported by an SNMP agent on a device whichis often containsspecific contact information. | true | false | false | |
discovered_description | DiscoveredDescription | string[512] | Represents a discoverable descriptione.g.the SysDescr value reported by an SNMP agent on a device which isoften contains some useful information about the device including its role. | true | false | false | |
discovered_location | DiscoveredLocation | string[512] | Represents a discoverable location e.g.the SysLocation value reported by an SNMP agent on a devicewhich is oftenincludesspecific location info such as floor, room, building etc. | true | false | false | |
discovered_model | DiscoveredModel | string[250] | The node model as determined during discovery (e.g. Proliant DL140 G2, VMware Virtual Platform, etc.) | true | false | false | |
discovered_os_name | DiscoveredOsName | string[500] | [Summary]The operating system name as determined during discovery (e.g. Windows XP, Windows 2003, SunOS) [Collection-windows] use wmi command: wmic path Win32_OperatingSystem get Caption Analyze the output and build the value: Windows server: Windows Server + [Version] + [Release] + [Service Pack] Windows: Windows + [Version] [Collection-unix] use command : uname -a Analyze the output and use one of the values in : Ubuntu (Linux), RHEL (Linux), Debian (Linux), CentOS (Linux), Fedora (Linux), Container Linux (Linux), SuSE (Linux), SLES (Linux), openSUSE (Linux), Amazon Linux (Linux), Oracle Linux (Linux), ClearOS (Linux), Gentoo (Linux), FreeBSD (Unix), Linux, XenServer, Mac OS X, OS X | true | false | false | |
discovered_os_vendor | DiscoveredOsVendor | string[250] | [Summary]The operating system vendor name as determined during discovery (e.g. Windows, Sun Microsystems). [Collection] Exact vendor name is decided by normalization engine | true | false | false | |
discovered_os_version | DiscoveredOsVersion | string[500] | The operating system version as determined during discovery. | true | false | false | |
discovered_vendor | DiscoveredVendor | string[250] | The node vendor name as determined during discovery (e.g. HP, VMware Inc., etc.) | true | false | false | |
dns_domain_name | DNS Domain Name | string[200] | [Summary]The DNS Domain name, it is used to allocate IT resource on the network. It can be translated to an IP Address by DNS server. [Collection-Windows] use wmi command: wmic path Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration get DNSDomain [Collection-Unix] collect from '/etc/hosts' or extract from fqdn or use command 'hostname -d' | true | false | false | |
dns_servers | DnsServers | string_list | The IP address list of the network adapter Domain Name System (DNS) server for this machine. | true | false | false | |
domain_name | DomainName | string[250] | [Summary]This is the domain name of which the node is part of. Typically domains are used to structure entities because of organizational / authorization oriented reasons. The domain name differs from the hostname in the way that the hostname is based on DNS, whereas the DomainName is based on other kind of domains (yp, nis, AD). [Collection - Windows] use command: set user [Collection - Unix] use command: uname -y | true | false | false | |
extended_node_family | ExtendedNodeFamily | string[250] | This is a fine grained family of the node/hardware/device. | true | false | false | |
extended_os_family | ExtendedOsFamily | string | [Summary]This attribute is a fine grained descriptor of the operating system family. [Collection This value is the output of normalization engine.] | true | false | false | |
FAMILY_ICON | string | network | true | false | true | ||
has_managed_disks | Has Managed Disks | string[150] | [Summary] Flags if any of the OS Disks and any of the Data Disks are managed. [Collection_Azure] The data is collected from RESTAPI response(/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/resourceGroup_id/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/VM_name)value of [properties][osDisk][managedDisks] and [properties][dataDisk][managedDisks] | true | false | false | |
host_iscomplete | Node Is Complete | boolean | false | True value marks if the smallest MAC address of the node was discovered | true | false | false |
host_isdesktop | Node is Desktop | boolean | Is this node a desktop | true | false | false | |
host_isroute | Node Is Route | boolean | True value marks if the node have more then one ip address each in different subnet | true | false | false | |
host_isvirtual | Node Is Virtual | boolean | [Summary]True value marks that the node is virtual. On the contrary, False don't means it's definitely physical machine. It's possible that we don't have enough information to identify it. [Collection] Virtualization job and Cloud job will mark the node as virtual. | true | false | false | |
host_key | Node Key | string[250] | Unique string identifying the specific node (On complete nodes this value will hold the smallest MAC address of the node and on non-complete nodes this value will hold node_ip Probe domain) | true | false | false | |
host_last_boot_time | Node Boot Time | date | Node last boot time | true | false | false | |
host_nnm_internal_key | Node NNM Internal Key | string[100] | Node primary key in NNMi Database join with NNMi server IP. Only for uCMDB internal use | true | false | true | |
host_nnm_uid | Node NNM UID | string[100] | UID of the node in NNM topology | true | false | false | |
host_osaccuracy | Node Operating System accuracy | string[10] | Operating System Model accuracy | true | false | false | |
host_osinstalltype | Node Operating System Installation type | string[500] | Node Operating System Installation type | true | false | false | |
host_osrelease | Node Operating System Release | string[256] | Operating System Release | true | false | false | |
host_servertype | Node Server Type | string[500] | Describe the server in bit wise | true | false | false | |
internal_name | Internal Name of a Node Monitored by SiteScope | string[600] | Internal name of a SiteScope group which is a parent of the node monitored by SiteScope | true | false | true | |
layer | layer_enum | infrastructure | true | false | false | ||
lic_operational2advanced | Has Operational2Advanced License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
string_list | Internal use only | true | false | true | |||
lic_type_asset | Has Asset License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_basic | Has Basic License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_full | Has Full License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_management | Has Management License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_operational | Has Operational License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_premium | Has Premium License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_udf | Has UDF License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
lic_type_udi | Has UDI License | boolean | false | Internal use only | true | false | true |
memory_size | MemorySize | integer | The size of volatile memory (RAM, SRAM, DRAM, ZRAM, TRAM) in megabytes. | true | false | false | |
MENU | xml | true | false | true | |||
net_bios_name | NetBiosName | string | The NetBios name is used by NetBios services running on a computer. It is combination of a 15 character (byte) name and a 16th character denoting the service. The NetBios name of a computer is usually the same as the computer's host name (truncated to 15 characters length) but may also be completely different. | true | false | false | |
node_family | NodeFamily | string[500] | This is a family of the node/hardware/device as commonly advertised by the device vendor. For example C-Class, 6500Series etc. | true | false | false | |
node_model | NodeModel | string[250] | [Summary]This attribute represents a specific model of a node/hardware/device. [Collection] This value is the output of normalization engine. [Collection - AWS] For AWS EC2 instances, collected by accessing the URL on the EC2 instance or by AWS Java API | true | false | false | |
string[100] | Internal use only | true | false | true | |||
