
To facilitate functional testing of business processes that contain services that are not available, ST integrates with HP Service Virtualization. ST uses the virtual service in place of the actual one. The HP Service Virtualization monitors enable you to analyze the status and performance of the simulated services during the test run.

When you execute a test, you can configure your application under test to use one or more virtualized services.  For example, your business process might include a service that is in development or incurs a cost, such as processing a credit card through a third-party vendor. By using a virtual service, you can test and replace actual services with simulated services that mirror both the data model and the performance model.


Leading Product:
Service Test

Secondary Product:
Service Virtualization



Documentation for this integration can be found using the following link:

Support Matrix

  Service Virtualization
Service Test
SupportedSupported (see comments)Not Supported