QueryServiceParameters Schema
topologyMap Element
QueryServiceParameters Schema > executeTopologyQueryWithParametersResponse Complex Type : topologyMap Element

Glossary Item Box

Namespace http://schemas.hp.com/ucmdb/1/params/query



relations Element label Element Sequence relationNode Element Sequence relationNodes Element CIs Element label Element Sequence CINode Element Sequence CINodes Element Sequence topologyMap Element


CINodes optional CINodes Complex Type
Collections of CI Nodes
CINode 0..∞ CINode Complex Type
A Map data unit, consisting of a node label and the collection of configuration items to which the label applies.
label xs:string
The tag of a collection of related configuration items
CIs CIs Complex Type
A collection of related CI items
CI 1..∞ CI Complex Type
A configuration element
ID ID Complex Type
The unique ID of the instance
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
type xs:string
The class name
props optional CIProperties Complex Type
The collection of properties and values
relationNodes optional RelationNodes Complex Type
Collections of Relation Nodes
relationNode 0..∞ RelationNode Complex Type
A Map data unit, consisting of a node label and the collection of relations to which the label applies.
label xs:string
The tag of a collection of related relations
relations Relations Complex Type
A collection of related relations
relation 1..∞ Relation Complex Type
A link between two configuration elements
ID ID Complex Type
The unique ID of the Relation
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
type xs:string
The nature of the relation between the CI elements. For example, Contains, Uses, and so on.
end1ID ID Complex Type
The CI.ID of the base of the link
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
end2ID ID Complex Type
The CI.ID of the target of the link
temp optional xs:boolean
If true, this is a temporary ID. If false, it is the instance's ID in the UCMDB.
props optional CIProperties Complex Type
The properties of the link


<xs:element name="topologyMap" type="types:TopologyMap" xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" />

See Also