node_role | NodeRole | string_list | This describes all possible role a node can have such as router, switch, firewall, etc.. Users can also add additional capabilities to the Node on the fly for their own purposes. For example, they may want to identify a device as CPE (Customer Premise Equipment) and will add a capability called isCPE. | true | false | false | |
node_state | Node State | node_state_enum | [Summary]Shows the state of the node.[Collection-AWS]API: AmazonEC2Client.describeInstances(DescribeInstancesRequest()).getReservations().getInstances().getState().getName() [Azure] API:{sub_id}/resourceGroups/{rg_name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/{vm_name}?$expand=instanceView&api-version=2020-06-01 and{sub_id}/resourceGroups/{rg_name}/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachineScaleSets/{ss_name}/virtualMachines/{instance_id}/instanceView?api-version=2020-06-01 | true | false | false | |
os_description | OsDescription | string[500] | Thisattribute is used to describe the characteristics of the hardware/device operating system running ona node. This description can include detailed version and patch information | true | false | false | |
os_family | OsFamily | os_family_enum | This attribute is a course grain descriptor for the operating system family. For example, Windows,Unix, etc | true | false | false | |
os_installed_date | OSInstalledDate | date | Shows the date when the operation system is installed | true | false | false | |
os_licensing_benefit | OsLicensingBenefit | string[50] | [Summary] Specifies that the image or disk that is being used was licensed on-premises. [Collection_Azure] The data is collected from RESTAPI response(/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/resourceGroup_id/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/VM_name)value of [properties][licenseType] | true | false | false | |
os_vendor | OsVendor | string[200] | The name of the vendor of the operating system (e.g. Microsoft, HP, etc). | true | false | false | |
platform_vendor | Platform Vendor | string | This attribute indicates the hosting platform of this node. For example, AWS, Azure, etc | true | false | false | |
primary_dns_name | PrimaryDnsName | string[4000] | [Summary]This attribute is a fully qualified dns domain name for a node (also known as DNS name). A node could have many IP addresses on it and some of those IP addresses are also private.So, selecting one DNS name for a node is a non-trivial task.This attribute will typically be populated by selecting one of the IP addresses on the node and resolving the DNS name for that address and then using it as the hostname for the node. | true | false | false | |
primary_ip_address | PrimaryIPAddress | string[50] | This attribute is a primary IP address for a node. | true | false | false | |
primary_mac_address | PrimaryMACAddress | string[50] | This attribute is a primary MAC address for a node. | true | false | false | |
processor_family | ProcessorFamily | processor_family_enum | Architecture of the node's processor | true | false | false | |
serial_number | SerialNumber | string[500] | [Summary]A manufacturer specified serial number or unique ID for a product or element [Collection-Windows] wmic path Win32_BIOS get serialNumber [Collection-Unix] dmidecode -t system | true | false | false | |
smbios_biosversion | SMBIOSBiosVersion | string[100] | [Summary]Shows the bios version of the SMBIOS. Get the value by command: wmic path Win32_BIOS get smbiosbiosversion | true | false | false | |
snmp_sys_name | SnmpSysName | string[250] | This is name reported by a SNMP agent on a device. It is different from a DNS name. | true | false | false | |
swap_memory_size | SwapMemorySize | integer | true | false | false | ||
sys_object_id | SysObjecttId | string[250] | The system object identifier of the node if the node supports SNMP. | true | false | false | |
ud_unique_id | UdUniqueId | string[200] | [Summary]A unique identifier which is generated by UD Agent for the Node reported by Universal Discoveries. This attribute should be empty if UD Agent is not involved | true | false | false | |
vendor | Vendor | string[200] | The vendor/manufacturer name of a software, node, or element | true | false | false | |
vm_id | VM ID | string[150] | [Summary]The id of VM.[Collection_Azure]The vm_id collected from RESTAPI response(/subscriptions/subscription_id/resourceGroups/resourceGroup_id/providers/Microsoft.Compute/virtualMachines/VM_name) value of "properties:vmid" | true | false | false | |
vmware_resource_id | VMware Resource ID | string[150] | The resource identifier defined by VMware VROPS. Call API of VROPS (value of "idetifier") : /api/resources/ | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for InfrastructureElement | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
BODY_ICON | string | system | true | false | true | ||
codepage | CodePage | string[50] | System suported CodePage | true | false | true | |
credentials_id | Reference to the credentials dictionary entry | string | Reference to the credentials dictinary entry | true | false | true | |
language | Language | string[50] | System suported language | true | false | true | |
zone_list | Zone List | string_list[256] | List of management zones in which the CI is discovered | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for ConfigurationItem | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
ack_cleared_time | long | true | false | true | |||
ack_id | string[80] | true | false | true | |||
bit_position | Bit Position | integer | true | false | true | ||
bitmap_id | Bitmap ID | integer | true | false | true | ||
BODY_ICON | string | it_world | true | false | true | ||
string[50] | City location | true | false | true | |||
classification | classification_enum | true | false | false | |||
contextmenu | Context Menu | string_list[100] | Context menu | true | false | true | |
string[50] | Country or province location | true | false | true | |||
data_tags | Tags | json[4000] | A tag is a label assigned to a resource.Each tag consists of a key and a value. | true | false | false | |
discovery_state | Discovery State | discovery_state_enum | State of UD discovery | true | false | false | |
is_save_persistency | Store KPI History For Over Time Reports | boolean | false | Store KPI history for over time reports | true | false | true |
layer | layer_enum | true | false | false | |||
metaphase | Meta Phase | string[50] | Meta Phase of a CI in SMAX. The attribute is owned by SMAX exclusively | true | false | false | |
monitor_state | Monitor State | string[50] | Monitor State of a CI in OpsB. The attribute is owned by OpsB exclusively. | true | false | false | |
provision_state | Provision State | string[50] | Provision State of a CI in HCMX. The attribute is owned by HCMX exclusively. | true | false | false | |
sd_type | SD Type | string[32] | true | false | false | ||
string[50] | State location | true | false | true | |||
track_changes | Track Configuration Changes | boolean | false | Track configuration changes | true | false | true |
Attributes defined for Managed Object | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
TenantOwner | Owner Tenant | string[32] | The Tenant Owner ID | true | false | false | |
TenantsUses | Consumer Tenants | string_list | The IDs of the Tenants who are associated with the CI | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for Object | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
document_list | Documents | string | Documents | true | false | true | |
MENU | xml | true | false | true | |||
Attributes defined for Data | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
adminstates_enum | 0 | Admin State | true | false | true | ||
data_allow_auto_discovery | Allow CI Update | boolean[250] | true | true | false | false | |
changestates_enum | 0 | Change State | true | false | true | ||
boolean | false | Change State | true | false | true | ||
changestates_enum | 0 | Change State | true | false | true | ||
data_externalid | External ID | string[300] | external source id: snmp index, data sources index etc. | true | false | true | |
data_note | Note | string[250] | true | false | false | ||
