Administer > FIPS Configuration > Examples Used in this Document

Examples Used in this Document

The following table is a quick reference to the items and values used in the FIPS 140-2 examples. Also included are the names used in this document to reference the items. If you choose to use different values for these items, you must substitute the different value in all of the FIPS 140-2 examples in this document.

Item Referenced as Description Value Used in Examples
Directory where CSA is installed


The directory in which the CSA product is installed.

C:\Program Files\HPE\

Directory where the JRE used by CSA is installed <csa_jre> The directory in which the JRE used by CSA is installed. For example,
C:\Program Files\Java\CSAjre\jre.
Keystore for encryption CSA encryption keystore The keystore that stores the keypair that is used to encrypt and decrypt CSA's symmetric key (also known as the secret key). CSA's symmetric key is used to encrypt and decrypt CSA's data.


Keystore alias for encryption CSA encryption keystore alias The alias is a name assigned to identify a keypair in the CSA encryption keystore. This keypair is used by CSA to encrypt and decrypt CSA's symmetric key. csa_encryption_key
Key for encryption CSA encryption keystore file or encrypted symmetric key This is the file containing CSA's encrypted symmetric key and used by CSA to encrypt and decrypt data in CSA.


Keystore password for encryption CSA encryption keystore password This is the password used to access the CSA encryption keystore. <CSA encryption keystore password>
Keystore for secure communication CSA server keystore This is a file that stores the keypair used for secure communication and is the identity of the CSA server.


Keystore alias for secure communication CSA server keystore alias The alias is a name assigned to identify the CSA TLS keypair. When used with keytool's -export option, the alias is the name used by the CSA server keystore to identify the certificate. csa_fips
Keystore password for secure communication CSA server keystore password This is the password used to access the CSA server keystore. <CSA server keystore password>
Certificate for CSA CSA's certificate This is the certificate for CSA that must be imported into an application's truststore if CSA communicates with this application using TLS.


Truststore for secure communication CSA server truststore This is the truststore that holds all certificates for trusted applications that communicate with CSA using TLS.


Truststore alias for secure communication CSA server truststore alias When used with keytool's -import option, the alias is a name assigned to identify the certificate imported into the CSA truststore. Typically the truststore alias is identical to the keystore alias used to generate the certificate. csa_fips (alias for CSA's certificate)

pas (alias for the root certificate of Operations Orchestration's Certificate Authority)
Truststore password for secure communication CSA server truststore password This is the password used to access the CSA server truststore. <CSA server truststore password>