Administer > Configure CSA > Configure Password Migration Tool

Password Migration Tool

Password Migration tool helps the user to change the passphrase for the key file and re-encrypt the passwords using new key file.

Following are the pre-requisites to configure Password Migration tool:

  • Note that the default encryption folder location is: /var/vols/itom/hcm/shared/encryption and the Password Migration tool directory is : /var/vols/itom/hcm/csa/tools/PasswordMigrationTool.
  • Create the directory named old under encryption directory.
  • Copy all the content from encryption to old directory.
  • Retain file and bin.created file in encryption directory and remove the other files (mainly KEK files).
Do not delete bin.created file under the encryption directory. This leads to regeneration of new bin and the old bin will be lost. You cannot recover passwords which are stored in the DB.
There is no backup for encryption content and hence use the content appropriately.
bin.created file must be deleted only when a passphrase is changed.

Configuring Password Migration Tool

  1. By default,<DBtype> is available.

    If<DBtype> is not available, generate the properties using -g option.

    Refer to the table below for values in the file:


    The jdbc driver class.


    Oracle: jdbc.driverClassName=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
    MS SQL: jdbc.driverClassName=net.sourceforge.jtds.jdbc.Driver
    PostgreSQL: jdbc.driverClassName=org.postgresql.Driver


    The classname that allows JDBC to generate optimized SQL for a particular database.


    Oracle: jdbc.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.OracleDialect
    MS SQL: jdbc.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServerDialect
    PostgreSQL: jdbc.dialect=org.hibernate.dialect.PostgreSQLDialect


    The jdbc URL. When specifying an IPv6 address, it must be enclosed in square brackets.


    Oracle (TLS not enabled): jdbc.databaseUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//

    Oracle (TLS not enabled, using an IPv6 address): jdbc.databaseUrl=jdbc:oracle:thin:@//[f000:253c::9c10:b4b4]:1521/XE


    The user name of the database user you configured for CSA after installing the database.

    jdbc.password The password for the database user.
    Note that the password must be in plain text format.
    idmConfig.Url The system on which CSA is installed.. This must have FQDN.
    csa.Url This is the CSA URL. This must have FQDN.

    The user used to authenticate legacy REST API calls.

    Example: csaTransportUser
    securityTransportPassword The password for the user used to authenticate legacy REST API calls. This password must be in plain text format.

    The user name to authenticate with Identity Management component.

    Example: idmTransportUser

    securityIdmTransportUserPassword The password to authenticate with Identity Management component. This password must be in plain text format.

    List of comma separated files which contains passwords and need to be re-encrypted with new key file.

    Example: /var/vols/itom/hcm/shared/tools/DBPurgeTool/,

    from.key.profile Profile name of from/current key.
    Example: shared

    Path of the new profile (directory which has the key and configuration files, by default only file will be retained)



    path of the current/from profile (directory which has the key and configuration files).

    Example: shared


    Profile name of new key.

    Example: shared

  2. The following values :
    securityAdminUser=admin and securityAdminPassword=cloud are the hidden properties which can be used to run the tool in silent mode (this will not prompt for authentication during run time).

  3. Open and edit “From_” and “To_” lines with desired inputs as shown below:

    From_” refers to the password algorithm used in current CSA setup.

    To_” refers to password algorithm to which the migration is completed.

    Legacy to shared

  4. Input files which need to be re-encrypted must be comma separated.

  5. When you do not want to generate passphrase and want to use your passphare, set Random passphrase as diabled (generate.random.passphrase=false).

    To generate your passphare, you need to have a 16 alphanumeric password. (minimum of one lower case, one upper case, and one digit).
  6. Run java -jar password-migration-tool-standalone.jar [-c<DBType>].

    NOTE: If you rename your<DBtype> to then -c option is not required.
    The tool generates migrate directory at: /var/vols/itom/hcm/shared/csa/encryption. This directory will be further referred by the IDMInstaller tool.