operationstates_enum | 0 | Operation State | true | false | true | ||
boolean | false | Operation State | true | false | true | ||
operationstates_enum | 0 | Operation State | true | false | true | ||
data_origin | Origin | string[100] | true | false | false | ||
data_source | Created By | string[512] | true | false | false | ||
teststates_enum | 0 | Test State | true | false | true | ||
boolean | false | Test State | true | false | true | ||
teststates_enum | 0 | Test State | true | false | true | ||
data_updated_by | LastModifiedBy | string[512] | true | false | false | ||
description | Description | string[1000] | Description | true | false | false | |
digest | Digest | string[40] | true | false | true | ||
display_label | Display Label | string[900] | Used as calc attribute for display | true | false | false | |
MENU | xml | true | false | true | |||
name | Name | string[900] | true | false | false | ||
user_label | User Label | string[900] | Used as user label | true | false | false | |
Attributes defined for Root | |||||||
Name | Display Name | Type | Default Value | Description | Factory | Key | Hidden |
BODY_ICON | string | general | true | false | true | ||
calculated_id | Calculated ID | bytes[16] | Calculated ID | true | false | true | |
create_time | Created Time | date | When was this CI created | true | false | false | |
FAMILY_ICON | string | true | false | true | |||
global_id | Global Id | string[32] | A globally unique identifier for the entity represented by the object | true | false | false | |
global_id_scope | string | Default | true | false | true | ||
last_discovered_by | LastDiscoveredBy | string[512] | Who discovered this CI | true | false | false | |
last_discovered_by_probe | LastDiscoveredByProbe | string | Which probe discovered this CI | true | false | false | |
last_discovered_time | LastDiscoveredTime | date | When was this CI discovered | true | false | false | |
last_modified_time | LastModifiedTime | date | When was this CI last updated | true | false | false | |
root_actualdeletetime | Actual Delete Time | date | When will this CI be deleted | true | false | true | |
root_actualdeletionperiod | Actual Deletion Period | integer | 40 | What is the period after the CI will be deleted | true | false | false |
root_candidatefordeletetime | Candidate For Deletion Time | date | When will this CI be warned about deleting | true | false | true | |
root_class | CI Type | string[100] | Class name of the CI | true | false | true | |
root_container | Container | string[32] | Container CI of this CI | true | false | false | |
root_deletioncandidateperiod | Deletion Candidate Period | integer | 20 | What is the period after the CI will be candidate for delete | true | false | false |
root_enableageing | Enable Aging | boolean | false | Is aging enabled | true | false | false |
root_iconproperties | string[100] | true | false | true | |||
root_iscandidatefordeletion | Is Candidate For Deletion | boolean | false | Is candidate for deletion | true | false | false |
root_lastaccesstime | Last Access Time | date | When was this CI last accessed | true | false | false | |
string[2] | true | false | true |
Valid direct incoming and outgoing relations defined on VMware ESX Server
Relations defined for Computer | |||
From | To | Type | Description |
Computer | NSX Logical Switch | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Azure Backend Pool | Computer | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Azure Load Balancer Rule | Computer | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Citrix VM Appliance | Computer | Membership | |
NSX Transport Zone | Computer | Membership | |
OpenStack Region | Computer | Membership | |
VMware Virtual Machine Folder | Computer | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Relations defined for Node | |||
From | To | Type | Description |
Node | ArpCache | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Amazon Machine Image | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | Amazon Security Group | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Azure Agent | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Azure Log Analytics workspace | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Bridge | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | CallHomeEvent | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | CellBoard | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Chassis | Containment | |
Node | ClusterSoftware | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | CommunicationEndpoint | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | ConfigurationDocument | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | License Core Factor | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | DatacenterResource | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Db2Partition | Containment | |
Node | DnsZone | Containment | |
Node | Docker | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Docker Image | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Fibre Channel HBA | Containment | |
Node | Fibre Channel HBA | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | FileSystemExport | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | Google Cloud VPC Firewall | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Google Cloud Image | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Google Cloud VPC Route | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Google Cloud VM Config | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | IBM Processor Pool | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | IBM LMT License | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | IBM LMT License Config | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Interface | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Interface | Containment | |
Node | Interface | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Interface Index | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | IpAddress | Containment | |
Node | IpAddress | Virtual | Link between Node and its virtual IP |
Node | IpServiceEndpoint | ClientServer | The Client-Server relationship indicates the two CIs communicate with each other where one CI acts as a client while the other acts a server. |
Node | IpServiceEndpoint | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | IPMP Group | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | TCP/IP Port | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Kubernetes Node Config | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | LDOM Virtual Switch | Containment | |
Node | LogicalVolume | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | MainframeMajorNode | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | MainframeXcfMember | Containment | |
Node | Node | Backbone | the backbone links are links discovered by the discover layer 2 service. the link represent a connection between two switches (physical connection) |
Node | Node | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | Node | Membership | |
Node | Node | Talk | |
Node | Node | Unnumbered | The unnumbered links are links discovered by the base collector. this link represents a row data from the route table in the mib containing the data of the next_hop ip address and the destination network address. This link is only created when the route table is missing the Source IP Address from which the route takes place. The route table is in the mib address : table is in the mib address : |
Node | NodeElement | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Nutanix Prism | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | Nutanix Virtual Disk | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | OpenStack Flavor | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | OpenStack Image | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | OpenStack Volume | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Oracle Cloud Image | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | Oracle Cloud Storage Volume | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Node | Oracle Database | Containment | |
