Appendix: Marketplace Portal Attributes

This section lists and describes the attributes that can be configured for the Marketplace Portal. Recommended modifications to the values can be found in the related feature's section or other documentation (for example, see Appendix: Identity Management component Configuration for more information about the Identity Management component-related attributes).

The attributes are located in the following files:

  • CSA_HOME/portal/conf/mpp.json
  • CSA_HOME/portal/node_modules/mpp-consumption/dist/offerings/config.json


CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.


The following areas contain attributes that can be configured (for many attributes, default values are provided):


General Marketplace Portal Attributes

These attributes are general purpose attributes that can be configured for the Marketplace Portal.

Attribute Description

A unique identifier of the Marketplace Portal process used only on Linux systems.

Default: ccue_mpp


The port used to connect to the system on which the Marketplace Portal is running.

The port configured for the Marketplace Portal in this attribute should match the port value configured for the csa.subscriber.portal.url property in the
CSA_HOME/jboss‑as/standalone/deployments/csa.war/WEB-INF/classes/ file.

Default: 8089


The organization identifier of the organization that is accessed by the Marketplace Portal when the Marketplace Portal is launched from a URL that does not specify the organization. The organization identifier is the unique name that CSA assigns to the organization, based on the organization display name (the organization identifier can be found in the General Information section of the Organizations menu of the Cloud Service Management Console).



The language in which the online help is presented. Available languages can be found in the CSA_HOME/portal/node_modules/mpp-ui/dist/ccue-marketplaceportal-help/help/<defaultHelpLocale> directory.

Default: en_US (English)


The name of the help file that is launched if there is no context-sensitive help available for a topic.

The page is relative to CSA_HOME/portal/node_modules/mpp-ui/dist\ccue-marketplaceportal-help/help/<defaultHelpLocale> and uses the defaultHelpLocale to determine which language to use.

Default: MarketplacePortal_Help_CSA.htm


The file that contains the Marketplace Portal's encrypted symmetric key and is used by the Marketplace Portal to encrypt and decrypt data in the Marketplace Portal. The path to the file can be absolute or relative to the CSA_HOME/portal/bin directory.

If this file does not exist, it can be generated using the CSA_HOME/portal/bin/passwordUtil utility (see Encrypt a Marketplace Portal Password for more information).

Default: ../conf/keyfile


Allows the Marketplace Portal to accept or reject requests based on the type of certificate passed. If enabled (set to true), the Marketplace Portal will only accept requests that use a Certificate Authority-signed or subordinate Certificate Authority-signed certificate and it will reject requests that use a self-signed certificate.

If disabled (set to false), the Marketplace Portal will accept requests that use a Certificate Authority-signed, subordinate Certificate Authority-signed certificate, or a self-signed certificate.

Default: false

session: cookieSecret

The authentication cookie used to verify if a user is logged in and to encrypt the user's identification.

The cookie/password should be encrypted (see Encrypt a Marketplace Portal Password for instructions). An encrypted password is preceded by ENC without any separating spaces and is enclosed in parentheses.

session: timeoutDuration

The amount of inactivity, in seconds, that causes the Marketplace Portal session to time out.

Default: 1800 (30 minutes)

session: cleanupInterval

How often, in seconds, a background process is run to clean up expired sessions.

Default: 3600 (1 hour)


Shopping Cart Attributes

These attributes are used to configure the shopping cart for the Marketplace Portal.

Attribute Description

The minimum number of items in a shopping cart that, upon submission, may delay response time of the submission.

Default: 20


The maximum number of items in a shopping cart that can be submitted.

Default: 100


Provider Attributes

These attributes are used to configure how the Marketplace Portal interacts with CSA.

Attribute Description

The URL to access CSA.

Default: https://localhost:8444


The context path to access CSA.

Default: /csa/api/mpp


When enabled, when the Marketplace Portal establishes a secure connection to CSA, the following occurs:

  • The connection will be encrypted
  • Certificate validation - Checks that the certificate used by CSA has not expired
  • Hostname verification - Checks that the certificate hostname matches the URL hostname of the CSA system to which the Marketplace Portal is connecting
  • Certificate authentication - Checks that the certificate or the root certificate used to sign the certificate is listed in the file defined by the ca attribute

When enabled, if the hostname configured for the certificate is not valid, access is denied to the Marketplace Portal. To check if this is causing access problems to the Marketplace Portal, look for the following error message in the
CSA_HOME/portal/logs/mpp.log file:

ERROR GetPost : No name matching <csa.provider.hostname> found

When disabled, when the Marketplace Portal establishes a secure connection to CSA, the connection will be encrypted. Certificate validation, hostname verification, and certificate authentication do not occur.

