Use > Sequenced Designs > Subscriber options > Reorder subscriber option sets and options

Reorder subscriber option sets and options

Note The Subscriber Options tab is read-only if the service design is published.

To change to order of option sets or options:

  1. Select the service design version whose subscriber options and option sets you want to reorder.
  2. Select the Subscriber Options tab.
  3. Select an option set and then use <Ctrl>+ the arrow keys to move the selection in the list. You can also reorder an option set by clicking and dragging it.
  4. Click Navigate to Option Set to view the options for an option set.

  5. Select an option and then use <Ctrl>+ the arrow keys to move the selection in the list. You can also reorder an option by clicking and dragging it.

For descriptions of the additional icons available on the Subscriber Options tab, see Sequenced design subscriber options.