Node | OSPF | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | PhysicalPort | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | PhysicalPort | Layer 2 | the layertwo links are links discovered by the discover layer 2 service. the link represent a connection between switche to host (physical connection) |
Node | Process | ClientServer | The Client-Server relationship indicates the two CIs communicate with each other where one CI acts as a client while the other acts a server. |
Node | Process | Talk | |
Node | RHEVM DiskDevice | Containment | |
Node | RunningSoftware | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | SapSUPServer | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | SCSI Adapter | Containment | |
Node | Server Profile | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | UriEndpoint | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | UriEndpoint | Membership | |
Node | VMware Datastore | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Node | VMware Resource | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Node | VMware Virtual Disk | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Amazon Account | Node | Containment | |
Amazon Auto Scaling Group | Node | Membership | |
Amazon ECS Cluster | Node | Containment | |
Amazon ECS Task | Node | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Amazon Elastic Beanstalk Environment | Node | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Amazon Redshift Cluster | Node | Membership | |
Amazon Stack | Node | Containment | |
Amazon Virtual Private Cloud | Node | Membership | |
Azure Availability Set | Node | Membership | |
Azure Proximity Placement Group | Node | Containment | |
Azure Resource Group | Node | Membership | |
Azure Scale Set | Node | Containment | |
Cluster | Node | Containment | |
DatacenterResource | Node | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
DnsZone | Node | Membership | |
Docker | Node | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
EMC ECS Storage Pool | Node | Containment | |
EMC ECS Virtual Data Center | Node | Containment | |
Google Cloud VPC Network | Node | Membership | |
Google Cloud Subnet | Node | Membership | |
Google Dataproc Cluster | Node | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Google Instance Group | Node | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
Google Cloud Project | Node | Containment | |
Google Cloud Service Account | Node | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Hypervisor | Node | ExecutionEnvironment | Relationship between entities when one is executed in (or in a scope of) another entity. |
IpSubnet | Node | Membership | |
Kubernetes Cluster | Node | Membership | |
Location | Node | Containment | |
Location | Node | Membership | |
MainframeSysplex | Node | Membership | |
MainframeXcfGroup | Node | Membership | |
MS Domain | Node | Membership | |
Network Automation Device Group | Node | Containment | |
OpenStack Region | Node | Membership | |
OpenStack Zone | Node | Containment | |
Oracle Cloud Account | Node | Containment | |
Party | Node | Ownership | |
Person | Node | Ownership | |
Process | Node | ClientServer | The Client-Server relationship indicates the two CIs communicate with each other where one CI acts as a client while the other acts a server. |
Process | Node | Talk | |
Rack | Node | Containment | |
Resource Pool | Node | Containment | |
SapSystem | Node | RfcConnection | |
SCVMM Host Group | Node | Membership | |
Siebel Enterprise | Node | Containment | |
Terraform Module | Node | Containment | |
vCloud vApp | Node | Containment | |
Relations defined for InfrastructureElement | |||
From | To | Type | Description |
BusinessActivity | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
BusinessApplication | InfrastructureElement | Containment | |
BusinessApplication | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
BusinessElement | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
BusinessTransaction | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
CiCollection | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
ClusterResourceConfig | InfrastructureElement | Dependency | represents a dependency between 2 objects |
Service | InfrastructureElement | Containment | |
Service | InfrastructureElement | Usage | Monitor system Relationships |
Relations defined for ConfigurationItem | |||
From | To | Type | Description |
ConfigurationItem | Automation Flow Execution | Includes | This relationship connects two CIs, one of which is included into another. A child CI can be moved to another parent, but when the parent is deleted, the child will be deleted as well, except if a second includes link exist on it already. Moving of a child CI possible by creation of new link to another parent and deletion of the first one. |
ConfigurationItem | ConfigurationItem | ConsumerProvider | |
ConfigurationItem | Kpi | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
ConfigurationItem | Outage | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
ConfigurationItem | PolicyResult | Aggregation | |
ConfigurationItem | ScheduledDowntime | Connection | |
ConfigurationItem | ServiceConnectionPoint | Composition | Represents a relation between 2 objects where one is contained within the other, and the included object can not exist without its container. Therefore, when the container is deleted, all its contained object will be automatically removed |
ConfigurationItem | ServiceConnectionPoint | Ownership | |
DefectsFilter | ConfigurationItem | Containment | |
ApplicationSystem | ConfigurationItem | Aggregation | |
Asset | ConfigurationItem | Connection | |
CiCollection | ConfigurationItem | Containment | |
CiCollection | ConfigurationItem | Membership | |
ItProcessRecord | ConfigurationItem | Connection | |
ItProcessRecord | ConfigurationItem | Membership | |
Location | ConfigurationItem | Membership | |
Tenant | ConfigurationItem | Connection | |
Relations defined for Managed Object | |||
From | To | Type | Description |
Managed Object | History Change | History Link | |
Tenant | Managed Object | Connection |
Combined inheritance and relation diagram for VMware ESX Server
Adapters providing CIs of type VMware ESX Server | ||
Adapter Name | Description | Adapter Type |
VMware Discovery for HCM via VIM | This job connects to vCenter or VirtualCenter Servers and discovers the basic VMware Infrastructure topology. | Discovery |
VMware ESX Connection by CIM | VMware ESX Connection by CIM adapter | Discovery |
VMware ESX Connection by VIM | adapter discovers VMware ESX Servers running on Unix hosts. | Discovery |
VMware ESX Topology by CIM | VMware ESX Topology by CIM | Discovery |
VMware ESX Topology by VIM | This adapter discovers VMware ESX Servers using VIM protocol. | Discovery |
VMware VirtualCenter and ESX Manual Connection by VIM | adapter discovers the VMware Server connection using Virtual Infrastructure Management protocol. It is activated manually and it uses the URL string parameter for connection. | Discovery |
VMware vCenter Topology by VIM | Adapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using vCenter Server by VI Management protocol. | Discovery |
VMware vROps Topology by WebServices | Adapter discovers the VMware vROps Topology by the vROps API. | Discovery |
Adapters providing CIs of type Computer | ||
Adapter Name | Description | Adapter Type |
AWS Discovery for HCM via API | Discovers AWS topologies of the EC2 services using Web Services | Discovery |
Azure Discovery for HCM via API | Discovers subscriptions, resource groups, virtual machines, and networks on an Azure tenant | Discovery |
Basic Google Cloud by RESTful API | Discovers Basic Google Cloud topology using RESTful API | Discovery |
Citrix Xen Topology | This adapter is used to fetch topology of XenServer. | Discovery |
Google Cloud Event Based Discovery | Google Cloud Event Based Discovery | Discovery |
Google Cloud by RESTful API | Discovers Google Cloud topology using RESTful API | Discovery |
IBM License Metric Tool Pull Integration | Pull data from IBM License Metric Tool into UCMDB | Integration |
Oracle VM Server for SPARC Technology by Shell | Adapter discovers LDOM topology via control domain. | Discovery |
Microsoft Exchange Connection by WMI | Connects to the remote host by WMI and discovers Exchange Server CI | Discovery |
