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CSA Organizations

An organization in CSA determines the entry point of a member into the cloud system and associates its members with services and resources.

An organization typically represents a business entity, such as a company, business unit, department, or group. CSA queries the identity management system of the organization to determine the members and groups of the organization and uses this information to authenticate and authorize CSA users and their actions.

CSA defines one provider organization for every CSA instance. You can assign provider organization roles to control access to administrative functions. Using the Cloud Service Management Console, members of the provider organization can create one or more consumer organizations, manage configured organizations, and manage resources and services (such as designing, offering, and publishing resources and services for consumption).

The organizations, resources, and services that can be managed are determined by the role assigned to the members of the provider organization. For example, the CSA Administrator manages all organizations, resources, and services, while the Consumer Service administrator manages only the organizations. The consumer organizations use the Marketplace Portal to subscribe to or consume the resources and services set up by the provider organization. There may be multiple consumer organizations configured; however, each consumer or subscriber sees only the information for the consumer organization of which he or she is a member. CSA uses consumer organizations and catalogs, along with identity management system data, to map service offerings to the appropriate subscribers.