Upgrade Overview

Upgrade Overview

To upgrade your HPE Cloud Service Automation (CSA) solution from version 4.6x or 4.7x to version 4.80.0002, based on the information you supply is provided here.

Note You can only upgrade from CSA version 4.6x or 4.7x to version 4.80.0002. If you are running an earlier version, you must first upgrade to CSA version 4.6x or 4.7x. Refer to the Cloud Service Automation Upgrade Guide for CSA version 4.6x or 4.7x for more information on how to upgrade to version 4.6x or 4.7x.

You will need to supply the following information by selecting from the available options within the upgrade:

  • CSA version from which to upgrade
  • Operating system on which CSA is running
  • Database used by CSA
  • JRE used by CSA
  • Operations Orchestration version with which CSA is integrated
  • If CSA is configured to be compliant with FIPS 140-2
  • System configuration (upgrading the Cloud Service Management Console or a remote Marketplace Portal)
  • Configured Features

For general information about CSA, see the Cloud Service Automation Concepts Guide.

For information about the supported components and versions, see the Cloud Service Automation System and Software Support Matrix.

Guides are available on the HPE Software Support web site at: https://softwaresupport.hpe.com (this site requires a Passport ID). Select Dashboards > Manuals.