Manual Nutanix Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter collects Nutanix Virtual Infrastructure topology information by HTTP protocol. | Discovery |
NetApp OCI Pull Integration | Pull data from NetApp OCI into UCMDB | Integration |
Nutanix Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter collects Nutanix Virtual Infrastructure topology information by HTTP protocol. | Discovery |
OpenStack Event Monitor | OpenStack Event Monitor | Discovery |
OpenStack by WebServices | This adapter discovers projects, compute resources, networks, storage and other details on an OpenStack | Discovery |
HPE Systems Insight Manager | Populates servers and other devices from an HPE SIM (Systems Insight Manager) server | Integration |
VMware ESX Topology by CIM | VMware ESX Topology by CIM | Discovery |
Xen and KVM by Shell Adapter | KVM and Xen discovery adapter based on libvirt cli | Discovery |
vCloud Event Monitor | vCloud Event Monitor | Discovery |
Adapters providing CIs of type Node | ||
Adapter Name | Description | Adapter Type |
A10 vThunder by SNMP | This adapter discovers A10 vThunder Load Balancer using SNMP protocol | Discovery |
AMQP for Consumer | Report AMQP server with its message consumer | Discovery |
Software AG ARIS | Populates CIs from IDS Scheer ARIS using an XML export file from ARIS | Integration |
AS400_NET_Dis_Connection | Connects to the AS400 Server using the JT400 Toolbox | Discovery |
AWS Event Based Discovery | Discovers AWS topologies by using the AWS SDK for Java to access AWS SQS service. | Discovery |
AWS Event Based Discovery using Tags | Read AWS messages from local DB using tags as filter and report the changes of AWS resources to UCMDB. | Discovery |
AWS by Web Services | Discovers AWS topologies using the Amazon Web Services. | Discovery |
AWS by Web Services using Tags | Discovers AWS resources with customized tags | Discovery |
Advanced Agent Driven Inventory Discovery Adapter | This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by agent driven scanners. | Discovery |
Agent Driven Inventory Discovery Adapter | This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by agent driven scanners. \nNote: This adapter will be deprecated soon. It's recommended to use the Report Scan File adapter and the Inventory Discovery via Scan File adapter instead. | Discovery |
Alteon application switch by SNMP | Discovers Nortel Application Switches using the SNMP protocol | Discovery |
AWS EKS Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Apache Web Servers by Shell | Discovers Apache web servers using the Shell protocols | Discovery |
Apache Tomcat Topology | Discovers Apache Tomcat Web servers | Discovery |
Aperture VISTA by SQL | Discovers Aperture VISTA data centers and power infrastructure using the Aperture VISTA Database | Integration |
ArpCache Connection by SNMP | Discovers SNMP agents by trying to connect to a client machine using the SNMP protocol and reports node class relationship with ArpCache class according to the relevant OID. | Discovery |
Arxview Integration | Adapter Description | Integration |
Azure AKS Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Azure Discovery by Tags | This adapter discovers resources on an Azure tenant | Discovery |
Azure Discovery by Tenant | This adapter discovers subscriptions, resource groups, virtual machines, networks and storage accounts on an Azure tenant | Discovery |
Azure Event Based Discovery | Azure Event Based Discovery | Discovery |
Azure by WebServices | This adapter discovers subscriptions, resource groups, virtual machines, networks and storage accounts on an Azure tenant | Discovery |
Basic Agent Driven Inventory Discovery Adapter | This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by agent driven scanners. | Discovery |
Basic AWS by Web Services | Discovers AWS topologies of the EC2 using Web Services | Discovery |
Basic Azure by Webservices | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Basic Google Cloud by RESTful API | Discovers Basic Google Cloud topology using RESTful API | Discovery |
CISCO_UCS_Manual | Cisco UCS Manual | Discovery |
CiscoWorks Layer 2 | This adapter populates nodes layer two infrastructure from the Cisco Works Campus Manager database | Integration |
CiscoWorks NetDevices | This adapter populates network devices and layer two infrastructure from the Cisco Works Resource Manager Essentials database | Integration |
Cisco ACE by SNMP | This adapter discovers Cisco ACE Load Balancer using SNMP protocol | Discovery |
Cisco CSS by SNMP | Discovers Cisco CSS (Content Services Switch) using the SNMP protocol | Discovery |
Cisco Prime by WebServices | This adapter discovers nodes, interfaces, net devices, and layer2 connections on a Cisco Prime. | Discovery |
Cisco UCS Topology | Pull data from Cisco UCS | Discovery |
Citrix NetScaler by SNMP | Citrix NetScaler by SNMP | Discovery |
Database Connections by Agent | Identifies databases on hosts using host credentials using the WMI protocol | Discovery |
Database Connections by Shell | Identifies databases on hosts by host credentials, using the Shell protocols | Discovery |
DNS Discovery | Discover DNS names on IPs and hosts | Discovery |
Discovery for Opsb integration by shell | Establishes a Shell connection to the remote machines. Discovery tries to connect to remote machines through the SSH, NTCMD protocols until the first valid connection is found. | Discovery |
Docker Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers Docker topology by connecting to the Docker Host. | Discovery |
Docker Swarm Discovery by RESTful API | This adapter discovers Docker Swarm topology by RESTful API. | Discovery |
Docker Swarm Event Monitor | Docker Swarm Event Discovery. | Discovery |
Docker Host By Shell Adapter | This adapter discovers the relationship between Docker Images and Docker Host. | Discovery |
EMC Control Center | Populates storage devices and SAN infrastructure from the EMC control Center SRM database | Integration |
EMC AutoStart by Shell | Discover EMC AutoStart cluster by shell | Discovery |
EMC ECS by REST API | This adapter collects EMC storage as a service by RESTful API. | Discovery |
Execute Command Adapter | Execute command on a host | Discovery |
F5 BIGIP by SNMP | This adapter discovers F5 BIG-IP Local Traffic Manager using SNMP protocol | Discovery |
F5 BIGIP by Shell | This adapter discovers F5 BIG-IP LTM by shell. | Discovery |
Firewall Topology by Shell | This adapter supports discovery of Juniper firewalls by Shell | Discovery |
Glassfish JEE Topology Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers Glassfish JEE environment and components using shell. | Discovery |
Google Cloud Event Based Discovery | Google Cloud Event Based Discovery | Discovery |
Google Cloud by RESTful API | Discovers Google Cloud topology using RESTful API | Discovery |
Google_GKE_by_RESTful_API | Discovers Google GKE topology using RESTful API | Discovery |
Network Automation by Java | Network Automation by Java | Integration |
HP OneView Integration | Adapter Description | Integration |
Cisco HSRP routers by SNMP | Discovers Cisco HSRP routers using SNMP protocol. | Discovery |
HanaDb Topology by SQL | Discovers HanaDB instances and topology using SQL Connections | Discovery |
HanaDb by shell | Discover HanaDb instances | Discovery |
Host Connection by Shell | Establishes a Shell connection to the remote machines. Discovery tries to connect to remote machines through the SSH, Telnet, NTCMD or UDA protocols until the first valid connection is found. | Discovery |
Host Discovery by Shell | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Host Platform by Shell | Discovers host platform detail on UNIX and Windows machines using SSH, NTCMD or UDA protocols. | Discovery |
IHS Plugins by Shell | Discovers IBM Http Server's WebSphere plugin configuration by parsing the IHS plugin configuration file. | Discovery |
J2EE Inactive WebSphere Topology Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers WebSphere J2EE environment and components by shell only when the WebSphere Application Server is inactive. | Discovery |