Default: true (enabled)


Used to specify TLS versions directly. Multiple comma-separated values are accepted. Versions accepted are “1.0” (alternatively “1”), “1.1”, and “1.2”. Change values only in coordination with other TLS Version configurations to ensure client-server compatibility. Using only latest version(s) increases security, but it may prevent compatibility.

Example: “1.2”

By default, CSA supports secure connections using TLSv1.2 and to enable support for TLSv1.2, you must configure the load balancer. CSA configuration can be manually changed to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0, to work with older load balancers or other HTTPS clients that do not support TLSv1.2. However it is not recommended to enable TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0 for security reasons.

Used only when strictSSL is enabled. The path to and name of the file that is an actual certificate or contains a comma-delimited list of certificates for CSA, which may include Certificate Authority-signed and self-signed certificates. If you are using a self-signed certificate, it must be listed in this file. The path to the file can be absolute or relative to the CSA_HOME/portal/bin directory.

The certificates must be in a PEM or DER format.

To use the self-signed certificate generated during the installation of CSA, set this attribute's value to CSA_HOME\jboss-as/standalone/configuration/jboss.cer where

CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.



Identity Management component Attributes

These attributes are used to configure how the Marketplace Portal interacts with the Identity Management component.

Attribute Description

The URL to access the Identity Management component.

Default: https://localhost:8444


If proxy configuration is enabled, this is the URL to which the Identity Management component is redirected after authentication has succeeded.

Default: https://localhost:8089


The context path to access the Identity Management component.

Default: /idm-service


The name of the account used by CSA to authenticate REST API calls.

Default: idmTransportUser


The encrypted password for the username (see Encrypt a Marketplace Portal Password for instructions). An encrypted password is preceded by ENC without any separating spaces and is enclosed in parentheses. See Change CSA Built-In User Accounts for more information about this account.


When enabled, when the Marketplace Portal establishes a secure connection to the Identity Management component, the following occurs:

  • The connection will be encrypted
  • Certificate validation - Checks that the certificate used by the Identity Management component has not expired
  • Hostname verification - Checks that the certificate hostname matches the URL hostname of the Identity Management component system to which the Marketplace Portal is connecting
  • Certificate authentication - Checks that the certificate or the root certificate used to sign the certificate is listed in the file defined by the ca attribute

When enabled, if the hostname configured for the certificate is not valid, access is denied to the Marketplace Portal. To check if this is causing access problems to the Marketplace Portal, look for the following error message in the
CSA_HOME/portal/logs/mpp.log file:

ERROR GetPost : No name matching <csa.provider.hostname> found

When disabled, when the Marketplace Portal establishes a secure connection to the Identity Management component, the connection will be encrypted. Certificate validation, hostname verification, and certificate authentication do not occur.

Default: true (enabled)


Used to specify TLS versions directly. Multiple comma-separated values are accepted. Versions accepted are “1.0” (alternatively “1”), “1.1”, and “1.2”. Change values only in coordination with other TLS Version configurations to ensure client-server compatibility. Using only latest version(s) increases security, but it may prevent compatibility.

Example: “1.2”

By default, CSA supports secure connections using TLSv1.2 and to enable support for TLSv1.2, you must configure the load balancer. CSA configuration can be manually changed to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0, to work with older load balancers or other HTTPS clients that do not support TLSv1.2. However it is not recommended to enable TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0 for security reasons.

Used only when strictSSL is enabled. The path to and name of the file that is an actual certificate or contains a comma-delimited list of certificates for the Identity Management component, which may include Certificate Authority-signed and self-signed certificates. If you are using a self-signed certificate, it must be listed in this file. The path to the file can be absolute or relative to the CSA_HOME/portal/bin directory.

The certificates must be in a PEM or DER format.

To use the self-signed certificate generated during the installation of CSA, set this attribute's value to CSA_HOME/jboss-as/standalone/configuration/jboss.cer where

CSA_HOME is the directory in which CSA is installed.



Security Attributes

These attributes are used to configure security settings for the Marketplace Portal.

Attribute Description

Determines the protocol used by the Marketplace Portal. If enabled (set to true), the Marketplace Portal uses the HTTPS protocol. If disabled (set to false), the Marketplace Portal uses the HTTP protocol.

