Uninstall CSA

Uninstalling CSA removes the CSA_HOME directory and all of its contents (where

CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.

). If all the contents in CSA_HOME are not deleted, you must manually delete them and the CSA_HOME directory.

If you installed an embedded OO instance with CSA (you installed OO with CSA using the CSA installer), the embedded OO instance is removed. If you are using CSA with an external OO instance (you installed OO separately from CSA), the external OO instance is not removed.

Note The CSA database is NOT updated or uninstalled.

Uninstall CSA on Windows

To uninstall CSA, complete the following steps:

  1. Stop the CSA and Micro Focus Marketplace Portal services.

    To stop CSA on Windows, complete the following steps:

    1. On the server that hosts CSA, navigate to Start > Administrative Tools > Services.
    2. Right-click on the CSA service and select Stop.

    3. Right-click on the Micro Focus Marketplace Portal service and select Stop.

    4. If you installed an embedded Operations Orchestration instance, right-click on the Micro Focus Operations Orchestration Central service and select Stop.

    5. If you enabled global search, do the following:

      1. Right-click on the Elasticsearch 1.6.1 service and select Stop. You do not need to stop this service if global search is disabled (by default, global search is disabled).

      2. Right-click on Micro Focus Search Service and select Stop. You do not need to stop this service if global search is disabled (by default, global search is disabled).

    6. If Elasticsearch is enabled (by default, Elasticsearch is enabled; refer to the csa.provider.es.exists property in Appendix: Cloud Service Management Console Properties for more information), right-click on the Elasticsearch 1.6.1 service and select Stop.

    To stop CSA on Linux, complete the following steps:

    1. On the server that hosts CSA, type the following commands:

      service csa stop
      service mpp stop
    2. If you installed an embedded Operations Orchestration instance, type:

      <embeddedMicro FocusOOinstallation>/central/bin/central stop

      For example, type: /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/bin/central stop

  2. Verify that the services were stopped.

    If the CSA service is still running, open a command prompt, navigate to CSA_HOME\jboss-as\bin, and run the following command:

    jboss-cli.bat --connect --command=:shutdown

  3. Close all instances of Windows Explorer, close all command prompts, and exit all programs that are running on the system.
  4. Navigate to Control Panel > Uninstall a program.
  5. Right-click Micro Focus Cloud Service Automation and select Uninstall/Change.
  6. Click Uninstall.
  7. Delete the CSA_HOME directory and any remaining contents, if they exist.
  8. If they exist, delete all CSA entries from the following file:

    C:\Program Files\Zero G Registry\.com.zerog.registry.xml

To uninstall CSA, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as the user who installed CSA (for example, csauser).
  2. Stop all CSA services.

    1. On the server that hosts CSA, type the following:

      service csa stop
      service mpp stop

    2. If Elasticsearch is enabled (by default, Elasticsearch is enabled; refer to the csa.provider.es.exists property in Appendix: Cloud Service Management Console Properties for more information), type the following:

      service elasticsearch stop

    3. If you installed an embedded OO instance, type:

      <embeddedMicro FocusOOinstallation>/central/bin/central stop.

      For example, type /usr/local/hpe/csa/OO/central/bin/central stop

  3. Verify that the services were stopped. For example, if CSA was installed in /usr/local/hpe/csa, enter the following:

    ps -ef | grep /usr/local/hpe/csa
    ps -ef | grep mpp
    ps -ef | grep central

    If there are CSA, Marketplace Portal, or OO services running, repeat step 2 or kill the CSA, Marketplace Portal, and OO services.

  4. Go to the CSA_HOME/_CSA_4_90_0_installation directory. Enter the following:

    cd CSA_HOME/_CSA_4_90_0_installation

  5. Uninstall CSA. Enter the following:

    ./Change\ HPE\ Cloud\ Service\ Automation\ Installation

  6. Confirm that you want to uninstall CSA.

  7. When uninstallation completes, log in as root and do the following:

    1. If all the contents in CSA_HOME are not deleted, you must manually delete them and the CSA_HOME directory.
    2. Delete the CSA and Micro Focus Marketplace Portal service scripts. Enter the following:

      rm /etc/init.d/csa
      rm /etc/init.d/mpp

    3. If they exist, delete all CSA entries from the following file:


    4. Optionally, remove the csauser user and csagrp group.