Install UD Agent | This adapter installs UD Agent. | Discovery |
Inventory Discovery by Manual Scanner Deployment | This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by manually deployed scanfile.\nNote: This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by agent driven scanners. \nNote: This adapter will be deprecated soon. It's recommended to use the Report Scan File adapter and the Inventory Discovery via Scan File adapter instead. | Discovery |
Inventory Discovery By Scanner Adapter | This adapter executed hardware and installed software inventory discovery by scanners. | Discovery |
InventoryDiscoveryViaScanFile | The job parses scan files in the 'to_inventory' folder and model the CIs from the scan files | Discovery |
Jboss J2EE Topology Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers JBoss J2EE environment and components using shell. | Discovery |
Jboss J2EE Topology Discovery by JMX | This adapter discovers JBoss J2EE environment and components based on the JMX protocol. | Discovery |
Jboss Server Discovery | This adapter discovers JBoss servers instances based on the JMX protocol. | Discovery |
Weblogic J2EE Topology Discovery by JMX | This adapter discovers WebLogic j2ee environment and components.Supported WL versions:6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2,10 | Discovery |
Weblogic Server Discovery | Discovers WebLogic Server based on JMX protocol. Supported versions: 6.0, 6.1, 7.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 10 | Discovery |
Websphere J2EE Topology Discovery by JMX | This adapter discovers WebSphere J2EE environment and components. | Discovery |
Websphere Server Discovery | This adapter discovers WebSphere servers based on either SOAP or RMI authentication. | Discovery |
Websphere J2EE Topology Discovery by JMX | This adapter discovers WebSphere J2EE environment and components. | Discovery |
Kubernetes Discovery by RESTful API | This adapter discovers Kubernetes topology by RESTful API. | Discovery |
Kubernetes Event Based Discovery | Kubernetes Event Based Discovery. | Discovery |
LDAP Active Directory Connection | Discover the existence of Active Directory Domain Controlers via LDAP | Discovery |
LDAP Active Directory Topology | Discovers Active Directory via LDAP | Discovery |
LPAR Resources by EView | This adapter discovers the IBM mainframe z/OS host and network resources using the EView mainframe agent | Discovery |
Layer2 Topology by Shell | Reports Layer2 and networking related data by ssh or shell from network switches | Discovery |
Link DB Datafiles With Clustered FileSystem | This adapter is used for linking of database datafiles with clustered file system | Discovery |
Microsoft MQ server from Active Directory | Discovery adapter for Microsoft MQ server. Used to retrieve Active Directory side information of MS MQ topology. | Discovery |
MQ by EView | This adapter discovers the IBM mainframe MQ subsystem along with its resources using the EView mainframe agent | Discovery |
Websphere MQ Topology by shell | Discover Websphere MQ topology by using SSH, TELNET, NTCMD or UDA | Discovery |
MS NLB by NTCMD or UDA | Discovers MS Network Load Balancing topology by NTCMD or UDA | Discovery |
MS Cluster Topology | This adapter discovers Microsoft Cluster architecture by NTCMD. | Discovery |
MS_Domain_Topogy | Discovers hosts on Microsoft Domain. | Discovery |
MS Exchange Topology by Powershell | This adapter discovers Microsoft Exchange by PowerShell protocol. It is based on executing Exchange native cmdlets. | Discovery |
Microsoft Exchange Topology by WMI | Connects to the remote host and brings topology for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 | Discovery |
Manual Nutanix Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter collects Nutanix Virtual Infrastructure topology information by HTTP protocol. | Discovery |
MaxDb Topology by SQL | Discovers MaxDB instances and topology using SQL Connections | Discovery |
MaxDb by Shell | Discovers MaxDB instances and topology | Discovery |
Merge Clustered Software | Adapter used by the Merging topologies of the Clustered Software Elements | Discovery |
Mongo DB Connection | This adapter connects MongoDB | Discovery |
MySQL by Shell | Discovers MySQL instances and replication topology by Shell | Discovery |
Population from NNMi | Connects to the NNMi web service and populates NNMi discovered nodes, IPs, networks, interfaces and layer two connection information to create a Layer 2 topology in UCMDB. Note that it is recommended NOT to run the UCMDB Layer 2 discoveries if using NNMi Layer 2 integration discovery. | Integration |
NSLOOKUP on DNS Server | Discovers hosts by querying all available DNS servers | Discovery |
NSLOOKUP on Probe | Discover hosts executing NSLOOKUP command on probe machine's shell | Discovery |
IIS Applications by NTCMD or UDA or PowerCmd | This adapter discovers Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). | Discovery |
Connection by NTCMD or UDA protocol | Try to connect to a WIN server using HPCmd (NetBIOS) or UD Agent. | Discovery |
NetApp Filer Connection by WebServices | This adapter discovers NetApp Filer by WebServices. | Discovery |
NetApp_Filer_by_WebServices | This adapter discovers volumes, shares and other details on a NetApp filer | Discovery |
Network Connectivity Data Analyzer | Discover client server connections on the network according to the chosen parameters. Brings data from DFM database | Discovery |
Nutanix Discovery by RESTful API | Adapter collects Nutanix Virtual Infrastructure topology information by HTTP protocol. | Discovery |
OAM Tunnel Adapter | Adapter Description | Discovery |
OS Fingerprint | This adapter discovers hosts, IPs, open TCP and UDP ports and host operating systems using nmap. | Discovery |
OpenShift by REST API | This adapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using OpenShift by REST API. | Discovery |
OpenStack by WebServices | This adapter discovers projects, compute resources, networks, storage and other details on an OpenStack | Discovery |
Oracle Application Server | Discovers Oracle Application Server | Discovery |
Oracle Discovery from OEM | This adapter discovers Oracle from OEM. | Discovery |
Oracle E-Business Suite components | This adapter discovers Oracle E-Business Suite components. | Discovery |
Oracle Cloud by REST API | Discovers Oracle Cloud topologies of Oracle cloud infrastructure compute classic, Oracle database cloud service and Oracle mysql cloud service and services using REST API. | Discovery |
Oracle Topology by SQL - Service Name | This adapter uses Service Name to connect Oracle and discovers Oracle topology by SQL. | Discovery |
Oracle Licensing CPU Data Collection by Shell | This adapter collects data related to CPU, which can then be sent to Oracle Licensing organization for Oracle License Review or Audit. | Discovery |
Oracle Listeners by Shell | Discovers Oracle listeners. Is required for Oracle RAC deep discovery | Discovery |
Oracle RAC Topology by Shell | Discovers Oracle RAC topology | Discovery |
Passive Discovery By RUM | Verifies and reports network info provided by RUM probe. | Discovery |
Host Resources by PowerShell | Discovers host resources, process connectivity and software elements on Windows machines using PowerShell protocol. | Discovery |
Host Connection by PowerShell | This adapter discovers PowerShell agents by trying to connect to a Windows machine using the PowerShell protocol. | Discovery |
Process Linux Servers With Duplicated Macs | This adapter is acting as a port processing logic after the "Layer2 Vlan based by SNMP" Job has run. | Discovery |
NetApp SANScreen/OnCommand | This adapter discovers storage devices and SAN infrastructure from NetApp SANscreen/OnCommand | Integration |
SAP Internet Transaction Server Discovery | Discover SAP Internet Transaction Server based on parsing configuration files. | Discovery |
SAP J2EE Topology by JMX | Discover SAP J2EE environment based on JMX. | Discovery |
SAP ABAP Topology Discovery | Discover SAP environment based on Computer Center Management System (CCMS). | Discovery |
SAP Business Layer Discovery | Discover SAP business layer based on Solution Manager system management suite. | Discovery |