The options listed below are used only when this attribute is enabled. Additional options may be specified and are defined at

Default: true

options: pfx

The file that contains the Marketplace Portal's private key, self-signed certificate, and Certificate Authority-signed certificates (also known as a PKCS #12 archive). The path to the file can be absolute or relative to the CSA_HOME/portal/bin directory.

Default: ../conf/.mpp_keystore

options: passphrase

The encrypted password used to access the pfx (see Encrypt a Marketplace Portal Password for instructions). An encrypted password is preceded by ENC without any separating spaces and is enclosed in parentheses.

options: TLSVersions

Used to specify TLS versions directly. Multiple comma-separated values are accepted. Versions accepted are “1.0” (alternatively “1”), “1.1”, and “1.2”. Change values only in coordination with other TLS Version configurations to ensure client-server compatibility. Using only latest version(s) increases security, but it may prevent compatibility.

Example: “1.2”

By default, CSA supports secure connections using TLSv1.2 and to enable support for TLSv1.2, you must configure the load balancer. CSA configuration can be manually changed to support TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0, to work with older load balancers or other HTTPS clients that do not support TLSv1.2. However it is not recommended to enable TLSv1.1 or TLSv1.0 for security reasons.


Enables/disables the security warning messages for files that are uploaded or downloaded in the Marketplace Portal. Value is true or false.

enableSecurityWarning is in the CSA_HOME\portal\node_modules\mpp-consumption\dist\offerings\config.json file.

Default: true


High Availability Attributes

These attributes are used to configure the Marketplace Portal in a clustered environment. For more information about how to configure CSA in a clustered environment, (which disables these attributes), see the Cloud Service  Automation Cluster Configuration Guide Using a Load Balancer guide.

Attribute Description

Determines the environment in which the Marketplace Portal is running. If enabled (set to true), the Marketplace Portal is running in a clustered environment. If disabled (set to false), the Marketplace Portal is running in a standalone environment.

Default: false


The number of workers on which to deploy the Marketplace Portal. Each worker is deployed on each CPU and is therefore bound by the number of CPUs on the host.

Default: 2

redis: options: host

The hostname of the system on which the Redis data structure server is running.

Default: localhost

redis: options: port

The port to connect to the Redis data structure server.

Default: 6379


Logging Attributes

These attributes are used to configure logging.

Attribute Description
console: enabled

Determines if messages are written to the console. If enabled (set to true), messages are displayed in the console. If disabled (set to false), messages are not displayed in the console.

Default: false

console: level

The level of logging. For example, error, warn, info, debug, or trace.

Default: info

file: enabled

Determines if messages are written to a log file. If enabled (set to true), messages are logged to a file (CSA_HOME/portal/logs/mpp.log). If disabled (set to false), messages are not logged to a file.

Default: true

file: level

The level of logging. For example, error, warn, info, debug, or trace.

Default: info

file: maxSizeMB

The maximum size to which the log file can grow, in megabytes, before it is archived.

Default: 10

file: maxFile

The maximum number of archived log files.

Default: 10

cef: enabled

If the Marketplace Portal logging has been integrated with ArcSight Logger, determines if log events are sent and stored in ArcSight Logger. If enabled (set to true), log events are sent and stored in ArcSight Logger. If disabled (set to false), log events are not sent and stored in ArcSight Logger.

For information about CSA and ArcSight Logger integration, see the Integration with ArcSight Logger technical white paper.

Default: false

cef: host

The hostname of the system on which the ArcSight Logger is installed.

Default: localhost

cef: port

The port used to connect to the system on which the ArcSight Logger is installed.

Default: 9876

cef: level

The level of logging. For example, error, warn, info, or debug.

Default: warn


Proxy Attributes

These attributes are used to configure proxy settings for the Marketplace Portal.

Attribute Description

Determines if a proxy (an alternate URL using a different port and context path) is used to access the Marketplace Portal (for example, you may need to use a proxy, such as http://localhost:8090/mpp instead of http://localhost:8089, when the Marketplace Portal is integrated with a single sign-on solution). If enabled (set to true), the Marketplace Portal uses a proxy. If enabled, you must update the returnUrl attribute to use the proxy for the Identity Management component (this attribute is also located in the mpp.json file).

If disabled (set to false), the Marketplace Portal does not use a proxy.

Default: false


The port used for proxying.

Default: 8090


The mount path to which the Marketplace Portal is forwarded.

Default: /mpp