Adding instance in SMIS and configuring parameters

The SMSAP instance in SMIS integration is used to enable and disable the SMSAP integration. By configuring the SMSAP instance, you can slso specify the integration parameters such as SMSSMEX accessing URL and SAP clients. After the SMSAP instance is enabled, the customization to incident is visible and you can select a SAP Solution Manager client for incident information exchange. If the SMSAP instance is disabled or removed, the incident form customization for incident exchange with SAP Solution Manager will be invisible to the end users. Note that the incident information exchange from SAP SolMan to Service Manager will not be affected by SMSAP SMIS configuration. For more information about SMIS, refer to Service Manager Help Center > Integrations > Integration Manager.

The SM-SAP integration operates only when the SMSAP instance in SMIS is enabled. Do the following to add a new instance in SMIS and configure the parameters:

  1. Log in to Service Manager with a System Administrator account.
  2. Select Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Manager opens.
  3. Click Add to open the wizard.
  4. Select SMSAP, click Next.
  5. Click Next to configure the parameters.

    1. Configure the baseurl for connection to SMSSMEX.

      Replace <host> and <port> according to the middleware installation.

    2. Configure SAP Solution Manager clients.

      Add general parameters for each of your SAP Solution Manager clients configured in SMSSMEX For example,, and so on.

      Be sure to set your SAP Solution Manager client instance ID in the Name field, and SolutionManager in the Category field of each record. Value of each SAP Solution Manager client instance ID is the reference in Service Manager.

  6. Click Next twice to the end of the wizard and click Finish to save the configurations.
  7. Select the SMSAP instance and click Enable to enable the SM-SAP integration.