SAP FRUN Topology by CIM | Discover SAP Topology based on FRUN with CIM protocol. | Discovery |
SAP Solution Mananger Connection by CIM | Connect to SAP Solution Manager with CIM protocol. | Discovery |
SAP Topology by Solution Manager | Discover SAP Topology based on Solution Manager. | Discovery |
SAP Solution Mananger Topology by CIM | Discover SAP Topology based on Solution Manager with CIM protocol. | Discovery |
SAP ABAP Discovery | Discover SAP Systems based on SAP JCO. | Discovery |
Siebel Application Servers by Siebel Gateway | Discover Siebel topology using srvrmgr client | Discovery |
Siebel Database by NTCMD or UDA | Discover DB of odbc connection | Discovery |
Siebel Database by Unix shell | Discover DB of odbc connection | Discovery |
Siebel Web Applications by NTCMD or UDA | This adapter discovers Siebel Webserver Extension and all web applications by NTCMD or UDA protocol. | Discovery |
Siebel Web Applications by Unix shell | Discover Siebel Webserver Extension and all web applications | Discovery |
HPE Systems Insight Manager | Populates servers and other devices from an HPE SIM (Systems Insight Manager) server | Integration |
CDP/LLDP neighbors layer 2 devices by SNMP | This adapter discovers Layer 2 neighbors network devices | Discovery |
L2 Bridge by SNMP | This adapter discovers the Layer 2 topology of a switch by SNMP. | Discovery |
L2 Vlan by SNMP | This adapter discovers the Layer 2 topology of a specific VLAN by SNMP. | Discovery |
Host Resources by SNMP | Discovers host resources and software elements | Discovery |
Host Connection by SNMP | Discovers SNMP agents by trying to connect to a data center machine using the SNMP protocol, updates the node class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on) according to the relevant OID | Discovery |
Client Connection by SNMP | Discovers SNMP agents by trying to connect to a client machine using the SNMP protocol, updates the node class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on) according to the relevant OID. | Discovery |
Host Networking by SNMP | Discovers host networking topology using SNMP route and system tables | Discovery |
Router ARP by SNMP | This adapter discovers the ARP table of a router using the SNMP protocol. This discovery reveals IP addresses by querying the protocol that translates IPs into the Ethernet addresses used by local area networks, as well as the host and network it belongs to. | Discovery |
DB2 Topology By SQL | Discover the physical elements within DB2 database. | Discovery |
Oracle database topology by SQL - Cloud Service | This adapter discovers Oracle database topology by SQL. | Discovery |
MS SQL Server topology by SQL | The job discovers MS SQL Server topology. | Discovery |
MS SQL Server topology by SQL - Cloud Service | The job discovers cloud MS SQL Server service topology. | Discovery |
Sybase Topology by SQL | This adapter discovers Sybase database topology by SQL. | Discovery |
Oracle database topology by SQL | This adapter discovers Oracle database topology by SQL. | Discovery |
DB2 Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
HanaDb Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
MaxDb Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
MsSql Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
MySQL Connection by SQL | Connects to MySQL databases | Discovery |
Oracle Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
Oracle Connection By SQL - Lightweight | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
PostgreSQL Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
Sybase Connection By SQL | This adapter discovers databases using SQL protocol. | Discovery |
SQL_NET_Dis_db2_from_db2 | Adapter is deprecated, use SQL_NET_Dis_Connection_DB2 instead. | Discovery |
SQL_NET_Dis_sybase_Conn | This adapter discovers Sybase database by SQL. | Discovery |
Service Guard Cluster Topology | Discover ServiceGuard cluster server architecture by TTY | Discovery |
Oracle Connection by Shell | This adapter discovers Oracle database topology by Shell. | Discovery |
Storage Devices Connection by CIM | This adapter is used for initial connection to CIM Agent | Discovery |
Storage Devices Topology by CIM | Adapter used for discovery of storage topology via CIM protocol | Discovery |
Storage Devices Topology by SNMP | Adapter used for discovery of storage topology via SNMP protocol | Discovery |
Sun_Cluster_by_Shell | adapter discovers Sun Cluster topology via shell including cluster nodes, resource groups and resources, quorum configuration, cluster interconnect. | Discovery |
TCP Listen Ports | Discover listening ports on the network according to portNumberToPortName.xml configuration file. Brings data from Universal Discovery database. | Discovery |
TCP Ports Discovery | Discover open tcp\udp ports on a host of known server ports. | Discovery |
TCP Potential Services | The job tries to identify servers by network traffic data or number of clients. Brings data from Universal Discovery database. | Discovery |
TCP_Services | Discover key services on the network according to portNumberToPortName.xml configuration file. Brings data from Universal Discovery database | Discovery |
TCP Services Connectivity | Discovers the IP Communication adapters - which IPs communicte and the top interesting ports for these communication channels. Brings data from Universal Discovery database. | Discovery |
TCP Web Server Detection | This adapter discovers web servers using TCP ports. | Discovery |
TNSNamesParser | This adapter discovers Oracle databases using tnsnames.ora parsing. | Discovery |
TTY_HACMP_Applications | Discovers IBM HACMP virtual applications | Discovery |
TTY_HACMP_Topology | Discovers IBM HACMP node Topology on servers via SSH, Telnet or UDA | Discovery |
Host Resources by TTY | Discovers host resources, process connectivity and software elements on UNIX and Windows machines using SSH, Telnet, NTCMD or UDA protocols. | Discovery |
TTY_Net_Dis_Connection | This adapter discovers SSH and Telnet agents by trying to connect to a machine using TTY as well as updating the correct host class (Windows, UNIX, router, and so on). | Discovery |
Thin clients MAC based detection | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Uninstall UD Agent | This adapter uninstalls UD Agent. | Discovery |
Update UD Agent | This adapter updates UD Agent. | Discovery |
VMware Discovery for HCM via VIM | This job connects to vCenter or VirtualCenter Servers and discovers the basic VMware Infrastructure topology. | Discovery |
VMware ESX Topology by VIM | This adapter discovers VMware ESX Servers using VIM protocol. | Discovery |
VMware VirtualCenter and ESX Manual Connection by VIM | adapter discovers the VMware Server connection using Virtual Infrastructure Management protocol. It is activated manually and it uses the URL string parameter for connection. | Discovery |
VMware VMotion by VIM | adapter monitors migration events of Virtual Machines from one host to another. | Discovery |
VMware vCenter Connection by VIM | Adapter discovers connection to VMware vCenter server using Virtual Infrastructure Management protocol. | Discovery |
VMware vCenter Topology by VIM | Adapter collects Virtual Infrastructure topology information using vCenter Server by VI Management protocol. | Discovery |
Veritas Cluster Topology | Discover Veritas cluster server architecture by Shell | Discovery |
Host Resources by WMI | This adapter discovers host resources and software elements on Windows machines using WMI protocol. | Discovery |
Host Connection by WMI | This adapter discovers WMI agents by trying to connect to a Windows machine using the WMI protocol. | Discovery |
Weblogic J2EE Topology Discovery by Shell | Discovers WebLogic J2EE environment and components by shell. Supported versions: 8.1, 9.0, 9.1, 9.2, 10 | Discovery |
Websphere J2EE Topology Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers WebSphere J2EE environment and components by shell. | Discovery |
Websphere Liberty Core J2EE Topology Discovery by Shell | This adapter discovers WebSphere Liberty Core J2EE environment and components by shell. | Discovery |
Webseal Policy Server Connection by Shell | This adapter is used to find valid pdadmin credentials and store the reference to the ISAMPolicy Server CI. | Discovery |
AWS Inventory Discovery by Scanner via SSM | AWS Inventory Discovery by Scanner via SSM | Discovery |
AWS via AWS Config | Discovers AWS topologies via AWS Config | Discovery |
HPE nPartitions by Shell | This adapter discovers HPE partitionable server (either cell-based or not) topology by connecting to the vPar or nPar | Discovery |
Hyper-V Topology by Shell | adapter discovers Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization topology using shell protocol. | Discovery |
Hyper-V Topology by WMI | adapter discovers Microsoft Hyper-V virtualization topology using WMI protocol. | Discovery |
iSeries Resources by EView | This adapter discovers the IBM ISeries Resources on the on an Iseries box such as CPUs , Memory, Disks, Network Controllers, Installed Software. | Discovery |
Linux Cluster by Shell | Discover Linux Cluster Suite. | Discovery |
Microsoft MQ by NTCMD or UDA or by PowerCmd | Discovery adapter for Microsoft MQ server side. Uses NTCMD or UDA or PowerCmd protocol in order to retrieve queues, triggers and rules related data | Discovery |
Microsoft Exchange Connection by NTCMD or UDA | This adapter discovers Microsoft Exchange by NTCMD or UDA protocol. It is based on executing of PowerShell scenario on the remote machine. | Discovery |
Microsoft Exchange Topology by LDAP | adapter discovers Microsoft Exchange topology using information stored in Active Directory. | Discovery |
Microsoft Exchange Topology by NTCMD or UDA | This adapter discovers Microsoft Exchange topology by NTCMD or UDA protocol. It is based on executing of PowerShell scenario on the remote machine. | Discovery |
Oracle TNS Names by LDAP | This adapter discovers Oracle database information saved in LDAP storage | Discovery |
Oracle VM Manager Discovery By MainCli | Make discovery of virtualization inventory using manager's main CLI accessible by SSH protocol | Discovery |
Process Layer2 Collected Files | Adapter Description | Discovery |
Red Hat Cluster by Shell | Discover Red Hat Cluster Suite. | Discovery |
SCVMM Topology by Shell | This adapter discovers Hyper-V topology by connecting to SCVMM. | Discovery |
TIBCO BusinessWorks By Shell | Discover TIBCO BusinessWorks and its resources | Discovery |
TIBCO EMS By Shell | Discover TIBCO EMS and its resources | Discovery |
vCloud Director URL by vCloud API | Adapter discovers VMware vCloud Director using direct connection URL by vCloud API | Discovery |
vCloud Director by vCloud API | Adapter discovers VMware vCloud Director using vCloud API | Discovery |
VMware vROps Topology by WebServices | Adapter discovers the VMware vROps Topology by the vROps API. | Discovery |
Webseal Connection by Shell | Discovers credentials applied and generic topology for Webseal by shell | Discovery |
Webseal by Web Services | Discovers the Webseal topology by pdadmin rest api | Discovery |
Webseal Policy Server Topology by Shell | Adapter provides the capability to discover all WebSeal related topology triggering on PolicyServer | Discovery |
Webseal Topology by Shell | This is the adapter for reporting topology of Webseal and junctions using shell protocols | Discovery |
Webseal by Web Services | Discovers the Webseal topology by pdadmin rest api | Discovery |
Adapters providing CIs of type ConfigurationItem | ||
Adapter Name | Description | Adapter Type |
Import from CSV | Imports data from a CSV file into CMDB using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the CSV file columns. Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter. | Integration |
Import from DB | Imports data from an external database into CMDB using mapping of table columns to CIT attributes. Mapping is defined by the following parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the CIT attributes to the table columns Mapping file is used for more complex mapping definitions. Mapping file name is specified by 'mappingFile' parameter. A SQL 'select' query is generated automatically and selects all columns in specified table, which defined by parameter: tableName In advanced cases you can specify custom SQL query. | Integration |
Import from properties file | Imports data from a Properties file into CMDB, using mapping of the CSV file columns to CIT attributes This mapping is usually defined by the setting adapter parameters: ciType: to define the CIT name which you want to create, mappingString: to define the mapping of the Properties attributes to the CSV file columns In cases you need more complex mapping abilities, such as conversion of the strings contained in Properties file to the appropriate type of CMDB object's attribute, you should use the mapping XML configuration file specified by the mappingFile parameter. | Integration |
SCCM Installed Software Integration | This adapter queries the records from SCCM database and recognizes it as install software by UD SAI | Integration |
Import from Excel Workbook | Imports data from Excel Workbooks. Parses through multiple worksheet XLS files. Uses 'CIImports.xls' (default) file to import data. | Integration |
Adapters providing CIs of type Object | ||
Adapter Name | Description | Adapter Type |
ALMAdapter | Federate defects from ALM | Integration |
AMGenericAdapter | This adapter pushes/populates data between UCMDB and Asset Manager. Follow the Quick Start guide supplied with the AM Generic Adapter documentation before creating this integration point. | Integration |
Application Portfolio Management Push Adapter | This adapter pushes data from UCMDB to HP Application Portfolio Management. Follow the APM Push Adapter documentation included in the HP UCMDB Discovery and Integration Content Guide before creating this integration point. | Integration |
UCMDB API Population | Allows defining Reconciliation Priority for API Data In flows | Integration |
Data Push into Atrium | Pushes CIs and relationships to BMC Atrium | Integration |
AutomationFlowAdapter | Provide API to Operation Orchestration | Integration |
BSMKpiAdapter | Federate KPIs from BSM | Integration |
CA CMDB | Pushes CIs and relationships to CA CMDB | Integration |
UCMDB 10.x and later | Used for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later) and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 10.x(or later) | Integration |
UCMDB 9.x | Used for Populating and Federating data from a remote UCMDB 9.x server and for Pushing to a remote UCMDB 9.x | Integration |
UCMDB History Adapter [local instance only] | Used to federated data from the UCMDB's History | Integration |
UCMDB to SaaS | Used for Pushing CIs and Relationships from an on-premises UCMDB 2019.02(or later) to Micro Focus SaaS CMS | Integration |
Push Adapter DB Example | Push data into Oracle \ MSSQL database | Integration |
GenericDBAdapter | An example Adapter that uses the GDB-Framework | Integration |
IAM UI Push Adapter | Push IAM Universal Inventory data into MSSQL database on-premises or on cloud-based Azure. | Integration |
Java_Adapter_Template | Adapter Description | Integration |
Kafka Push Adapter 2019.05 | Push function for Kafka Push Adapter | Integration |
Local State Push Adapter | Used for populating data between the states of the same UCMDB Server | Integration |
Pulsar Push Adapter | Push function for Pulsar Push Adapter | Integration |
Push Adapter | Push Adapter | Integration |
Remedyforce Push Integration | Remedyforce Push Integration | Integration |
System Center Configuration Manager | Uses the GDB-Framework to Populate and Federate data from a System Center Configuration Manager. The adapter is also backward compatible with the SMS DB | Integration |
Service Manager 9.41 | Discovery Pattern Description | Integration |
Service Manager 9.xx | Discovery Pattern Description | Integration |
Service Manager Enhanced Generic Adapter | Push and Populate CI data between UCMDB and Service Manager | Integration |
ServiceNow Enhanced Generic Adapter | Push, Populate and Federation of CI data between UCMDB and ServiceNow | Integration |
UCMDB to XML | Export data into XML from UCMDB | Integration |
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